CharlyBoy - News Proof


Haba! See What Charlyboy Did To Prominent 2 Nigerian Senators

Charlyboy has officially gotten the support of Senator, Dino Melaye and Ben Murray Bruce for his upcoming 'NJIKO' carnival holding in Imo state at the end of the year. How I Increase My Blokos Size & Stopped Premature Ejaculat...

Showing posts with label CharlyBoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CharlyBoy. Show all posts

Haba! See What Charlyboy Did To Prominent 2 Nigerian Senators

Dino Melaye and Ben Murray Bruce for his upcoming 'NJIKO' carnival
Charlyboy has officially gotten the support of Senator, Dino Melaye and Ben Murray Bruce for his upcoming 'NJIKO' carnival holding in Imo state at the end of the year.

The carnival which is held every year was conceived to awaken the love and passion for Igbo heritage by inviting Nigerians at home and abroad, from all walks of life and those in Diaspora to interact and experience the same in pomp. The carnival is aimed at showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the South East region of Nigeria.

Dino Melaye and Ben Murray Bruce for his upcoming 'NJIKO' carnival


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