Achike Onwuazo - News Proof

Achike Onwuazo

This Photo of Rev. Father Carrying Rifle In Church Has Got Everybody Talking On Social Media

In a shocking dramatic manner, a photo of an unnamed certain Reverend Father carrying a rifle in a church has gone viral on social. The photo which was posted by a facebook user named Achike Onwuazo shows the clergyman dressed in a purple-and-...

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Showing posts with label Achike Onwuazo. Show all posts

This Photo of Rev. Father Carrying Rifle In Church Has Got Everybody Talking On Social Media

In a shocking dramatic manner, a photo of an unnamed certain Reverend Father carrying a rifle in a church has gone viral on social.

The photo which was posted by a facebook user named Achike Onwuazo shows the clergyman dressed in a purple-and-white cassock with a rifle cradled in his arms . 

The photo was apparently taken in a church.

He appeared to have posed for the camera, maintaining a sombre mien, close to an altar bedecked in white and purple clothes and a pair of glasses sitting on it.

In the post, Onwuazo alluded to the priest’s readiness against any Boko Haram or herdsmen attack.

Onwuazo wrote, “Carry go, my blessed Rev. Father. He who is surrounded by his enemies (Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram) is always alert.

“That’s the latest way forward.”


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