NASS: Redefining The Status Of Workforce For Optimum Performance | News Proof



NASS: Redefining The Status Of Workforce For Optimum Performance

By Abubakar Yusuf 

The National Assembly management under the leadership of Sani Magaji Tambawal as Clerk to the National Assembly (CNA) has concluded efforts to professionalise some perceived temporary workers of Assembly whose terms of engagement expires every four years of the life of the National Assembly members.

More than two and half decades since the return to the current democratic dispensation in 1999 , the process remain the same as some lawmakers who had the opportunity of ranking advantage embarked on recircling or changing the legislative aides on termly basis , providing a gloomy future for staffers on legislative aides status.

Worried by this development, the leadership of the National Assembly management and National Assembly Service Commission NASC jointly under the leadership of Sani Magaji Tambawal and Engr Ahmed Kadi Amshi FNSE had embarked on long term efforts not to only change their status to professional, but ensure a permanent status for them .

Aside the statutory four years expected to be spent by legislative aides, some lawmakers had embarked on sacking and outright dismissal of legislative aides almost on a yearly basis, hence creating an atmosphere of engagement of non- professional to man the activities of lawmakers and the National Assembly.

The increasing need to professionalise the National Assembly workers particularly the legislative aides working directly with lawmakers became imperative, as the management of the National Assembly embarked on foundation efforts in August last year, 2023 to move the status from the temporary and statutory four year term , but professionals who will be readily available for engagement with the retinue of experiences, exposures and training.

What it means , that as a professional, the National Assembly members through the National Assembly management and National Assembly Service Commission NASC will ensured the professionals and experienced ones will be a corrolary for subsequent employment and engagement by federal lawmakers,  both at the House of Representatives and Senate, bringing to an end an era of engagement of all tom , dick and harry to the National Assembly.

The positive development will enable temporary staff known as legislative aides, transform from temporary status to career paths, serving our their terms as staffers of federal lawmakers.

In this vein, the National Assembly management under Sani Magaji Tambawal as Clerk to the National Assembly CNA, did not only initiate the bold moves , but had trained about 3,500 legislative aides, the 9th batch in it's series in the last one year .

In line with the vision and mission, the new development will be able to equip aides with essential skills and knowledge that will assist the lawmakers in their statutory functions and the National Assembly.

It was also capable of fostering a permanent roles within the National Assembly having migrated from the temporary to permanent through professionalism, so as to play a vital roles towards nation's development.

Through Education, the democratic principles will be reinforced, and payment of entitlements, and also enhanced quality of services to Nigerians, as well strengthen capabilities, roles in governance, pave way for more legislative system in the country .

With the new order that will encourage professionalism in the National Assembly circle, no doubt, the legislative arm was capable of rolling out quality laws, improved plenary sessions, robust oversights among many other of its activities.

The initiatives powered under the laudable leadership of the Clerk to the National Assembly, (CNA) Sani Magaji Tambawal will Improve performance, avoid pitfalls and robust legislation.

Abubakar Yusuf Writes from Abuja on [email protected].

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