Aishatu Tukur Buratai - News Proof



Aishatu Tukur Buratai

Showing posts with label Aishatu Tukur Buratai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aishatu Tukur Buratai. Show all posts

Who wants Boko Haram Terrorists back? By Philip Agbese

Who wants Boko Haram Terrorists back? By Philip Agbese

Boko Haram
"WE must keep the promise to our nation! We must make a difference!" COAS Lt. Gen. TY Buratai - 14 July 2015 

Since the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt Gen Tukur Buratai first made the assertion over one year ago that "We must keep the promise to our nation! We must make a difference!", the Nigerian Army, which he leads, has gone on to demonstrate a capacity to keep promises. Part of the promise was to free the nation from the terror being unleashed by Boko Haram terrorists. 

In a matter of months after that promise was made, President Muhammadu Buhari confirmed that Boko Haram has been technically defeated. The group has been degraded to a point where it fighters were no longer able to invade towns and villages with impunity. Their suicide bombings have been starved off and rarely occurs outside of the north-east. The ranting by its leaders, which were once directed at the state, institutions and officials are finding new targets among the group's own ranks as it fights to contain in-house wranglings among its factions that were previously not in existence. 

Just a few hours ago, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that night markets are resurfacing in Maiduguri, the Borno state capital some three years after they shut down at the peak of Boko Haram's terror activities. Those who will however not want to see peace return were quick to surface stories to scare the populace back into hiding. Headlines like "83 Soldiers Missing" were soon trended online to drown any positive reactions to the Maiduguri story. There have been others like "Soldiers have not been paid some of their allowances" and "Boko Haram launches flags in some villages", which all turned out to be lies. 

This is fast becoming a wack a mole game. Once there are reports showing the military has made progress, a few platforms come up with stories that suggest the opposite even when all they could come up with will be conjectures. 

It must not be forgotten that when Boko Haram terrorists were running amok in the northern parts of the country, Nigerians, through social media tended to hear of the bomb blasts before any journalists gets to the scene. The reports that came from legacy media organizations were usually in the form of follow up reports. This should prompt people to now ask how come the stuff of social media make it to the sacred spaces of traditional media without the benefit of follow up that would have shed the much needed light on the reported incidents. 

The cyberspace has been similarly inundated with stories that tend to portray Boko Haram terrorists as having resurged to the pre-2016 level. The strategy of those behind this mischief is to run such stories and then use shadowy accounts to follow with anti-government comments that give the incentive to the terrorists. The comments are possibly being primed to be in turn used as justification for spinning out more anti-military stories that will allude to troops losing the trust of Nigerians. The possibility of such strategy succeeding is dependent of how much leash citizens give to it. 

Here is where Nigerians must ask themselves critical questions. Who are the beneficiaries of the peace brought upon the land by the military operations that routed Boko Haram terrorists? Who wants Boko Haram to regain a foothold in the country? Who are the people behind the clang about the terrorists being back in control? What do the pro-Boko Haram commentators stand to gain? Why is that in spite of the attempt to resurrect Boko Haram through media hype the stories have simply refused to fly with conscientious Nigerians? 

Nigerians, all of us without exception are the beneficiaries of the degrading of Boko Haram. Had the terror group sustained its once certain and steady march towards the Atlantic Ocean many of those castigating the military today would have possibly become displaced persons. The terror group would have possibly bombed the still prosperous cities in other parts of the country back into the stone age. There possibly would be no internet connectivity for some of the online warriors to read this piece or be able to react to it. 

The knowledge of this on one hand is responsible for why Nigerians have refused to accept the fictions being put together about Boko Haram being back at full strength. This does not mean that the desert and scrubland of the north-east Nigeria are totally devoid of drugged up armed thugs that want to continue an insurrection that has already ended. The psychopaths among the remnants of the terrorists are not just going to go down without attempting some spectacular stunts. It will run contrary to their violent nature to accept the reality of their defeat in hands of a professional army. But their wild shot that hit soft target should by no means be celebrated. 

When General Buratai gave his now famous charge in 2015 it seemed he was speaking to the officers and men of the Nigerian Army. The realities have now taught us differently. It is a charge that has proven relevant to other services in the military. It extends to all of us as citizens of Nigeria. We must keep the promise to our nation. We must make a difference. And these we can do by not discussing or conjuring a defeated terror group back into existence. 

The attempt to revive the group by creating stories of invincibility around its fighters might be failing but there is the additional action required from Nigerians. It is not enough to dismiss the exaggerated stories with the beffiting silence they deserve. There is now the added task of telling off those promoting such stories. They need to know that they cannot cow the populace with intellectual terrorism where their bombs have failed and their guns fell silent without denting the Nigerian spirit in them. 

The Nigerian Army must on its part advance the fight against the terrorists to the next phase. It has defeated Boko Haram on the war front; it defeated the group's intellectual wing in the cyberspace; and it has dismantled the terrorists' outsourced propaganda machine. General Buratai should now move to the phase of cleansing the psyche of Nigerians of Boko Haram's corrupting influence as the comments on some of these false exploit by the terrorists clearly indicate that there are a few people that now romanticize about the evil they have perpetrated.

Agbese contributed this piece from the United Kingdom.

Boko Haram
"WE must keep the promise to our nation! We must make a difference!" COAS Lt. Gen. TY Buratai - 14 July 2015 

Since the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt Gen Tukur Buratai first made the assertion over one year ago that "We must keep the promise to our nation! We must make a difference!", the Nigerian Army, which he leads, has gone on to demonstrate a capacity to keep promises. Part of the promise was to free the nation from the terror being unleashed by Boko Haram terrorists. 

In a matter of months after that promise was made, President Muhammadu Buhari confirmed that Boko Haram has been technically defeated. The group has been degraded to a point where it fighters were no longer able to invade towns and villages with impunity. Their suicide bombings have been starved off and rarely occurs outside of the north-east. The ranting by its leaders, which were once directed at the state, institutions and officials are finding new targets among the group's own ranks as it fights to contain in-house wranglings among its factions that were previously not in existence. 

Just a few hours ago, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that night markets are resurfacing in Maiduguri, the Borno state capital some three years after they shut down at the peak of Boko Haram's terror activities. Those who will however not want to see peace return were quick to surface stories to scare the populace back into hiding. Headlines like "83 Soldiers Missing" were soon trended online to drown any positive reactions to the Maiduguri story. There have been others like "Soldiers have not been paid some of their allowances" and "Boko Haram launches flags in some villages", which all turned out to be lies. 

This is fast becoming a wack a mole game. Once there are reports showing the military has made progress, a few platforms come up with stories that suggest the opposite even when all they could come up with will be conjectures. 

It must not be forgotten that when Boko Haram terrorists were running amok in the northern parts of the country, Nigerians, through social media tended to hear of the bomb blasts before any journalists gets to the scene. The reports that came from legacy media organizations were usually in the form of follow up reports. This should prompt people to now ask how come the stuff of social media make it to the sacred spaces of traditional media without the benefit of follow up that would have shed the much needed light on the reported incidents. 

The cyberspace has been similarly inundated with stories that tend to portray Boko Haram terrorists as having resurged to the pre-2016 level. The strategy of those behind this mischief is to run such stories and then use shadowy accounts to follow with anti-government comments that give the incentive to the terrorists. The comments are possibly being primed to be in turn used as justification for spinning out more anti-military stories that will allude to troops losing the trust of Nigerians. The possibility of such strategy succeeding is dependent of how much leash citizens give to it. 

Here is where Nigerians must ask themselves critical questions. Who are the beneficiaries of the peace brought upon the land by the military operations that routed Boko Haram terrorists? Who wants Boko Haram to regain a foothold in the country? Who are the people behind the clang about the terrorists being back in control? What do the pro-Boko Haram commentators stand to gain? Why is that in spite of the attempt to resurrect Boko Haram through media hype the stories have simply refused to fly with conscientious Nigerians? 

Nigerians, all of us without exception are the beneficiaries of the degrading of Boko Haram. Had the terror group sustained its once certain and steady march towards the Atlantic Ocean many of those castigating the military today would have possibly become displaced persons. The terror group would have possibly bombed the still prosperous cities in other parts of the country back into the stone age. There possibly would be no internet connectivity for some of the online warriors to read this piece or be able to react to it. 

The knowledge of this on one hand is responsible for why Nigerians have refused to accept the fictions being put together about Boko Haram being back at full strength. This does not mean that the desert and scrubland of the north-east Nigeria are totally devoid of drugged up armed thugs that want to continue an insurrection that has already ended. The psychopaths among the remnants of the terrorists are not just going to go down without attempting some spectacular stunts. It will run contrary to their violent nature to accept the reality of their defeat in hands of a professional army. But their wild shot that hit soft target should by no means be celebrated. 

When General Buratai gave his now famous charge in 2015 it seemed he was speaking to the officers and men of the Nigerian Army. The realities have now taught us differently. It is a charge that has proven relevant to other services in the military. It extends to all of us as citizens of Nigeria. We must keep the promise to our nation. We must make a difference. And these we can do by not discussing or conjuring a defeated terror group back into existence. 

The attempt to revive the group by creating stories of invincibility around its fighters might be failing but there is the additional action required from Nigerians. It is not enough to dismiss the exaggerated stories with the beffiting silence they deserve. There is now the added task of telling off those promoting such stories. They need to know that they cannot cow the populace with intellectual terrorism where their bombs have failed and their guns fell silent without denting the Nigerian spirit in them. 

The Nigerian Army must on its part advance the fight against the terrorists to the next phase. It has defeated Boko Haram on the war front; it defeated the group's intellectual wing in the cyberspace; and it has dismantled the terrorists' outsourced propaganda machine. General Buratai should now move to the phase of cleansing the psyche of Nigerians of Boko Haram's corrupting influence as the comments on some of these false exploit by the terrorists clearly indicate that there are a few people that now romanticize about the evil they have perpetrated.

Agbese contributed this piece from the United Kingdom.

EXPOSED: Buhari's Army Chief, Gen. Buratai, 2 Wives Own Dubai Property, Hefty Bank Account

EXPOSED: Buhari's Army Chief, Gen. Buratai, 2 Wives Own Dubai Property, Hefty Bank Account

Sahara Reporters - Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Tukur Buratai, and his two wives are joint owners of a Dubai property that was paid for in one transaction. Investigations by SaharaReporters indicated that the money for the purchase of the property may have come from a vehicle contract scam while Mr. Buratai was the Director of Procurement at the Army HQ. Our correspondents discovered that the Nigerian Army had awarded an apparently bogus contract for the supply of vehicles and motorcycles for the use of troops involved in an anti-terrorism offensive in Nigeria’s beleaguered northeastern zone. 

The allegation that General Buratai might have pilfered funds meant for the purchase of military vehicles has sparked outrage among soldiers and officers, especially those from the northeast part of the country. Two military sources disclosed that irate officers had petitioned President Muhammadu Buhari, urging him to order an investigation into the contract scam.

Passport of General Buratai's second wife Photo Credit: Sahara Reporters
Passport of General Buratai's second wife Photo Credit: Sahara Reporters
 In the petition, exclusively obtained by SaharaReporters, the aggrieved soldiers and officers, under the umbrella of Concerned Soldiers and Officers From the North East, accused the COAS of executing the contract through a proxy of his. According to the petitioners, the proxy's name is Usman Gamawa, founder of Baggash Investment Limited. 

The petition stated that, rather than supply new vehicles as the contract demanded, Mr. Baggash purchased second-hand vehicles and motorcycles from Niger Republic. On arrival in Nigeria, the vehicles were then refurbished at Mogadishu Cantonment under the supervision of Staff Sergeant Dadan Garba. SaharaReporters learned that some of the vehicles and motorcycles had since broken down.

Passport of General Buratai's second wife
Passport of General Buratai's second wife Photo Credit: Sahara Reporters
“If President Buhari can give service chiefs enough money to buy equipment, why are they buying old ones?” asked the petitioners, who added that General Buratai was exposing troops to grave danger and undermining the war against Boko Haram terrorists.

The disaffected soldiers and officers alleged that the property the COAS and his wives acquired in Dubai was bought from a company, SIGMA 111 Limited. They attached a document showing the purchase agreement. According to the document, General Buratai and his wives had, on January 13, 2013, reached an agreement with the seller for the purchase of the property, Project TFG Marina Hotel, Unit 2711. The asking price was AED 1,542,000.00 (or $419,826.06 or N120m). They alleged that General Buratai paid a total sum of AED 1,498, 534.00 (N115.6m) because the sellers gave concessions of AED 43,466, made up of “incentives, promotions, and early payment bonus.”

Passport of General Buratai's second wife Photo Credit: Sahara Reporters
Credit: Sahara Reporters
The agreement indicating full payment for the house and the handing over of ownership to the Buratais was signed on January 13, 2014. The document identified the COAS as “Mr. Tukur Yusuf Buratai, holder of passport No. A04250623.” The general’s wives were identified as Mrs. Aishatu Tukur Buratai, holder of passport No. A03400260, and Mrs. Umar Kalsum Tukur Buratai, holder of passport No. A03239920.

The petitioners further claimed that, since his appointment as COAS last July, General Buratai had been making numerous hefty deposits in his various bank accounts. For example, his Skye Bank account (1770380452) received a deposit of N10 million on July 24, 2015. On August 7, 2015, another N10 million was paid into the same account. Three days later, the account was credited with yet another sum of N10 million. On August 11 and 17,  N4 million and N3, 270,000 were credited to the account respectively.

SaharaReporters contacted the owner of the phone number on the Skye Bank Lodgement Voucher which was found to belong to a Major Adegbola, according to TrueCaller. Mr. Adegbola confirmed to our correspondent that he was "Major Adegbola" by saying "correct" but denied knowing Mr. Buratai and later said that his name was actually Joshua. Sources speaking to SaharaReporter said that the number on the voucher was of Mr. Buratai's middleman.

Contacted by our correspondent, an aide of General Buratai admitted that the general owned a house in Dubai, but denied the allegation that the COAS and his wives had purchased a home in Dubai by making a single payment. “Please know that the allegation on the Chief of Army Staff and members of his family owning a property in Dubai is an old one. It is a fact that the family bought such property through personal savings and [it] was paid for instalmentally since 2013. It may interest you to know that this petition is not new because there was [a] similar allegation in March this year, [but] it could not see the light of the day because there was no substance in it,” said the source. 

General Buratai’s spokesman added that some human rights organizations and well-meaning individuals confirmed that information about his property in Dubai was in the general’s assets declaration form. “The mentioned assets were always declared in his asset declaration forms as Commander MNJTF and the most recent one was when he was appointed  Chief of Army Staff in July 2015,” the aide stated.

He added: “As regards to the contractor, the Chief of Army Staff has nothing to do with it. But when it came to his knowledge, he instituted a commission of inquiry, which investigated it and made far-reaching recommendations which were being implemented.” He said the inquiry found out that the vehicles were not refurbished.

Credit: Sahara Reporters

Sahara Reporters - Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Tukur Buratai, and his two wives are joint owners of a Dubai property that was paid for in one transaction. Investigations by SaharaReporters indicated that the money for the purchase of the property may have come from a vehicle contract scam while Mr. Buratai was the Director of Procurement at the Army HQ. Our correspondents discovered that the Nigerian Army had awarded an apparently bogus contract for the supply of vehicles and motorcycles for the use of troops involved in an anti-terrorism offensive in Nigeria’s beleaguered northeastern zone. 

The allegation that General Buratai might have pilfered funds meant for the purchase of military vehicles has sparked outrage among soldiers and officers, especially those from the northeast part of the country. Two military sources disclosed that irate officers had petitioned President Muhammadu Buhari, urging him to order an investigation into the contract scam.

Passport of General Buratai's second wife Photo Credit: Sahara Reporters
Passport of General Buratai's second wife Photo Credit: Sahara Reporters
 In the petition, exclusively obtained by SaharaReporters, the aggrieved soldiers and officers, under the umbrella of Concerned Soldiers and Officers From the North East, accused the COAS of executing the contract through a proxy of his. According to the petitioners, the proxy's name is Usman Gamawa, founder of Baggash Investment Limited. 

The petition stated that, rather than supply new vehicles as the contract demanded, Mr. Baggash purchased second-hand vehicles and motorcycles from Niger Republic. On arrival in Nigeria, the vehicles were then refurbished at Mogadishu Cantonment under the supervision of Staff Sergeant Dadan Garba. SaharaReporters learned that some of the vehicles and motorcycles had since broken down.

Passport of General Buratai's second wife
Passport of General Buratai's second wife Photo Credit: Sahara Reporters
“If President Buhari can give service chiefs enough money to buy equipment, why are they buying old ones?” asked the petitioners, who added that General Buratai was exposing troops to grave danger and undermining the war against Boko Haram terrorists.

The disaffected soldiers and officers alleged that the property the COAS and his wives acquired in Dubai was bought from a company, SIGMA 111 Limited. They attached a document showing the purchase agreement. According to the document, General Buratai and his wives had, on January 13, 2013, reached an agreement with the seller for the purchase of the property, Project TFG Marina Hotel, Unit 2711. The asking price was AED 1,542,000.00 (or $419,826.06 or N120m). They alleged that General Buratai paid a total sum of AED 1,498, 534.00 (N115.6m) because the sellers gave concessions of AED 43,466, made up of “incentives, promotions, and early payment bonus.”

Passport of General Buratai's second wife Photo Credit: Sahara Reporters
Credit: Sahara Reporters
The agreement indicating full payment for the house and the handing over of ownership to the Buratais was signed on January 13, 2014. The document identified the COAS as “Mr. Tukur Yusuf Buratai, holder of passport No. A04250623.” The general’s wives were identified as Mrs. Aishatu Tukur Buratai, holder of passport No. A03400260, and Mrs. Umar Kalsum Tukur Buratai, holder of passport No. A03239920.

The petitioners further claimed that, since his appointment as COAS last July, General Buratai had been making numerous hefty deposits in his various bank accounts. For example, his Skye Bank account (1770380452) received a deposit of N10 million on July 24, 2015. On August 7, 2015, another N10 million was paid into the same account. Three days later, the account was credited with yet another sum of N10 million. On August 11 and 17,  N4 million and N3, 270,000 were credited to the account respectively.

SaharaReporters contacted the owner of the phone number on the Skye Bank Lodgement Voucher which was found to belong to a Major Adegbola, according to TrueCaller. Mr. Adegbola confirmed to our correspondent that he was "Major Adegbola" by saying "correct" but denied knowing Mr. Buratai and later said that his name was actually Joshua. Sources speaking to SaharaReporter said that the number on the voucher was of Mr. Buratai's middleman.

Contacted by our correspondent, an aide of General Buratai admitted that the general owned a house in Dubai, but denied the allegation that the COAS and his wives had purchased a home in Dubai by making a single payment. “Please know that the allegation on the Chief of Army Staff and members of his family owning a property in Dubai is an old one. It is a fact that the family bought such property through personal savings and [it] was paid for instalmentally since 2013. It may interest you to know that this petition is not new because there was [a] similar allegation in March this year, [but] it could not see the light of the day because there was no substance in it,” said the source. 

General Buratai’s spokesman added that some human rights organizations and well-meaning individuals confirmed that information about his property in Dubai was in the general’s assets declaration form. “The mentioned assets were always declared in his asset declaration forms as Commander MNJTF and the most recent one was when he was appointed  Chief of Army Staff in July 2015,” the aide stated.

He added: “As regards to the contractor, the Chief of Army Staff has nothing to do with it. But when it came to his knowledge, he instituted a commission of inquiry, which investigated it and made far-reaching recommendations which were being implemented.” He said the inquiry found out that the vehicles were not refurbished.

Credit: Sahara Reporters



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