Ortom Lacks Moral Onions To Make Inciting Statements Against Governor Hyacinth Alia: A Call And Time For Samuel Ortom To Provide Proofs Of His Accumulated Defamatory Allegations Against Rev. Fr. Alia | News Proof



Ortom Lacks Moral Onions To Make Inciting Statements Against Governor Hyacinth Alia: A Call And Time For Samuel Ortom To Provide Proofs Of His Accumulated Defamatory Allegations Against Rev. Fr. Alia

On the 3rd of January,2025, I read a post by Mr. Terver Akase who supposedly writes on behalf of Samuel Ortom. 

In the said write up,Ortom through Mr Terver Akase was cited to have referred to Governor Hyacinth Iormem Alia as “unnecessarily heating up the political atmosphere in Benue State.Wherein Mr. Terver Akase stated as thus:

“ His Excellency wishes to advice his” predecessor”(which later corrected to successor after his grammatical error was identified by me) to take chill pill and refrain from unnecessarily heating up the political atmosphere”(Samuel Ortom,3rd January,2025)

Let it be noted by Mr. Terver Akase and Samuel Ortom that they both lack the moral and political onions to rise up against Governor Hyacinth Alia with deliberate incitements and negative mobilization. 

The issues raised by  Mr. Tersoo Kula against Samuel Ortom and the failure of the Ortom Administration on the lives and existence of the good people of Benue State are issues that are in the public domain as recorded by history, time and minds of the people and too early to be forgotten or swept under the carpet because of Ortom’s sudden unholy alliance with the SGF, who is not even in the same party with the SGF ,and who at different points and times did everything possible to place the SGF in a position of political humiliation and near extinction. It is instructive for Samuel Ortom to note that in the whole of this regrettable matrix, Governor Hyacinth Alia was not and wouldn’t have part and parcel of his shenenigan. 

I find it repulsive that Samuel Ortom whose administration recorded the most calamitous dividends of an irresponsible government with unexplained recorded failures in infrastructural projects, insecurity, non payment of salaries to the public sector led economy of the state, high financial recklessness and squandermania,gross decapitalization of the state resources into private hands and lack of respect for human dignity would rise up from the corners of evil to describe Governor Hyacinth Alia as causing unnecessary heat in the political atmosphere??? What can be worse than the fresh wounds of the iniquities,nefariousness and obscenity of the Ortom Administration on the lives of the people of Benue in the recent past,least of all political tension?? 

We cannot be talking of peace in APC in Benue State, when Samuel Ortom in PDP, who sponsored and carried out and is still carrying out all manner of campaigns of calumny and court cases against the APC and Rev. Fr. Alia in Benue State,is seen today with the SGF and even allowed to be making inciting public speeches against an APC Governor,in person of Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia in Benue State. 

We challenge Samuel Ortom to provide evidence of Governor Hyacinth Alia’s involvement in creating political tension in Benue State, including the recorded defamatory video of Ortom describing Fr. Alia as a 419er, a married man, etc.We seek evidence of these allegations by Samuel Ortom or we would seek legal means to compel him to provide such evidence. 

One fundamental truth for the records is that ,the Benue people who voted Governor Hyacinth Alia,voted him on the strength of their personal convictions in the charismatic prowess and sagacity of the Catholic Priest in whom they wanted  an all round translation of it of Godly calling an ordained servant of God into a political leadership that sees the governance of people beyond selfishness,personal aggrandizement and political enslavement of the masses. To this effect, and as far Governor Alia   has consistently continued to address the ever emerging challenges of the good people of his state, the people will not go astray by sheer conspiracies of evil men! 

Meanwhile,we wish to assure all political evil conspirators that Governor Hyacinth Alia occupies a constitutional mandate to govern the good people of Benue State,anyone or group of persons who may wish to work against this constitutional mandate, will certainly not be spared of the ample  legal and statutory measures of state -response in curtailing such excessses. 

Dr. Mkor Aondona Donatus 

Special Adviser to the Executive Governor of Benue State on Research,Documentation and Strategy

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