Google - News Proof


BREAKING: Google, Twitter Attack NIGER DELTA Avengers

In what that could be described as communication and social media attack over unlawful usage, the search engine giant, the Google has deleted the website created and hosted on its server by the notorious militant group, the Niger Delta Avengers.&...

Diversify or Die: Saudi $2Trillion Investment Fund Will ‘Own The World’

Under a new direction to diversify before the end of oil, Saudi Arabia is setting up the world’s largest fund, a $2  trillion investment fund,Public Investment Fund (PIF) that will enable it literally buy the world and change markets as they...

Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

BREAKING: Google, Twitter Attack NIGER DELTA Avengers

In what that could be described as communication and social media attack over unlawful usage, the search engine giant, the Google has deleted the website created and hosted on its server by the notorious militant group, the Niger Delta Avengers. 

Checks by News Punch revealed that the website, which the militants have been using to communicate about its nefarious activities has been deleted by google from its server.

This is as even the top social media network, Twitter , has also reacted to ethical questions which have been raised regarding the provision of a platform for terrorist groups to air their ill doings, a has reacted to the probing by suspending the twitter handle (@NDAvengers) of the militants.

The suspension came some hours after the militant group announced five more attacks on oil installations in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.

Twitter, which is regarded as one of the fastest growing community in the social media world has not yet released an official statement on why the account was suspended.

The Militant group has not responded to the account suspension as at the time of this report.

Details later

Diversify or Die: Saudi $2Trillion Investment Fund Will ‘Own The World’

Diversify or Die: Saudi $2Trillion Investment Fund Will ‘Own The World’
Under a new direction to diversify before the end of oil, Saudi Arabia is setting up the world’s largest fund, a $2  trillion investment fund,Public Investment Fund (PIF) that will enable it literally buy the world and change markets as they are known today.

The $2 trillion PIF will be the largest public-private company in the world.

Run by Deputy Crown Saudi Prince and heir Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud, almost 31, and son of the current King and chair of the Saudi Council for Economic and Development Affairs, the fund is so huge it can buy Google, Apple, Microsoft, the largest companies in the world and still have billions to spare.

The $2trillion will be raised from just the sale of 5% of the Saudi oil giant state company, Aramco.

With the new investment fund, Saudi Arabia can acquire all existing hedges, mutual, or holding funds.

Every trader and banker will work under Saudi Arabia in the future. There has never been anything like this in recent world history.

Whether this is Islamic is a whole other story as Islam is said to prohibit futures, hedges and other trades in non actual goods or in forecasts and other capital market systems that artificially inflate prices and ‘gamble.’

The Kingdom royals already own many interest serving banks like Citigroup.

Read more about the fund HERE


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