Adeboye obasanjo - News Proof



Adeboye obasanjo

ARMY Promotes Obasanjo's Son, 226 others; See Full List

The Nigerian Army Council has approved the promotion of no fewer than 227 officers. Among those promoted are Adeboye Obasanjo, son of ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo, and its spokesman, Sani Usman, Premium Times reports. Details of a memo, d...

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Showing posts with label Adeboye obasanjo. Show all posts

ARMY Promotes Obasanjo's Son, 226 others; See Full List

ARMY Promotes Obasanjo's Son, 226 others
The Nigerian Army Council has approved the promotion of no fewer than 227 officers.

Among those promoted are Adeboye Obasanjo, son of ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo, and its spokesman, Sani Usman, Premium Times reports.

Details of a memo, dated December 9, 2016, showed that the promotion will take effect from as far back as March 2014 for some officers and as recent as December 2016 for many others.

The promotion comes three years after the decoration of 102 officers by the Goodluck Jonathan administration.

The officers were considered for promotion by the Army Council in strict compliance with the provisions of the Armed Forces Act.

In the latest rounds, Chukwunedum Abraham, the general officer commanding of the Nigerian Army 2nd Division in Ibadan and 20 other officers were promoted to the position of Major-General.

Ninety-three were elevated to the rank of Brigadier-General, including Sani Usman, the spokesman for the army, whose promotion from the rank of colonel took effect from September 5, 2016.

Obasanjo’s son and 112 others were promoted from the position of a lieutenant colonel to colonels. His promotion which is effective August 27, 2016, came two years after he sustained serious injuries in a shootout with Boko Haram insurgents in Adamawa state.

ARMY Promotes Obasanjo's Son, 226 others

Premium Times


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