Boko Haram Terrorists - News Proof

Boko Haram Terrorists

Abubakar Shekau: Surrender Now, Terrorism Is Over, By Israel Abiodun

I have come to identify history, as a phenomenon which replicates itself in other parts of the world. Sambisa Forest in Nigeria’s Northeast and its Camp Zero, Boko Haram Terrorists (BHTs) most fortified enclave in Borno state, strikes some sembla...

The Distasteful and Unpatriotic Campaigns for Boko Haram terrorists, By Abubakar Suleiman

In the last couple of days, patriotic Nigerians have noticed the unpatriotic and distasteful campaigns by some masked forces and unscrupulous elements within and outside Nigeria in favour of the Islamic outlaws, Boko Haram Terrorists (BHTs). The ...

Showing posts with label Boko Haram Terrorists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boko Haram Terrorists. Show all posts

Abubakar Shekau: Surrender Now, Terrorism Is Over, By Israel Abiodun

Abubakar Shekau
I have come to identify history, as a phenomenon which replicates itself in other parts of the world. Sambisa Forest in Nigeria’s Northeast and its Camp Zero, Boko Haram Terrorists (BHTs) most fortified enclave in Borno state, strikes some semblance with the famed Berlin Bunker (Führerbunker) of the defeated Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler who ignited the senseless World War II. Hitler retreated into it for protection against air-raids when it became obvious his military might could not withstand the venom of Allied Forces against him.

I saw a replication of history, when the current incarnation of BHTs factional leader, Abubakar Shekau, retreated into Sambisa Forest and took refuge in its innermost sanctuary, Camp Zero in the face of ceaseless firepower from Nigerian troops. It also reminded me of the jitters that gripped Hitler in January of 1945 when his Nazi regime’s failing military campaigns lost steam and unable to withstand the Allied Forces that moved ferociously against his empire.

History tells us Hitler relocated into the underground cave of the bunker with most of his henchmen. The Berlin Bunker, a thick-walled massive structure, about 50 feet underground, beneath the chancellery and designed as a protective shield from the air-raids of Allied Forces, was a luxurious island unto itself with everything a man needed inside it. Yet, it was demystified by Allied Forces and the famed Hitler killed himself rather being captured alive, when he knew the criminality against humanity could not be sustained.

These images compellingly strike one as being replicas of Abubakar Shekau’s Camp Zero in Sambisa Forest. I can still imagine embattled terrorists murmuring in hushed, suppressed tones, phrases like, “the enemies are here! Phew! these bloody infidels. They have entered Sambisa oooh!. Let’s head to Camp Zero! Camp Zero!! Camp Zero is the only option.” I was told that was the scenario, when Nigerian troops, like Allied Forces, barricaded the dreaded Sambisa forest and militarily invaded its dark copses in search of terrorists and their leaders.

I guess, Shekau and his outlaws erroneously thought it is the same tea cup party from a previous era, so his comrades-in-evil attempted to fight back, by opening fire on the army troops. But the feeble counter-attacks soon fizzled out and faded, as soldiers mercilessly descended on terrorists. Dozens were killed in the exchange of gunfire, some captured, others escaped with gunshots wounds and have melted into various cities, communities and villages in Nigeria and neighbouring countries in the frenzy to escape.

The successful military expedition in Sambisa forest marked the end of terrorism and the defeat of Abubakar Shekau, his demonic gang of Islamic jihadists and Boko Haram insurgents. Like himself, residues of his adherents have no more shelter or a fortress that served as bulwark against soldiers and a place that afforded terrorists the luxury of retreating to hide and plotting fresh attacks on innocent Nigerians. For me, no blow to a rebellion can be as painful and fatal as this.

I restrain myself from mocking Abubakar Shekau for the pitiable mess he has found himelf in after these serial misfortunes. But that’s the difference between me and him. He can only hunger and thirst for my passion of love for humanity and sanctity of human life; while in contrast, Shekau is a soulless breed of a devil incarnate and blood spiller, whose end was foretold since July 2015.

Since President Muhammedu Buhari (PMB) ascended the throne as Nigeria’s President and re-structured/re-organized the Nigerian military, BHTs knew no peace. Precisely, the appointment of a dogged fighter, Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai, as the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) with a strict charge to end terrorism in Nigeria, heralded and foreclosed the era of Shekau and the end of terrorism in the country. And from that point, we have only watched on TV and listened to terrorists in Nigeria recount tales of woes.

If other Nigerians are on the same plane of thought with me, I think Abubakar Shekau has become the serial symbol of the misfortunes and the crumbled Boko Haram sect. In the depth of my heart, he should surrender himself to the Nigerian Army and renounce his devilish acts.

And I am convinced on several counts to offer him this sincere, free advice. To begin, most Nigerians, like me, think, apart from the fall of Sambisa forest, his most trusted haven of bulwark against security forces, which excited him so much with the sobriquet “dreaded,” nothing in the senseless Jihadists war Shekau and followers unleashed on Nigerians is anywhere palpable to encourage them to forge on.

Factional leader Shekau, assumed leadership of the satanic jihadists group, after the demise of its founder and pioneer leader Muhammad Yusuf. But since August 2016, he has come under severe leadership tussle and revolt within. We are aware that the sect became more radical in killings and raids, under him when it was a one united bloc.

I noticed that Shekau’s atrocities festered uninterrupted under a complacent and docile government of the pre-May 29, 2015 era. So, he brazenly engaged in massive gruesome acts of bloodbath and arson through detonated bombs. He aggressively recruited young boys and girls in the Northeast, most of whom were brainwashed through charms to accept conscription as agents of death. He openly, through his videos, professed affinity and sponsorship from Iran’s Islamic State (IS) terror linchpins and swore allegiance to it in March 2015. To me, he declared himself, an enemy of Nigeria and passed a death sentence on himself.

But a shocked Shekau woke up to the unpleasant news in August of the same year that his former Public Relations Officer (PRO) Abu Musab al-Barnawi and son of the founder of Boko Haram sect, has been announced as his replacement to head the West African Province of Boko Haram. The news posted on IS Al-Naba online weekly magazine confirmed it.

Al Barnawi immediately took control and asserted the powers of his leadership. Among other things, he pulled off a large chunk of BHTs adherents from the Shekau’s faction. I know Al Barnawi was divinely touched to realize his former boss Shekau mindlessly and repeatedly violated core Islamic principles and creeds in persecuting the Jihad war. Almighty God intervening on our behalf, one would say.

Soon, Shekau emerged on the scene to re-claim his leadership of the Boko Haram sect, declaring himself as still the authentic leader. He branded Al Barnawi as a coup plotter against him, whose group prevented him from communicating with IS leader, Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Oh! This house has fallen.

"I was asked to send my ideology in writing to the caliph but it was manipulated by some people in order to achieve their own selfish interests,” Shekau licked his wounds in lamentation.

I appreciate the Nigeria Army today because I know Shekau and the vestiges of his criminal gangs have no prospects of continuing with their heinous crimes against humanity anymore. Most Boko Haram terrorists or subordinate commanders to Shekau have either been sniffed out of life through battle fields combats or have surrendered and denounced the war. I understand it as an empty house for Shekau.

The few remnants of Boko Haram foot soldiers have gone into hiding and the vigilance and alertness of Nigerian soldiers and the public is rewardingly netting most of them into detention. Shekau himself narrowly escaped capture in Sambisa Forest, as recently revealed by the COAS, Gen. Buratai. The searchlight of Nigerian troops and security surveillance teams is consistently beaming on them in the hideouts.

Joyfully for Nigerians, the end has finally come for Shekau and his followers and terrorists. With no secured fortress to take protective shield; the nightmare of scattered remnants of followers daily arrested; Shekau himself on security surveillance and discarded by IS, the only option left for him, in my estimation, is to bargain for a peaceful surrender.

I have no doubt that Nigerians of all religions and ethno-political mix have come to perceive the ideologies espoused by Shekau’s Boko Haram as inimical to their religious beliefs and a threat to the existence of humanity not just in Nigeria, but the whole world. So, it may interest Shekau to know that he is being haunted by both known and unknown foes and faces world-wide.

No matter how long he hides from forests to caves and countries to countries, it’s rather a prolongation of doomsday because he will eventually be caught. But giving up the fight and surrendering to the Nigerian Army now might invoke some sympathetic considerations for him. It is one of the most formidable options at his disposal. But it is my candid advice that, like Adolf Hitler, if this option does not appease Shekau, he can also commit suicide like Hitler, because no wise rebel leader continues with an apparently failed mission.

Abiodun contributed this piece from Ibadan.

The Distasteful and Unpatriotic Campaigns for Boko Haram terrorists, By Abubakar Suleiman

Boko Haram
In the last couple of days, patriotic Nigerians have noticed the unpatriotic and distasteful campaigns by some masked forces and unscrupulous elements within and outside Nigeria in favour of the Islamic outlaws, Boko Haram Terrorists (BHTs). The cyber space and traditional media hype is revived and craftily moulded to suggest the return of the BHTs in Nigeria’s Northeast zone, proven not to have only been defeated, but decimated to the level of powerlessness to visit mayhem on targets.

One is taken aback by this clear and deliberate propaganda and the conscription of some segments of the media into this devilish plot and treacherous game. More to it, the stampede of Nigerians and the rest of the world with the erroneous belief that sensational news flashes which tend to enforce public perception that BHTs are not just back to the trenches in the liberated communities of the Northeast, but have also overwhelmed the dogged Nigerian soldiers is white lie.

But I am happy about the prior knowledge of the Nigerian army of the fresh antics by terrorists’ internal and external collaborators.’ Months back, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen. Tukur Buratai decried this trend, expressing concern that defeated BHTs and their sponsors have resorted to the cyber space and the media, to give the terror war a new face. The gimmick is designed to frighten Nigerians with preachments on a non-existent potency of a terror sect, already lavishly devoured by the Nigerian military.

A few days earlier, discreditable media reports, with no verifiable attributions overtly lied about BHTs’ ambush of soldiers stationed at Gashigar, in Borno state left scores dead. It also said, the Nigerian army is still searching for the whereabouts of 85 soldiers reportedly missing after the attack from terrorists who had superior fire power.

The carefully concocted lies have continued to be pushed to the public at intervals. Nigerians have been told troops in the battle field have pending or unpaid two months allowances. But none of these BHTs agents write about unpaid salaries because it would easily be confirmed. The same agents disseminate fake news to the effect that the terrorists have re-foisted their flags in some communities in the Northeast, but also fail to name the areas reclaimed by BHTs.

Nigerians are not unmindful of the intent of such propaganda, which is mainly designed to instill the phobia of terror in the minds of Nigerians, rubbish the excellent performance of the Nigerian military in the terror war and discouragingly dampen the spirit of troops fighting insurgency.

I am convinced that Nigerians are not distracted by these hateful campaigns of calumny against Nigerian soldiers and the nation. The records of the performance of the Nigeria military, particularly soldiers who have conquered terrorists and brought respite to afflicted communities cannot be lessened by this abhorrent propaganda by agents of terrorists.

It is important to recount that in the last one year, soldiers under Gen. Buratai have reclaimed 14 LGAs in Nigeria formerly under BHTs occupation; destroyed their demonic insignias; freed over 20, 000 BHTs abductees and terrorists or their collaborators are being massively arrested for prosecution. Soldiers’ played significant roles in the liberty now enjoyed by some captured, but released Chibok girls and ensured almost zero-level incidents of attacks on communities in the Northeast and other mega cities in Nigeria.

Nigerian soldiers have earned accolades and international recognition for these rare acts of gallantry in the warfare on terrorists, as the out-going UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon has lauded President Buhari.

Again, one compelled to stress that the increased military presence in the Northeast; the re-stocking of the Nigerian army and other arms of the Nigerian military and the unyielding spirit of soldiers boosted by prompt payment of salaries and allowances give no room to the freeness of terrorists to operate in the country, as the agents are canvassing in the exaggerative propaganda.

It has been evidently, a harvest of victories against terrorists and despite the economic recession, the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) under President Muhammedu Buhari is not prepared to relent on his pact with Nigerians to end the scourge of insurgency and other malignant acts of terror in parts of the country.

The funding and re-equipping of the Nigerian military with latest arms and ammunitions has been the priority of Buhari’s administration. The support of the international community like the USA and Britain among other nations, with weapons and military intelligence support have fortified Nigerian soldiers enough against any display of sophistry against them by terrorists.

Recently, the Minister of Defence, Brig.-Gen. Mansur Dan-Ali (rtd) disclosed the acquisition of additional war ships by the Nigerian Navy. The COAS, Gen. Buratai in the week just ended inaugurated the newly constructed headquarters of the 331 Artillery Tactical Forward Operation Base (FOB) at Buratai, Biu LGA of Borno to strengthen and fast-track soldiers’ response to threats and any unforeseeable aggression of terrorists.

Nigerian soldiers are rated as one of the best ground soldiers in the world as records have verified this performance in peace keeping operations under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) or ECOMOG in Africa and other embattled countries of the world. We also know that BHTs had a field day against Nigeria and her citizens because the morale of troops in the warfront was dampened because of the poor leadership of the relieved Service Chiefs.

All these shortcomings have been corrected or resolved and Nigerian soldiers are confronting the insurgency professionally and triumphantly. BHTs agents merely wish that Nigeria remain under the spell of terrorists, but it is practically impossible now.

There is no how Nigerian soldiers operating under these sound and supportive conditions would be subdued by terrorists as intoned by their agents, through false propaganda. I join the league of other patriotic Nigerians to say Nigerian citizens need not live under the phobia of terrorism anymore, through the fake illusion of strength and the scare-tricks terrorists’ agents bestow on the outlaws.

The sensational hoopla about the daring exploits of BHTs has no iota of truth and Nigerian soldiers have renewed their vow, now more than ever before, never to allow terrorism flourish in any part of the country. And no unpatriotic scare-monger would intimidate the nation again. Like other Nigerians, we believe in this progress, so it shall be, in the name of God Almighty, Amen!

Suleiman writes from Zaria, Kaduna State


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