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Foreign News

Showing posts with label Foreign News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foreign News. Show all posts

President Trump's Daughter, Tiffany Falls In Love With Lagos Millionaire From “shithole country”, Introduces Him To Parents

President Trump's Daughter, Tiffany Falls In Love With Lagos Millionaire From “shithole country”, Introduces Him To Parents

Tiffany Trump and Micheal Boulos
Tiffany Trump and Micheal Boulos
Credit: Evening Standard
The US President, Donald Trump might have christened Nigeria as a “shithole country”, but his daughter Tiffany Trump has reportedly fallen in love and dating a Lagos-bred millionaire, Micheal Boulos, report according to Page Six suggests

Micheal is the son of a multi-billion dollar family in Nigeria.  He reportedly grew up in Lagos.

A source close to Tiffany told Page Six that the president’s daughter and Boulos spent Thanksgiving together and that he met most of her family.

“Tiffany is happy.  She has so far been able to keep things with Michael under the radar.

“But she introduced him to her family at Thanksgiving, and he comes across as a very intelligent young man from a great family. There was no mention of the president’s unfortunate comment about African nations,” the source said.

Tiffany and Boulos are believed to have started dating sometime in June, when they met while on vacation in Mykonos.

Tiffany Trump and Micheal Boulos
Tiffany Trump and Micheal Boulos
Credit: Evening Standard
The US President, Donald Trump might have christened Nigeria as a “shithole country”, but his daughter Tiffany Trump has reportedly fallen in love and dating a Lagos-bred millionaire, Micheal Boulos, report according to Page Six suggests

Micheal is the son of a multi-billion dollar family in Nigeria.  He reportedly grew up in Lagos.

A source close to Tiffany told Page Six that the president’s daughter and Boulos spent Thanksgiving together and that he met most of her family.

“Tiffany is happy.  She has so far been able to keep things with Michael under the radar.

“But she introduced him to her family at Thanksgiving, and he comes across as a very intelligent young man from a great family. There was no mention of the president’s unfortunate comment about African nations,” the source said.

Tiffany and Boulos are believed to have started dating sometime in June, when they met while on vacation in Mykonos.

JUST IN: Vice President In Critical Condition, Rushed To Hospital Over Food Poisoning

JUST IN: Vice President In Critical Condition, Rushed To Hospital Over Food Poisoning

The Zimbabwean Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa was rushed for medical check in South Africa recently after getting ill. 

According to News24, the South African doctors who performed minor surgery on the man said that they “detected traces of palladium poison which had partly damaged part of his liver”. 

According to NewsDay, sources close to Mnangagwa said that the doctors discovered that the deputy president consumed non-radioactive poison which could require a systems flush out over the next two months. 

The vice president, 74, was flown to South Africa last week for emergency medical care. Mnangagwa, who was seen as a favourite to succeed President Robert Mugabe, fell ill at a rally where the president was speaking on 12 August, suffering what appeared to be severe food poisoning. 

Citing unnamed sources, The Standard newspaper said Mnangagwa underwent surgery on Wednesday “to treat the alleged poisoning”. 

State media did not report on his return. 

With Mugabe (93) in increasingly frail health, speculation over his successor has focused on Mnangagwa, a veteran regime loyalist. Mnangagwa’s main rivals within the ruling Zanu-PF come from the younger “G40” group which is thought to back Mugabe’s wife Grace as a potential successor. 

The president, who often travels abroad for medical treatment, has refused to name a successor and repeatedly denounced factionalism within the party. 

Zimbabwe is to hold elections next year, with opposition parties in talks to try to unite in order to field a single candidate to oppose Mugabe. Advertisement Source: Tori

The Zimbabwean Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa was rushed for medical check in South Africa recently after getting ill. 

According to News24, the South African doctors who performed minor surgery on the man said that they “detected traces of palladium poison which had partly damaged part of his liver”. 

According to NewsDay, sources close to Mnangagwa said that the doctors discovered that the deputy president consumed non-radioactive poison which could require a systems flush out over the next two months. 

The vice president, 74, was flown to South Africa last week for emergency medical care. Mnangagwa, who was seen as a favourite to succeed President Robert Mugabe, fell ill at a rally where the president was speaking on 12 August, suffering what appeared to be severe food poisoning. 

Citing unnamed sources, The Standard newspaper said Mnangagwa underwent surgery on Wednesday “to treat the alleged poisoning”. 

State media did not report on his return. 

With Mugabe (93) in increasingly frail health, speculation over his successor has focused on Mnangagwa, a veteran regime loyalist. Mnangagwa’s main rivals within the ruling Zanu-PF come from the younger “G40” group which is thought to back Mugabe’s wife Grace as a potential successor. 

The president, who often travels abroad for medical treatment, has refused to name a successor and repeatedly denounced factionalism within the party. 

Zimbabwe is to hold elections next year, with opposition parties in talks to try to unite in order to field a single candidate to oppose Mugabe. Advertisement Source: Tori

China Begins Trial of Fastest Sky Train ...See Photos of Its Amazing Interior Design, Speed and Capacity

China Begins Trial of Fastest Sky Train ...See Photos of Its Amazing Interior Design, Speed and Capacity

Photo Source: Twitter
The spate at which the Chinese technology is developing is amazing. One of it newest development is the sky train which is considered as the fastest made by China for Chinese

The trial of the sky train begins in eastern Shandong Province with speeds up to 70 km/h at the maximum capacity of 510 people, CGTN Twitted @CGTNOfficial

Photo Source: Twitter

Photo Source: Twitter

Photo Source: Twitter

Photo Source: Twitter
The spate at which the Chinese technology is developing is amazing. One of it newest development is the sky train which is considered as the fastest made by China for Chinese

The trial of the sky train begins in eastern Shandong Province with speeds up to 70 km/h at the maximum capacity of 510 people, CGTN Twitted @CGTNOfficial

Photo Source: Twitter

Photo Source: Twitter

Photo Source: Twitter

BREAKING: White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer RESIGNS

BREAKING: White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer RESIGNS

Sean Spicer,
Emerging report according to AFP suggests that Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary has resigned.

According to AFP, Spicer resigne apparently because of his opposition to President Donald Trump’s naming of Anthony Scaramucci as his new communications director, US media reported Friday.

News of Spicer’s abrupt resignation came as Trump faced mounting pressure from a special investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 US presidential elections, AFP reports

Sean Spicer,
Emerging report according to AFP suggests that Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary has resigned.

According to AFP, Spicer resigne apparently because of his opposition to President Donald Trump’s naming of Anthony Scaramucci as his new communications director, US media reported Friday.

News of Spicer’s abrupt resignation came as Trump faced mounting pressure from a special investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 US presidential elections, AFP reports

Juan Carlos: 79yrs Old Ex-Spanish King Who Has 5000 Lovers, Bedded 2,150

Juan Carlos: 79yrs Old Ex-Spanish King Who Has 5000 Lovers, Bedded 2,150

Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos
Photo Source: Guardian Liberty Voice
Juan Carlos, the former king of Spain, is a sex addict who had hundreds of relationships even after marrying Queen Sofía, according to a new book.

According to The Times, before his marriage in 1962, Juan Carlos, now 79, satisfied his needs with an astonishing variety of women, Amadeo Martínez Inglés claims. 

Juan Carlos I: the King of 5,000 Lovers, will be published in September. 

The author cites reports by Franco’s spies, which said that the future king had 332 sexual relationships while at military academy, “which is good for any actor specialising in porn films: four per week”.. 

A new book coming out in September says the former King of Spain, Juan Carlos, is a sex addict and has bedded thousands of women even after marrying Princess Sophia of Greece and Denmark.

The explosive book says the retired European monarch had an astonishing 5000 sexual partners between 1976 and 1994 after he allegedly became estranged from his wife, to whom he is still married.

The 79-year-old abdicated the throne in 2014, making way for his son Felipe VI, who began a tour of Great Britain on Wednesday.

The new book, Juan Carlos I: The King of 5,000 Lovers was written by Amadeo Martínez Ingles. It will be  published in September,  according to a summary published  in The Times.

It claims he was already a prolific lovemaker prior to his 1962 union with the King of Greece’s daughter, to whom he is still married.

He reportedly slept with 332 partners while at military academy as a young man, “which is good for any actor specialising in porn films: four per week,” the book notes.

Juan Carlos became King in 1975, 13 years into his marriage, but was allegedly found by his Queen in a compromising position with actress Sara Montiel a year later. Montiel denies there was any affair.

Since then, according to the book, he has put more than 2,000 notches on his royal bedpost.

His alleged lovers include Barbara Rey, a former Miss World contestant and Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, a German philanthropist.

Rey is alleged to have received $3m (£2.8m, $3.5m) from the Spanish secret service to deny the affair. She says she has not received such a payment.

In 2015, the Spanish Supreme Court dismissed the paternity claim of the 47-year-old daughter of Belgian governess Liliane Sartiau.

Juan Carlos’ reputation was damaged when he took an elephant hunting trip in Botswana in April 2012 at the height of Spain’s financial crisis.

He handed over the throne to his son two years later, saying that the new generation must be at the forefront… younger people with new energies.”

The Spanish Royal Household did not respond to The Times when asked for comment.(NAN)
Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos
Photo Source: Guardian Liberty Voice
Juan Carlos, the former king of Spain, is a sex addict who had hundreds of relationships even after marrying Queen Sofía, according to a new book.

According to The Times, before his marriage in 1962, Juan Carlos, now 79, satisfied his needs with an astonishing variety of women, Amadeo Martínez Inglés claims. 

Juan Carlos I: the King of 5,000 Lovers, will be published in September. 

The author cites reports by Franco’s spies, which said that the future king had 332 sexual relationships while at military academy, “which is good for any actor specialising in porn films: four per week”.. 

A new book coming out in September says the former King of Spain, Juan Carlos, is a sex addict and has bedded thousands of women even after marrying Princess Sophia of Greece and Denmark.

The explosive book says the retired European monarch had an astonishing 5000 sexual partners between 1976 and 1994 after he allegedly became estranged from his wife, to whom he is still married.

The 79-year-old abdicated the throne in 2014, making way for his son Felipe VI, who began a tour of Great Britain on Wednesday.

The new book, Juan Carlos I: The King of 5,000 Lovers was written by Amadeo Martínez Ingles. It will be  published in September,  according to a summary published  in The Times.

It claims he was already a prolific lovemaker prior to his 1962 union with the King of Greece’s daughter, to whom he is still married.

He reportedly slept with 332 partners while at military academy as a young man, “which is good for any actor specialising in porn films: four per week,” the book notes.

Juan Carlos became King in 1975, 13 years into his marriage, but was allegedly found by his Queen in a compromising position with actress Sara Montiel a year later. Montiel denies there was any affair.

Since then, according to the book, he has put more than 2,000 notches on his royal bedpost.

His alleged lovers include Barbara Rey, a former Miss World contestant and Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, a German philanthropist.

Rey is alleged to have received $3m (£2.8m, $3.5m) from the Spanish secret service to deny the affair. She says she has not received such a payment.

In 2015, the Spanish Supreme Court dismissed the paternity claim of the 47-year-old daughter of Belgian governess Liliane Sartiau.

Juan Carlos’ reputation was damaged when he took an elephant hunting trip in Botswana in April 2012 at the height of Spain’s financial crisis.

He handed over the throne to his son two years later, saying that the new generation must be at the forefront… younger people with new energies.”

The Spanish Royal Household did not respond to The Times when asked for comment.(NAN)

President Trump About To "Impeach Self", Says US Minority Leader, Pelosi

President Trump About To "Impeach Self", Says US Minority Leader, Pelosi

Donald Trump
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered one of her strongest rebukes of the Trump presidency on Tuesday, telling her Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill to allow time for the president to “self-impeach” before spearheading efforts to remove him from office just months into his tenure in Washington.

The Democratic lawmaker warned talks of impeachment are a “big deal” to raise so soon into a president’s time in power, though Donald Trump could be well on his way as a federal probe into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election ramps up under special counsel Robert Mueller.

“It’s a big deal to talk about impeachment,” Pelosi told Democrats Tuesday, multiple sources relayed to Politico. “I think he’s going to self-impeach.”

Pelosi’s comments followed a discussion over the second draft article of impeachment from Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman, who joined Texas Congressman Al Green in his official call on the House floor to impeach Trump over obstruction of justice.

Democrats have repeatedly pointed to Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey and subsequent statements to the news media that he dismissed the head of the agency while considering the FBI investigation into Russia’s meddling in last year’s election, as an example of the president interfering with a federal probe into his campaign and new administration.

But Democratic leaders like Pelosi, as well as influencers within the party like Massachusetts Rep. Mike Capuano, have steered clear from discussing removing the president from office, noting the potential implications the exhaustive political process could have if Democrats were the only group calling for it.

“Emotions are high. These issues have political implications and government ones,” Capuano reportedly told the group of lawmakers after viewing the latest draft article of impeachment. The representative said there should instead be “a discussion within the caucus—in a public forum—before we do something that would position our colleagues or our future colleagues.”

Meanwhile, Trump spent the morning on Twitter accusing former President Barack Obama’s administration of breaking the law while in office, as well as demanding an apology from the “fake news” media for its negative coverage of his administration. All this happens as Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions prepares to speak in a public hearing in front of a Senate intelligence committee Tuesday about the FBI’s investigation into Russia.

Several Constitutional law and history experts have previously told Newsweek Trump will only be impeached when, and if, Republican lawmakers are moved by their voting bases and independents to remove the president from office. Meanwhile, Trump’s approval ratings have plummeted into the mid-30s according to multiple polls; well under the public’s support for impeachment, which sits at 43 percent.

Those figures have continued to fall in recent days, as Trump’s Russia ties and several highly anticipated testimonies from within his administration dominate the news cycle. Trump’s conservative agenda has also taken a hit in popularity, as approval for the GOP’s healthcare bill continues to decline as Obama’s landmark initiative, the Affordable Care Act, receives increasing support.

Excerpted From News Week
Donald Trump
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered one of her strongest rebukes of the Trump presidency on Tuesday, telling her Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill to allow time for the president to “self-impeach” before spearheading efforts to remove him from office just months into his tenure in Washington.

The Democratic lawmaker warned talks of impeachment are a “big deal” to raise so soon into a president’s time in power, though Donald Trump could be well on his way as a federal probe into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election ramps up under special counsel Robert Mueller.

“It’s a big deal to talk about impeachment,” Pelosi told Democrats Tuesday, multiple sources relayed to Politico. “I think he’s going to self-impeach.”

Pelosi’s comments followed a discussion over the second draft article of impeachment from Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman, who joined Texas Congressman Al Green in his official call on the House floor to impeach Trump over obstruction of justice.

Democrats have repeatedly pointed to Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey and subsequent statements to the news media that he dismissed the head of the agency while considering the FBI investigation into Russia’s meddling in last year’s election, as an example of the president interfering with a federal probe into his campaign and new administration.

But Democratic leaders like Pelosi, as well as influencers within the party like Massachusetts Rep. Mike Capuano, have steered clear from discussing removing the president from office, noting the potential implications the exhaustive political process could have if Democrats were the only group calling for it.

“Emotions are high. These issues have political implications and government ones,” Capuano reportedly told the group of lawmakers after viewing the latest draft article of impeachment. The representative said there should instead be “a discussion within the caucus—in a public forum—before we do something that would position our colleagues or our future colleagues.”

Meanwhile, Trump spent the morning on Twitter accusing former President Barack Obama’s administration of breaking the law while in office, as well as demanding an apology from the “fake news” media for its negative coverage of his administration. All this happens as Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions prepares to speak in a public hearing in front of a Senate intelligence committee Tuesday about the FBI’s investigation into Russia.

Several Constitutional law and history experts have previously told Newsweek Trump will only be impeached when, and if, Republican lawmakers are moved by their voting bases and independents to remove the president from office. Meanwhile, Trump’s approval ratings have plummeted into the mid-30s according to multiple polls; well under the public’s support for impeachment, which sits at 43 percent.

Those figures have continued to fall in recent days, as Trump’s Russia ties and several highly anticipated testimonies from within his administration dominate the news cycle. Trump’s conservative agenda has also taken a hit in popularity, as approval for the GOP’s healthcare bill continues to decline as Obama’s landmark initiative, the Affordable Care Act, receives increasing support.

Excerpted From News Week

Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn resigns

Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn resigns

Michael Flynn resign
Donald Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned amid controversy over his contacts with the Russian government Monday, a stunning first departure from the new president's inner circle less than a month after his inauguration.

The White House said Trump had accepted Flynn's resignation amid allegations the retired three-star general discussed US sanctions strategy with Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak before taking office.

Flynn -- who once headed US military intelligence -- insisted he was honoured to have served the American people in such a "distinguished" manner.

But he admitted that he "inadvertently briefed" the now Vice President Mike Pence with  "incomplete information" about his calls with Kislyak.
Pence had publicly defended Flynn, saying he did not discuss sanctions, putting his own credibility into question.

"Regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. I have sincerely apologised to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology," read Flynn's letter, a copy of which was released by the White House.

The White House said Trump has named retired lieutenant general Joseph Kellogg, who was serving as a director on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to be interim national security advisor.

Flynn's resignation so early in an American administration is unprecedented, and comes after details of his calls with the Russian diplomat were made public -- upping the pressure on Trump to take action.

Several US media outlets in Monday reported that top Trump advisors were warned about Flynn's contacts with the Russians early this year.

Questions will now be raised about who knew about the calls and why Trump did not move earlier to replace Flynn.

Ahead of Flynn's resignation White House spokesman Sean Spicer insisted Trump was not consulted about Flynn discussing sanctions, nor did he task his top national security aide to do so.

Asked if Trump was aware Flynn would raise sanctions with the Russian envoy, Spicer said: "No, absolutely not. No way."

A former head of defence intelligence, Flynn's encounters with Russian President Vladimir Putin had already drawn criticism.

US media reported on Monday that the Justice Department had warned the White House that Flynn had misled senior administration officials about the contents of his talks with Kislyak and that it could make him vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

The message was delivered in the last days of Barack Obama's administration by then-acting attorney general Sally Yates -- who Trump sacked after she instructed Justice Department lawyers not to defend his contested travel ban.

CNN said then director of national intelligence James Clapper and John Brennan, the CIA chief at the time, agreed the White House should be alerted about the concerns.

In the hours before his resignation, some Trump aides suggested that Flynn has the full support of the president.

Until now, Flynn had been an instrumental player in Trump's inner circle.

He was an early supporter of Trump's improbable bid for the presidency and has encouraged tougher policies on Iran and a softer policy on Russia.

That was a sharp break with the Obama administration, which introduced a wave of sanctions against Moscow over its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea, support for separatists in eastern Ukraine and what US intelligence says were its attempts to sway the 2016 election in Trump's favour.

Washington and Moscow had also clashed over alleged war crimes in Syria, where Russia is accused of aiding the bombing of hospitals and other civilian targets. Despite this, Flynn had argued for rapprochement.

A few of Trump's fellow Republicans had joined their Democratic foes in urging Flynn to resign over a situation that had become a major embarrassment for the ruling party.

"It is his duty to be fully transparent and forthright in his actions -- anything less is unacceptable," Representative Mike Coffman, a Colorado Republican, said in a statement.

"If in fact he purposely misled the president, he should step down immediately."

Flynn's resignation took place just over three weeks into Trump's presidency and days before his first official talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, discussions in which the president's national security advisor would normally have a key role.
The Justice Department and Congress are both investigating possible links between Trump campaign advisors and Moscow, and US intelligence has concluded that Putin personally directed an operation to interfere in the US election.

On December 29, the Obama administration sanctioned four Russian individuals and five entities and expelled 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation.
Michael Flynn resign
Donald Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned amid controversy over his contacts with the Russian government Monday, a stunning first departure from the new president's inner circle less than a month after his inauguration.

The White House said Trump had accepted Flynn's resignation amid allegations the retired three-star general discussed US sanctions strategy with Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak before taking office.

Flynn -- who once headed US military intelligence -- insisted he was honoured to have served the American people in such a "distinguished" manner.

But he admitted that he "inadvertently briefed" the now Vice President Mike Pence with  "incomplete information" about his calls with Kislyak.
Pence had publicly defended Flynn, saying he did not discuss sanctions, putting his own credibility into question.

"Regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. I have sincerely apologised to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology," read Flynn's letter, a copy of which was released by the White House.

The White House said Trump has named retired lieutenant general Joseph Kellogg, who was serving as a director on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to be interim national security advisor.

Flynn's resignation so early in an American administration is unprecedented, and comes after details of his calls with the Russian diplomat were made public -- upping the pressure on Trump to take action.

Several US media outlets in Monday reported that top Trump advisors were warned about Flynn's contacts with the Russians early this year.

Questions will now be raised about who knew about the calls and why Trump did not move earlier to replace Flynn.

Ahead of Flynn's resignation White House spokesman Sean Spicer insisted Trump was not consulted about Flynn discussing sanctions, nor did he task his top national security aide to do so.

Asked if Trump was aware Flynn would raise sanctions with the Russian envoy, Spicer said: "No, absolutely not. No way."

A former head of defence intelligence, Flynn's encounters with Russian President Vladimir Putin had already drawn criticism.

US media reported on Monday that the Justice Department had warned the White House that Flynn had misled senior administration officials about the contents of his talks with Kislyak and that it could make him vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

The message was delivered in the last days of Barack Obama's administration by then-acting attorney general Sally Yates -- who Trump sacked after she instructed Justice Department lawyers not to defend his contested travel ban.

CNN said then director of national intelligence James Clapper and John Brennan, the CIA chief at the time, agreed the White House should be alerted about the concerns.

In the hours before his resignation, some Trump aides suggested that Flynn has the full support of the president.

Until now, Flynn had been an instrumental player in Trump's inner circle.

He was an early supporter of Trump's improbable bid for the presidency and has encouraged tougher policies on Iran and a softer policy on Russia.

That was a sharp break with the Obama administration, which introduced a wave of sanctions against Moscow over its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea, support for separatists in eastern Ukraine and what US intelligence says were its attempts to sway the 2016 election in Trump's favour.

Washington and Moscow had also clashed over alleged war crimes in Syria, where Russia is accused of aiding the bombing of hospitals and other civilian targets. Despite this, Flynn had argued for rapprochement.

A few of Trump's fellow Republicans had joined their Democratic foes in urging Flynn to resign over a situation that had become a major embarrassment for the ruling party.

"It is his duty to be fully transparent and forthright in his actions -- anything less is unacceptable," Representative Mike Coffman, a Colorado Republican, said in a statement.

"If in fact he purposely misled the president, he should step down immediately."

Flynn's resignation took place just over three weeks into Trump's presidency and days before his first official talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, discussions in which the president's national security advisor would normally have a key role.
The Justice Department and Congress are both investigating possible links between Trump campaign advisors and Moscow, and US intelligence has concluded that Putin personally directed an operation to interfere in the US election.

On December 29, the Obama administration sanctioned four Russian individuals and five entities and expelled 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation.

No-nonsense Dictatorial Trump SACKS US Attorney General Over Travel Ban

No-nonsense Dictatorial Trump SACKS US Attorney General Over Travel Ban

Sally Yates,
Donald Trump has fired the acting US attorney general, after she questioned the legality of his immigration ban.

Sally Yates, who had been appointed under Barack Obama, earlier ordered justice department lawyers not to enforce the president’s executive order.

In a statement, the White House said Ms Yates had “betrayed” the department.

Dana Boente, US attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, replaces her as acting attorney general.

In a letter, Ms Yates had said she was “not convinced” that the president’s order was lawful.

“As long as I am the acting attorney general, the department of justice will not present arguments in defence of the Executive Order,” she said.

But the White House said she had “betrayed the department of justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States”.

“President Trump relieved Ms Yates of her duties,” a statement from the press secretary said.

Meanwhile, hundreds of US diplomats around the world are set to formally criticise President Donald Trump’s immigration restrictions, officials tell the BBC.

A “dissent cable” has been drafted for senior state department officials.

The White House said those complaining should “get with the programme”.

In the wake of  Trump’s ban on nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries, ex-President Barack Obama has spoken out against discrimination “based on faith or religion”.

In a statement his spokesman, Kevin Lewis, said Obama was also “heartened” by the level of engagement taking place across the country.

The draft text of the dissent cable seen by the BBC says that the immigration restrictions will not make the US safer, are un-American and will send the wrong message to the Muslim world.

Such cables are not that unusual but a State Department official said that the document had been signed by “hundreds” of people, which was described as “unprecedented”.

President Trump issued the restrictions on Friday.

His executive order halted the entire US refugee programme for 120 days, indefinitely banned Syrian refugees and suspended all nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days.

In other developments:

*The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a major advocacy group, says it has filed a lawsuit challenging the executive order

*Washington state’s attorney general is also suing. Bob Ferguson was one of 16 state attorneys general who have said the order is unconstitutional. Tech firms Amazon, Expedia and Microsoft, based in the state, will reportedly explain how the order is impacting them

*Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit the US on 15 February

*President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee will be announced on Tuesday

White House press secretary Sean Spicer has again defended the policy changes. At a press conference he hit out at the diplomats and foreign service officers drafting the dissent cable.

“Again, you talk about, in a 24-hour period, 325,000 people from other countries flew in through our airports and we’re talking about 109 people from seven countries that the Obama administration identified,” he told reporters.

“And these career bureaucrats have a problem with it? I think they should either get with the programme or they can go.”

News of the complaint from US diplomats comes amid international condemnation of the new policies. The White House has defended the restrictions as necessary safety measures.

The cable seen by the BBC says the “knee-jerk” restrictions will “sour relations” with the Muslim world and alienate countries that help in the fight against terrorism.

It notes that most terror attacks in the US have been committed by US-born or naturalised citizens and compares the new measures to restrictions on Japanese-Americans during World War Two.

“The end result of this ban will not be a drop in terror attacks in the United States; rather, it will be a drop in international goodwill towards Americans and a threat towards our economy,” the cable, which may be an earlier draft, says.
Sally Yates,
Donald Trump has fired the acting US attorney general, after she questioned the legality of his immigration ban.

Sally Yates, who had been appointed under Barack Obama, earlier ordered justice department lawyers not to enforce the president’s executive order.

In a statement, the White House said Ms Yates had “betrayed” the department.

Dana Boente, US attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, replaces her as acting attorney general.

In a letter, Ms Yates had said she was “not convinced” that the president’s order was lawful.

“As long as I am the acting attorney general, the department of justice will not present arguments in defence of the Executive Order,” she said.

But the White House said she had “betrayed the department of justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States”.

“President Trump relieved Ms Yates of her duties,” a statement from the press secretary said.

Meanwhile, hundreds of US diplomats around the world are set to formally criticise President Donald Trump’s immigration restrictions, officials tell the BBC.

A “dissent cable” has been drafted for senior state department officials.

The White House said those complaining should “get with the programme”.

In the wake of  Trump’s ban on nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries, ex-President Barack Obama has spoken out against discrimination “based on faith or religion”.

In a statement his spokesman, Kevin Lewis, said Obama was also “heartened” by the level of engagement taking place across the country.

The draft text of the dissent cable seen by the BBC says that the immigration restrictions will not make the US safer, are un-American and will send the wrong message to the Muslim world.

Such cables are not that unusual but a State Department official said that the document had been signed by “hundreds” of people, which was described as “unprecedented”.

President Trump issued the restrictions on Friday.

His executive order halted the entire US refugee programme for 120 days, indefinitely banned Syrian refugees and suspended all nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days.

In other developments:

*The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a major advocacy group, says it has filed a lawsuit challenging the executive order

*Washington state’s attorney general is also suing. Bob Ferguson was one of 16 state attorneys general who have said the order is unconstitutional. Tech firms Amazon, Expedia and Microsoft, based in the state, will reportedly explain how the order is impacting them

*Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit the US on 15 February

*President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee will be announced on Tuesday

White House press secretary Sean Spicer has again defended the policy changes. At a press conference he hit out at the diplomats and foreign service officers drafting the dissent cable.

“Again, you talk about, in a 24-hour period, 325,000 people from other countries flew in through our airports and we’re talking about 109 people from seven countries that the Obama administration identified,” he told reporters.

“And these career bureaucrats have a problem with it? I think they should either get with the programme or they can go.”

News of the complaint from US diplomats comes amid international condemnation of the new policies. The White House has defended the restrictions as necessary safety measures.

The cable seen by the BBC says the “knee-jerk” restrictions will “sour relations” with the Muslim world and alienate countries that help in the fight against terrorism.

It notes that most terror attacks in the US have been committed by US-born or naturalised citizens and compares the new measures to restrictions on Japanese-Americans during World War Two.

“The end result of this ban will not be a drop in terror attacks in the United States; rather, it will be a drop in international goodwill towards Americans and a threat towards our economy,” the cable, which may be an earlier draft, says.

Real Reason Why President Trump Banned Some Islamic Countries Entrance To US, By: Terfa Naswem

Real Reason Why President Trump Banned Some Islamic Countries Entrance To US, By: Terfa Naswem

Real Reason Why President Trump Banned Some Islamic Countries Entrance To US, By: Terfa Naswem
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States Secret Service, Homeland Security, Military Intelligence Corps, The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) among other intelligence agencies have the wherewithal to gather intelligence on any individual and organization effectively no matter how highly placed such an individual or organization might be. They also have the ability to successfully infiltrate any organization including terrorist organizations.

If anyone is suspected of being a terrorist, this is information or knowledge in its raw form. For this information to be understood, to have added value and to be evaluated in context to its source and reliability, intelligence gathering has to take place. After such intelligence has been gathered, analyzed, processed and produced, it can then be finally disseminated to the appropriate authority for further action.

My recent findings show that before Donald Trump formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, with a campaign rally and speech at Trump Tower in New York City; he had received information that Islamic State (ISIS), might be planning an attack on US soil which might take years to strike something that might be worse than Sept. 11 attacks and that most of them are from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia. Trump also received information that a lot of ISIS fighters had entered the United States as refugees from the banned countries with the intention of creating a terrorist network in the United States that will be more destructive than Al-Qaeda. According to the information, most of the ISIS terrorists entered US as refugees from Syria, Libya, and Yemen. The information shows that while some may be trained to carry out attacks, most will be there to provide sensitive information, materials and security that will lead to the success of the attacks.

Trump has ordered the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United State Secret Service, Homeland Security, Military Intelligence Corps, The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) among other intelligence agencies to place rigid surveillance on people from the 7 countries he banned and also collect a data base of all American Muslims to enable them monitor their activities to prevent link with ISIS and easily get hold of ISIS terrorists currently in America and those that might enter in future.

In the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from United Arab Emirates, 1 from Egypt and 1 from Lebanon. When President George W. Bush threatened to sanction Saudi Arabia and cut trade-ties with it, it was at this point that the Saudi Royal family stepped-up the fight against terrorism in which more Al-Qaeda terrorists were arrested in Saudi Arabia and handed over to the United States for further interrogations.

It was in line with these that Trump said during his campaign that: “We want to ensure that we are not admitting into our country the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas. He said the same during his inauguration and his actions show that he meant all he said during his campaign.

I know that Trump really wants the American people to be protected from terrorists, and I also support his fight against terrorism but he should be very careful so that he does not take the “train off the rail” because what affects America on the international stage has a direct or indirect effect on Nigeria and other countries since America is the center for universal progress.
Real Reason Why President Trump Banned Some Islamic Countries Entrance To US, By: Terfa Naswem
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States Secret Service, Homeland Security, Military Intelligence Corps, The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) among other intelligence agencies have the wherewithal to gather intelligence on any individual and organization effectively no matter how highly placed such an individual or organization might be. They also have the ability to successfully infiltrate any organization including terrorist organizations.

If anyone is suspected of being a terrorist, this is information or knowledge in its raw form. For this information to be understood, to have added value and to be evaluated in context to its source and reliability, intelligence gathering has to take place. After such intelligence has been gathered, analyzed, processed and produced, it can then be finally disseminated to the appropriate authority for further action.

My recent findings show that before Donald Trump formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, with a campaign rally and speech at Trump Tower in New York City; he had received information that Islamic State (ISIS), might be planning an attack on US soil which might take years to strike something that might be worse than Sept. 11 attacks and that most of them are from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia. Trump also received information that a lot of ISIS fighters had entered the United States as refugees from the banned countries with the intention of creating a terrorist network in the United States that will be more destructive than Al-Qaeda. According to the information, most of the ISIS terrorists entered US as refugees from Syria, Libya, and Yemen. The information shows that while some may be trained to carry out attacks, most will be there to provide sensitive information, materials and security that will lead to the success of the attacks.

Trump has ordered the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United State Secret Service, Homeland Security, Military Intelligence Corps, The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) among other intelligence agencies to place rigid surveillance on people from the 7 countries he banned and also collect a data base of all American Muslims to enable them monitor their activities to prevent link with ISIS and easily get hold of ISIS terrorists currently in America and those that might enter in future.

In the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from United Arab Emirates, 1 from Egypt and 1 from Lebanon. When President George W. Bush threatened to sanction Saudi Arabia and cut trade-ties with it, it was at this point that the Saudi Royal family stepped-up the fight against terrorism in which more Al-Qaeda terrorists were arrested in Saudi Arabia and handed over to the United States for further interrogations.

It was in line with these that Trump said during his campaign that: “We want to ensure that we are not admitting into our country the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas. He said the same during his inauguration and his actions show that he meant all he said during his campaign.

I know that Trump really wants the American people to be protected from terrorists, and I also support his fight against terrorism but he should be very careful so that he does not take the “train off the rail” because what affects America on the international stage has a direct or indirect effect on Nigeria and other countries since America is the center for universal progress.

TRUMP'S INAUGURATION: Jonathan's Name MISSING As Trump Team Denies His Invitation; See List Of Invitees

TRUMP'S INAUGURATION: Jonathan's Name MISSING As Trump Team Denies His Invitation; See List Of Invitees

Goodluck Jonathan
PerSecondNews - The Trump transition committee, Great Again, has denied reports in some sections of the media in Nigeria that President-elect Trump declined invitation to President Muhammadu Buhari and has instead invited former president Goodluck Jonathan to the U.S 45th presidential inauguration scheduled for Friday in Washington.

The official speaking to Per Second News in Washington Thursday morning said that the inauguration was mostly a domestic event for America.

“The US State Department has advised that as in the past, foreign delegations will not be invited to Washington for the President-elect Trump’s 2017 inauguration and that heads of state and governments will be represented by chiefs of diplomatic missions in Washington,” the official said.

A twitter account of Deji Adeyanju, a  PDP spokesperson also said that United States of America president-elect Donald Trump has invited ex-president of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan to his inauguration on Friday, January 20, 2017.

A U.S State Department official said that “The ‘Heads of Mission’ are the only foreign officially invited. It will be an historic few days!” He further confirmed that one invitation card has been sent to the Nigerian Mission in Washington, DC.

According to the Great Again official, Trump’s Presidential Inaugural Committee has raised a record $90 million-plus in private donations, far more than President Barack Obama’s two inaugural committees.

But while Trump has raised more money for his inauguration than any president in history, lead inaugural planner Tom Barrack said theTrump team wants to avoid a “circus-like atmosphere” in favor of a more “back to work” mindset.

He said only few foreign leaders were invited, which includes Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Canadian Prime Minister.

Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson also revealed Thursday that 28,000 officials are dedicated to security for the event, including 7,800 National Guard troops.

Former leader Jonathan is currently in Bayelsa, according to close aides.

• Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton

• former President Bill Clinton

• former President George W. Bush

• former First Lady Laura Bush

• former President Jimmy Carter

• Ohio Gov. John Kasich

• New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez

• former UKIP leader Nigel Farage

• Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak

• Anson Chan, the former chief secretary in Hong Kong

• Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

• Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass.

• Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass.

• Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass.

• Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, D-Mass.

• the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

• Rabbi Marvin Hier, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center

• Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York

• the Rev. Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse

• Televangelist Paula White

• Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, leader of Great Faith Ministries International in Detroit Skipping

• Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who will be on a cross-Canada tour

• Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

• former President George H.W. Bush,due to his age

• former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush

• Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, who told NBC Chicago he’s “focused on Illinois” and trying to “minimize the distractions”

• Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., who said in a statement he wanted “to be able to look my two beautiful Latina daughters and my beautiful half-Puerto Rican, half-Mexican, 100 percent American grandson in the eye with a clear conscience”

• Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., whotold the Boston Globe “there is nothing about this presidency and his rejection about his core American values that I want to normalize”

Goodluck Jonathan
PerSecondNews - The Trump transition committee, Great Again, has denied reports in some sections of the media in Nigeria that President-elect Trump declined invitation to President Muhammadu Buhari and has instead invited former president Goodluck Jonathan to the U.S 45th presidential inauguration scheduled for Friday in Washington.

The official speaking to Per Second News in Washington Thursday morning said that the inauguration was mostly a domestic event for America.

“The US State Department has advised that as in the past, foreign delegations will not be invited to Washington for the President-elect Trump’s 2017 inauguration and that heads of state and governments will be represented by chiefs of diplomatic missions in Washington,” the official said.

A twitter account of Deji Adeyanju, a  PDP spokesperson also said that United States of America president-elect Donald Trump has invited ex-president of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan to his inauguration on Friday, January 20, 2017.

A U.S State Department official said that “The ‘Heads of Mission’ are the only foreign officially invited. It will be an historic few days!” He further confirmed that one invitation card has been sent to the Nigerian Mission in Washington, DC.

According to the Great Again official, Trump’s Presidential Inaugural Committee has raised a record $90 million-plus in private donations, far more than President Barack Obama’s two inaugural committees.

But while Trump has raised more money for his inauguration than any president in history, lead inaugural planner Tom Barrack said theTrump team wants to avoid a “circus-like atmosphere” in favor of a more “back to work” mindset.

He said only few foreign leaders were invited, which includes Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Canadian Prime Minister.

Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson also revealed Thursday that 28,000 officials are dedicated to security for the event, including 7,800 National Guard troops.

Former leader Jonathan is currently in Bayelsa, according to close aides.

• Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton

• former President Bill Clinton

• former President George W. Bush

• former First Lady Laura Bush

• former President Jimmy Carter

• Ohio Gov. John Kasich

• New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez

• former UKIP leader Nigel Farage

• Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak

• Anson Chan, the former chief secretary in Hong Kong

• Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

• Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass.

• Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass.

• Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass.

• Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, D-Mass.

• the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

• Rabbi Marvin Hier, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center

• Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York

• the Rev. Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse

• Televangelist Paula White

• Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, leader of Great Faith Ministries International in Detroit Skipping

• Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who will be on a cross-Canada tour

• Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

• former President George H.W. Bush,due to his age

• former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush

• Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, who told NBC Chicago he’s “focused on Illinois” and trying to “minimize the distractions”

• Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., who said in a statement he wanted “to be able to look my two beautiful Latina daughters and my beautiful half-Puerto Rican, half-Mexican, 100 percent American grandson in the eye with a clear conscience”

• Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., whotold the Boston Globe “there is nothing about this presidency and his rejection about his core American values that I want to normalize”

JUST IN: At Last, Trump Concedes Russia Hacked Into U.S. Election

JUST IN: At Last, Trump Concedes Russia Hacked Into U.S. Election

Trump Concedes Russia Hacked Into U.S. Election
After several weeks of denial over the involvement of Russia in the U.S. presidential election, incoming President Donald Trump has finally conceded that the Russians actually carried out the hacking.

Trump, who spoke at his first press conference monitored by the News Agency of Nigeria however denied that he had links with Russia over the hacking to sway the election in his favour.

When asked by a reporter as to what he would say to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the hacking, he responded: “He shouldn’t have done it. I don’t believe he will be doing it more.

“As far as hacking, I think it was Russia. But I think we also get hacked by other countries and other people”, he said.

He promised to protect the U.S. cyber space when he assumes presidency on Jan. 20, berating the Democratic Party for doing a poor job in defending its systems.

“And we’re going to put those minds together, and we’re going to form a defense. And I have to say this also — the Democratic National Committee was totally open to be hacked.

“They did a very poor job. They could have had hacking defense, which we had. And I will give Reince Priebus credit because when Reince saw what was happening in the world and with this country, he went out and went to various firms and ordered a very, very strong hacking defense.

“And they tried to hack the Republican National Committee, and they were unable to break through. We have to do that for our country. It’s very important.”

The President-elect, however, dismissed reports that Russia had his dossiers, saying they would have released it if they had.

“Well, you know, President Putin and Russia put out a statement today that this fake news was indeed fake news. They said it totally never happened.

“Now somebody would say, “oh, of course he’s going to say that” — I respected the fact that he said that. And I will be honest, I think if he did have something they would have released it. They would’ve been glad to release it.”

He also, in a rare case, condemned Putin’s action, saying “hacking is bad” and that he should not be doing it.

“He shouldn’t be doing it. He won’t be doing it. Russia will have much greater respect for our country when I’m leading than when other people have led it. You will see that.

“Russia will respect our country more. He shouldn’t have done it. I don’t believe that he will be doing it more now.”

Trump described Putin’s likeness for him over Democratic Hillary Clinton as an asset.

“Well, if Putin likes Donald Trump, I consider that an asset, not a liability because we have a horrible relationship with Russia.

“Russia can help us fight ISIS, which by the way is number one tricky. I mean, if you look, this administration created ISIS by leaving at the wrong time. The void was created, ISIS was formed.

“If Putin likes Donald Trump, guess what folks? That’s called an asset not a liability. Now I don’t know that I am going to get along with Vladimir Putin,” he said. 

Trump Concedes Russia Hacked Into U.S. Election
After several weeks of denial over the involvement of Russia in the U.S. presidential election, incoming President Donald Trump has finally conceded that the Russians actually carried out the hacking.

Trump, who spoke at his first press conference monitored by the News Agency of Nigeria however denied that he had links with Russia over the hacking to sway the election in his favour.

When asked by a reporter as to what he would say to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the hacking, he responded: “He shouldn’t have done it. I don’t believe he will be doing it more.

“As far as hacking, I think it was Russia. But I think we also get hacked by other countries and other people”, he said.

He promised to protect the U.S. cyber space when he assumes presidency on Jan. 20, berating the Democratic Party for doing a poor job in defending its systems.

“And we’re going to put those minds together, and we’re going to form a defense. And I have to say this also — the Democratic National Committee was totally open to be hacked.

“They did a very poor job. They could have had hacking defense, which we had. And I will give Reince Priebus credit because when Reince saw what was happening in the world and with this country, he went out and went to various firms and ordered a very, very strong hacking defense.

“And they tried to hack the Republican National Committee, and they were unable to break through. We have to do that for our country. It’s very important.”

The President-elect, however, dismissed reports that Russia had his dossiers, saying they would have released it if they had.

“Well, you know, President Putin and Russia put out a statement today that this fake news was indeed fake news. They said it totally never happened.

“Now somebody would say, “oh, of course he’s going to say that” — I respected the fact that he said that. And I will be honest, I think if he did have something they would have released it. They would’ve been glad to release it.”

He also, in a rare case, condemned Putin’s action, saying “hacking is bad” and that he should not be doing it.

“He shouldn’t be doing it. He won’t be doing it. Russia will have much greater respect for our country when I’m leading than when other people have led it. You will see that.

“Russia will respect our country more. He shouldn’t have done it. I don’t believe that he will be doing it more now.”

Trump described Putin’s likeness for him over Democratic Hillary Clinton as an asset.

“Well, if Putin likes Donald Trump, I consider that an asset, not a liability because we have a horrible relationship with Russia.

“Russia can help us fight ISIS, which by the way is number one tricky. I mean, if you look, this administration created ISIS by leaving at the wrong time. The void was created, ISIS was formed.

“If Putin likes Donald Trump, guess what folks? That’s called an asset not a liability. Now I don’t know that I am going to get along with Vladimir Putin,” he said. 


Yuan Turnover Soars in Sign of December Outflow Pressures

Yuan Turnover Soars in Sign of December Outflow Pressures

Yuan Turnover Soars in Sign of December Outflow Pressures
China currency, Yuan
Guardian Newspaper - The onshore yuan’s surging trading volume is another piece of evidence that capital is fleeing China at a faster pace.

The daily average value of transactions in Shanghai climbed to $34 billion in December as of Monday, the highest since at least April 2014, according to data from China Foreign Exchange Trade System. That’s up 51 percent from the first 11 months of the year. The increase suggests quickening outflows, given that data in recent months showed banks were net sellers of the yuan, according to Harrison Hu, Singapore-based chief greater China economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc.

This month’s jump in trading volume signals sentiment has kept deteriorating since November, when the nation’s foreign-exchange reserves shrank by the most since January. The Chinese currency is headed for its steepest annual slump in more than two decades and when the year turns, authorities will be faced with a triple whammy of the renewal of citizens’ $50,000 conversion quota, prospects of further Federal Reserve interest-rate increases, and concern that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump may slap punitive tariffs on China’s exports to the world’s largest economy.

“Capital outflow pressures will stay, and in near term, we should monitor the impact upon the reset of the annual quota,” said Frances Cheung, Hong Kong-based head of rates strategy for Asia ex-Japan at Societe Generale SA. The pressures will likely ease toward the end of the first quarter as foreign flows into China’s bond market quicken, she said.
December’s flurry of yuan transactions in Shanghai comes in a tough month for owners of China’s financial assets. The Shanghai Composite Index of stocks is down 4.2 percent and an index of Chinese government bonds is headed for its biggest monthly decline in almost six years. The yuan has weakened 0.9 percent this month to 6.9500 per dollar.

Policy makers have set stronger-than-expected fixings and tightened capital controls to prevent the yuan from entering a vicious cycle of sharper depreciation and faster fund exodus. The People’s Bank of China has stepped up efforts to guide expectations on the exchange rate, Ma Jun, chief economist at the monetary authority’s research bureau, said in a statement Thursday.

Trading volume in the yuan will probably keep rising next year amid continued outflows and as companies, individuals and banks manage their foreign-exchange holdings more aggressively, said RBS’s Hu. “But the situation won’t likely spin out of control as PBOC will keep capital curbs tight,” he said.
Yuan Turnover Soars in Sign of December Outflow Pressures
China currency, Yuan
Guardian Newspaper - The onshore yuan’s surging trading volume is another piece of evidence that capital is fleeing China at a faster pace.

The daily average value of transactions in Shanghai climbed to $34 billion in December as of Monday, the highest since at least April 2014, according to data from China Foreign Exchange Trade System. That’s up 51 percent from the first 11 months of the year. The increase suggests quickening outflows, given that data in recent months showed banks were net sellers of the yuan, according to Harrison Hu, Singapore-based chief greater China economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc.

This month’s jump in trading volume signals sentiment has kept deteriorating since November, when the nation’s foreign-exchange reserves shrank by the most since January. The Chinese currency is headed for its steepest annual slump in more than two decades and when the year turns, authorities will be faced with a triple whammy of the renewal of citizens’ $50,000 conversion quota, prospects of further Federal Reserve interest-rate increases, and concern that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump may slap punitive tariffs on China’s exports to the world’s largest economy.

“Capital outflow pressures will stay, and in near term, we should monitor the impact upon the reset of the annual quota,” said Frances Cheung, Hong Kong-based head of rates strategy for Asia ex-Japan at Societe Generale SA. The pressures will likely ease toward the end of the first quarter as foreign flows into China’s bond market quicken, she said.
December’s flurry of yuan transactions in Shanghai comes in a tough month for owners of China’s financial assets. The Shanghai Composite Index of stocks is down 4.2 percent and an index of Chinese government bonds is headed for its biggest monthly decline in almost six years. The yuan has weakened 0.9 percent this month to 6.9500 per dollar.

Policy makers have set stronger-than-expected fixings and tightened capital controls to prevent the yuan from entering a vicious cycle of sharper depreciation and faster fund exodus. The People’s Bank of China has stepped up efforts to guide expectations on the exchange rate, Ma Jun, chief economist at the monetary authority’s research bureau, said in a statement Thursday.

Trading volume in the yuan will probably keep rising next year amid continued outflows and as companies, individuals and banks manage their foreign-exchange holdings more aggressively, said RBS’s Hu. “But the situation won’t likely spin out of control as PBOC will keep capital curbs tight,” he said.

After Handover, The Obama's New RENTED Retirement Home Unveiled

After Handover, The Obama's New RENTED Retirement Home Unveiled

When President Barak Obama completes his tenure at the Presidency he is not moving back to Chicago, the Obama's reveal. They are staying back in Washington, DC where they just acquired a new home, so 15-year-old Sasha Obama can finish out high school at the Sidwell Friends School. 

With just one month left for President Obama to step down, renovations to his new home are underway with plans to upgrade the security system and transform part of the garage into a home office.

Barack and Michelle Obama are moving into a $5.3million home in Kalorama, one of Washington DC's most elegant neighborhoods.

The home, built in 1928 with nine bedrooms and eight and a half baths, is tastefully decorated in a white, beige and grey palette.  

The Obamas are leasing the house from Bill Clinton's former press secretary Joe Lockhart and his wife Giovanna Gray, who works for Glamour magazine.

Construction permits obtained show the home will also be outfitted with an upgraded electrical system as well as a cat walk over one staircase.

They have decided to stay in DC so 15-year-old Sasha Obama can finish out high school at the Sidwell Friends School. Malia Obama is taking a gap year before heading to Harvard 

The stately home has plenty of windows to let in the DC sunshine, hardwood floors, and large rooms - though not as large as White House rooms

There's an upstairs office, in addition to the one being built in the garage, suggesting there's plenty more to come from both Barack and Michelle Obama 

There's an upstairs office, in addition to the one being built in the garage, suggesting there's plenty more to come from both Barack and Michelle Obama 

Contractors could be seen at work, with a dumpster, excavator, and tent pitched outside the home.

While the stately home is situated just off the street, Secret Service will be guarding the property and an enhanced security system will be installed.

The rented pad is getting an upgrade fit for the former First Couple, including tighter security

The rented pad is getting an upgrade fit for the former First Couple.

More Photos

After Handover, The Obama's New RENTED Retirement Home Unveiled

After Handover, The Obama's New RENTED Retirement Home Unveiled

After Handover, The Obama's New RENTED Retirement Home Unveiled

Culled from Persecond News
When President Barak Obama completes his tenure at the Presidency he is not moving back to Chicago, the Obama's reveal. They are staying back in Washington, DC where they just acquired a new home, so 15-year-old Sasha Obama can finish out high school at the Sidwell Friends School. 

With just one month left for President Obama to step down, renovations to his new home are underway with plans to upgrade the security system and transform part of the garage into a home office.

Barack and Michelle Obama are moving into a $5.3million home in Kalorama, one of Washington DC's most elegant neighborhoods.

The home, built in 1928 with nine bedrooms and eight and a half baths, is tastefully decorated in a white, beige and grey palette.  

The Obamas are leasing the house from Bill Clinton's former press secretary Joe Lockhart and his wife Giovanna Gray, who works for Glamour magazine.

Construction permits obtained show the home will also be outfitted with an upgraded electrical system as well as a cat walk over one staircase.

They have decided to stay in DC so 15-year-old Sasha Obama can finish out high school at the Sidwell Friends School. Malia Obama is taking a gap year before heading to Harvard 

The stately home has plenty of windows to let in the DC sunshine, hardwood floors, and large rooms - though not as large as White House rooms

There's an upstairs office, in addition to the one being built in the garage, suggesting there's plenty more to come from both Barack and Michelle Obama 

There's an upstairs office, in addition to the one being built in the garage, suggesting there's plenty more to come from both Barack and Michelle Obama 

Contractors could be seen at work, with a dumpster, excavator, and tent pitched outside the home.

While the stately home is situated just off the street, Secret Service will be guarding the property and an enhanced security system will be installed.

The rented pad is getting an upgrade fit for the former First Couple, including tighter security

The rented pad is getting an upgrade fit for the former First Couple.

More Photos

After Handover, The Obama's New RENTED Retirement Home Unveiled

After Handover, The Obama's New RENTED Retirement Home Unveiled

After Handover, The Obama's New RENTED Retirement Home Unveiled

Culled from Persecond News

BREAKING: Fidel Castro, Former Cuban President Dies

BREAKING: Fidel Castro, Former Cuban President Dies

The world was shocked this morning as the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro is announced by the official of Cuban government.

According to reports, Fidel died last night at 7 PM Eastern Time due to complications from an intestinal disease that forced him into retirement in 2008. The revolutionary leader of the Cuban nation was aged 90.
The world was shocked this morning as the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro is announced by the official of Cuban government.

According to reports, Fidel died last night at 7 PM Eastern Time due to complications from an intestinal disease that forced him into retirement in 2008. The revolutionary leader of the Cuban nation was aged 90.

There'll be World War III if Clinton Is Elected - Donald Trump Warns

There'll be World War III if Clinton Is Elected - Donald Trump Warns

Trump and Clinton
Donald Trump has warned of a World War if Hillary Clinton is elected as president and her policies on ISIS, and the Syrian conflicts are implemented.

Democratic Party U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton revealed during the last presidential election debate that the U.S will create no-fly zones in Syrian airspace in order to combat ISIS and also allow for peace and normality to return to the already war-torn Syria and it's citizens. 

If a no-fly zone is implemented by the U.S on Syrian airspace and a Russian jet flies on the airspace, the U.S have the right to shoot it down, a move that could cause war between both nations and Trump on Tuesday warned that Hillary Clinton would surely cause a World War III if elected as president.

"What we should do is focus on ISIS. We should not be focusing on Syria," Trump told Reuters on Tuesday morning at his resort in Doral, Florida. 

"You're going to end up in World War III over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton."

"You're not fighting Syria anymore, you're fighting Syria, Russia and Iran, all right? Russia is a nuclear country, but a country where the nukes work as opposed to other countries that talk," he said.

Trump also said Clinton's claim that he was Putin's 'puppet' in the last presidential election debate was a very naive one because anyone who becomes president will have to negotiate with Russia's president Putin in order to have World peace, but how do you do that 'when you've painted him badly?

"How is she going to go back and negotiate with this man who she has made to be so evil."

Mr Trump's warning of confrontation with Russia echoes concerns raised last month at a congressional hearing by the highest-ranking military officer in the US military.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Marine Gen Joseph Dunford told lawmakers a "no-fly zone" in Syria could spell war with Russia.

"Right now, senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria it would require us to go to war, against Syria and Russia," Gen Dunford told the Senate Arms Services Committee.

"That's a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I'm not going to make."

The Clinton campaign on Tuesday evening pushed back against Trump's 'World War III rhetoric.
"National security experts on both sides of the aisle have denounced Donald Trump as dangerously ill-prepared and temperamentally unfit to serve as commander-in-chief," Clinton spokesman Jesse Lehrich said. "Once again, he is parroting Putin's talking points and playing to Americans' fears, all while refusing to lay out any plans of his own for defeating ISIS or alleviating humanitarian suffering in Syria. Moreover, this incendiary attack is aimed at a policy that his own running mate, Mike Pence, strongly supports."

Trump also said that the election can't be lost to Hillary if the Republican party had unity.

"If we had party unity, we couldn't lose this election to Hillary Clinton," he told Reuters.

"The people are very angry with the leadership of this party, because this is an election that we will win 100% if we had support from the top," he said. 

"I think we're going to win it anyway."

Excerpted from LIB

Trump and Clinton
Donald Trump has warned of a World War if Hillary Clinton is elected as president and her policies on ISIS, and the Syrian conflicts are implemented.

Democratic Party U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton revealed during the last presidential election debate that the U.S will create no-fly zones in Syrian airspace in order to combat ISIS and also allow for peace and normality to return to the already war-torn Syria and it's citizens. 

If a no-fly zone is implemented by the U.S on Syrian airspace and a Russian jet flies on the airspace, the U.S have the right to shoot it down, a move that could cause war between both nations and Trump on Tuesday warned that Hillary Clinton would surely cause a World War III if elected as president.

"What we should do is focus on ISIS. We should not be focusing on Syria," Trump told Reuters on Tuesday morning at his resort in Doral, Florida. 

"You're going to end up in World War III over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton."

"You're not fighting Syria anymore, you're fighting Syria, Russia and Iran, all right? Russia is a nuclear country, but a country where the nukes work as opposed to other countries that talk," he said.

Trump also said Clinton's claim that he was Putin's 'puppet' in the last presidential election debate was a very naive one because anyone who becomes president will have to negotiate with Russia's president Putin in order to have World peace, but how do you do that 'when you've painted him badly?

"How is she going to go back and negotiate with this man who she has made to be so evil."

Mr Trump's warning of confrontation with Russia echoes concerns raised last month at a congressional hearing by the highest-ranking military officer in the US military.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Marine Gen Joseph Dunford told lawmakers a "no-fly zone" in Syria could spell war with Russia.

"Right now, senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria it would require us to go to war, against Syria and Russia," Gen Dunford told the Senate Arms Services Committee.

"That's a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I'm not going to make."

The Clinton campaign on Tuesday evening pushed back against Trump's 'World War III rhetoric.
"National security experts on both sides of the aisle have denounced Donald Trump as dangerously ill-prepared and temperamentally unfit to serve as commander-in-chief," Clinton spokesman Jesse Lehrich said. "Once again, he is parroting Putin's talking points and playing to Americans' fears, all while refusing to lay out any plans of his own for defeating ISIS or alleviating humanitarian suffering in Syria. Moreover, this incendiary attack is aimed at a policy that his own running mate, Mike Pence, strongly supports."

Trump also said that the election can't be lost to Hillary if the Republican party had unity.

"If we had party unity, we couldn't lose this election to Hillary Clinton," he told Reuters.

"The people are very angry with the leadership of this party, because this is an election that we will win 100% if we had support from the top," he said. 

"I think we're going to win it anyway."

Excerpted from LIB



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