IPOB - News Proof




Showing posts with label IPOB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IPOB. Show all posts

IPOB: A Delusion Taken Too Far, By Charles Ibekwe

IPOB: A Delusion Taken Too Far, By Charles Ibekwe

INnamdi Kanu: ndigenous People of Biafra
The puerile announcement by the Indigenous People of Biafra that it will boycott the Special Board of Inquiry set up by the Nigerian Army to investigate allegations of right abuses is both laughable and saddening at the same time. It is laughable because it exposed the comical side of the fraud that has been presented as a struggle for self determination by a narrow group that has exploited the silence of the greater number of Igbo people as acquiescence. It is saddening because it confirms that the characters behind IPOB have become delusional to the point of believing their own lies. 

Their lies are such that at the height of the US Presidential Elections they stopped short of labelling the Republican Candidate, Donald J Trump an Igbo man. That period saw them tell lies that stood logic on its head and should have been the red flag to see psychiatric help for members of this group. Their claims at that time included bunkum like Trump promising them the actualization of a defunct Republic. Trump's to do list allegedly included freeing the remanded IPOB gang leader, Nnamdi Kanu even though he is standing trial for grievous offences. 

The outcome of the election worsened the mass delusion of IPOB members who behaved as if one of the world's most enduring democracy runs on whims. Yet this delusion revealed a sinister dimension to the extent they will go to propagate lies in pursuit of a failed agenda. We are not talking about some off the cuff inaccuracies here but something more profound. They went to the pains of photoshopping misleading texts unto pictures of President Trump holding up declarations he just signed - the texts of these frauds are always to the effect that the US was demanding Biafra independence. They went further to clone or mimic responsible news organisations to be able to pass off such frauds as the real deal. The only name for this sick act is called 'fake news'. It is bad. It is perverted and emanates only from those with criminal intents. 

It was however not the first time that these frauds were deploying fake news in furtherance of their doomed project. Fake news had been deployed on a commercial scale to lie about the nature of the face-off their radicalised wing had with the military; it had been deployed to announce casualties from such encounters only that they run into problems showing the body counts for their claims, which again forces them to deploy more fake news about abductions and military seizing corpses of members who are actually alive or never existed. 

Possibly as indicated in their statement, issued by IPOB spokespersons, Dr. Ikenna Chinaka and Iyom Grace Ukpai, announcing the boycott, these fake news items become defacto research material for Amnesty International that consequently trumpet it as its findings in reports that IPOB in turn hinges its infantile claim upon. It hovers somewhere between incest and masturbation for these groups to contrive falsehood on this scale and with attention for details in a way that strongly suggests it is not happening for the first time. 

Allegations of extrajudicial killings, torture and other claims of human rights abuses against the Army flourished on the strength of the fake news. One would ordinarily expect that the decision of the authorities in setting up the Special Board of Inquiry would be explored to surface these claims of right violation if there is substance to them. But the reverse is the case. Apparently because the IPOB militants know that they have no evidence to back up their many claims the next reflexive step is for them to announce a boycott of the inquiry. 

The sad and comical aspect of that statement is that they went to a great pain to cite the Nigerian Constitution, the same one they have vowed never to recognise. They further advertised their befuddlement by citing cases decided by the British courts, same country they accuse of making them to be part of a zoo. The impression created is that of a group of people caught in a mind loop and are unable to decide with any degree of certainty whether they are going or coming. One is therefore hard pressed to understand how a bunch of addled indolent refuse to recognize a set of law – since the constitution of Nigeria connotes its indivisibility, and the same time want to be treated by the same instrument. 

The intention to boycott the inquiry was let out of the bag with their admission that it is meant to delegitimize the panel by claiming, in the future, that they never appear before it. Yet, here is an IPOB for whom the Special military board has already made concessions by refusing to name it as an accused entity owing to the crimes it has committed in the south east against Igbo interests. A consensus among right thinking analysts is that many persons in Igboland would petition the board of inquiry to bring the atrocities committed in furtherance of IPOB's interests to light. 

These crimes against humanity include denial of means of livelihood in the course of the several economic blockades that the group usually impose – it has another one scheduled for May 30th this year. Other things it would be accused of before the panel are forced disappearance of persons opposed to its ideologies, murder – including killing of security operatives, extortion, radicalization of youths, gun running and a barge load of infractions that should see the entire members and leadership of IPOB taking a trip to the Hague. 

If IPOB has facts and evidence of abuse and extra judicial execution by the Nigerian Army it should then be bold to step forward and present same since the inquiry is in the full public glare with the media reporting proceedings. Its presentation before the panel could be the precursor to a larger investigation but that is only if what it would present would not be another staple of fake news similar to the fabled Donald Trump's endorsement of IPOB's. It turned out Trump detests fake news and its purveyors and would no doubt have placed this dangerous group on his backlist by now, a reality that was not undone by the infantile solidarity march that was a cover for launching attacks against security personnel in Nigeria. 

There is a last minute face saving window for these recalcitrant elements by way of the decision of the South-East Governor's forum to intervene and appeal for a soft landing for them. The decision is no doubt informed by the apparent hurt that IPOB's insurrection is causing the economy of the region. Sadly, this well intentioned intervention was again hijacked by characters that have been addicted to fake news to the extent that they keened about how south-east governors warn federal government over Nnamdi Kanu, the IPOB leader standing trial for treason. This behaviour highlights the fact that IPOB members have no interest in political solution and they are allergic to peaceful approach to issues – there is no incentive for them to pursue political solutions since they have never bothered to position themselves to win council ward so they are not primed to win offices they can use to politically sway decisions in favour of their ill conceived quest. 

The disdain they have for constituted authority is thus mirrored in the rudeness with which they treat political leaders from their region, which makes the disdain they treat the federal government and its institutions with negligible. One must first respect one's kinsmen before extending the product of that upbringing to others. 

This piece would not be complete without urging the Special Board of Inquiry not to be fazed by tantrums from IPOB as it is a known trait of losers. There are other parties that have indicated willingness to appear before the panel and the boycott by IPOB would not in anyway invalidate its outcome as this is a solution finding process and not a popularity contest. Let the board follow best practice in extending invitation to all and sundry by adequately publicizing same and the world can then judge who the abuser is.

Ibekwe writes from Enugu State, Nigeria.
INnamdi Kanu: ndigenous People of Biafra
The puerile announcement by the Indigenous People of Biafra that it will boycott the Special Board of Inquiry set up by the Nigerian Army to investigate allegations of right abuses is both laughable and saddening at the same time. It is laughable because it exposed the comical side of the fraud that has been presented as a struggle for self determination by a narrow group that has exploited the silence of the greater number of Igbo people as acquiescence. It is saddening because it confirms that the characters behind IPOB have become delusional to the point of believing their own lies. 

Their lies are such that at the height of the US Presidential Elections they stopped short of labelling the Republican Candidate, Donald J Trump an Igbo man. That period saw them tell lies that stood logic on its head and should have been the red flag to see psychiatric help for members of this group. Their claims at that time included bunkum like Trump promising them the actualization of a defunct Republic. Trump's to do list allegedly included freeing the remanded IPOB gang leader, Nnamdi Kanu even though he is standing trial for grievous offences. 

The outcome of the election worsened the mass delusion of IPOB members who behaved as if one of the world's most enduring democracy runs on whims. Yet this delusion revealed a sinister dimension to the extent they will go to propagate lies in pursuit of a failed agenda. We are not talking about some off the cuff inaccuracies here but something more profound. They went to the pains of photoshopping misleading texts unto pictures of President Trump holding up declarations he just signed - the texts of these frauds are always to the effect that the US was demanding Biafra independence. They went further to clone or mimic responsible news organisations to be able to pass off such frauds as the real deal. The only name for this sick act is called 'fake news'. It is bad. It is perverted and emanates only from those with criminal intents. 

It was however not the first time that these frauds were deploying fake news in furtherance of their doomed project. Fake news had been deployed on a commercial scale to lie about the nature of the face-off their radicalised wing had with the military; it had been deployed to announce casualties from such encounters only that they run into problems showing the body counts for their claims, which again forces them to deploy more fake news about abductions and military seizing corpses of members who are actually alive or never existed. 

Possibly as indicated in their statement, issued by IPOB spokespersons, Dr. Ikenna Chinaka and Iyom Grace Ukpai, announcing the boycott, these fake news items become defacto research material for Amnesty International that consequently trumpet it as its findings in reports that IPOB in turn hinges its infantile claim upon. It hovers somewhere between incest and masturbation for these groups to contrive falsehood on this scale and with attention for details in a way that strongly suggests it is not happening for the first time. 

Allegations of extrajudicial killings, torture and other claims of human rights abuses against the Army flourished on the strength of the fake news. One would ordinarily expect that the decision of the authorities in setting up the Special Board of Inquiry would be explored to surface these claims of right violation if there is substance to them. But the reverse is the case. Apparently because the IPOB militants know that they have no evidence to back up their many claims the next reflexive step is for them to announce a boycott of the inquiry. 

The sad and comical aspect of that statement is that they went to a great pain to cite the Nigerian Constitution, the same one they have vowed never to recognise. They further advertised their befuddlement by citing cases decided by the British courts, same country they accuse of making them to be part of a zoo. The impression created is that of a group of people caught in a mind loop and are unable to decide with any degree of certainty whether they are going or coming. One is therefore hard pressed to understand how a bunch of addled indolent refuse to recognize a set of law – since the constitution of Nigeria connotes its indivisibility, and the same time want to be treated by the same instrument. 

The intention to boycott the inquiry was let out of the bag with their admission that it is meant to delegitimize the panel by claiming, in the future, that they never appear before it. Yet, here is an IPOB for whom the Special military board has already made concessions by refusing to name it as an accused entity owing to the crimes it has committed in the south east against Igbo interests. A consensus among right thinking analysts is that many persons in Igboland would petition the board of inquiry to bring the atrocities committed in furtherance of IPOB's interests to light. 

These crimes against humanity include denial of means of livelihood in the course of the several economic blockades that the group usually impose – it has another one scheduled for May 30th this year. Other things it would be accused of before the panel are forced disappearance of persons opposed to its ideologies, murder – including killing of security operatives, extortion, radicalization of youths, gun running and a barge load of infractions that should see the entire members and leadership of IPOB taking a trip to the Hague. 

If IPOB has facts and evidence of abuse and extra judicial execution by the Nigerian Army it should then be bold to step forward and present same since the inquiry is in the full public glare with the media reporting proceedings. Its presentation before the panel could be the precursor to a larger investigation but that is only if what it would present would not be another staple of fake news similar to the fabled Donald Trump's endorsement of IPOB's. It turned out Trump detests fake news and its purveyors and would no doubt have placed this dangerous group on his backlist by now, a reality that was not undone by the infantile solidarity march that was a cover for launching attacks against security personnel in Nigeria. 

There is a last minute face saving window for these recalcitrant elements by way of the decision of the South-East Governor's forum to intervene and appeal for a soft landing for them. The decision is no doubt informed by the apparent hurt that IPOB's insurrection is causing the economy of the region. Sadly, this well intentioned intervention was again hijacked by characters that have been addicted to fake news to the extent that they keened about how south-east governors warn federal government over Nnamdi Kanu, the IPOB leader standing trial for treason. This behaviour highlights the fact that IPOB members have no interest in political solution and they are allergic to peaceful approach to issues – there is no incentive for them to pursue political solutions since they have never bothered to position themselves to win council ward so they are not primed to win offices they can use to politically sway decisions in favour of their ill conceived quest. 

The disdain they have for constituted authority is thus mirrored in the rudeness with which they treat political leaders from their region, which makes the disdain they treat the federal government and its institutions with negligible. One must first respect one's kinsmen before extending the product of that upbringing to others. 

This piece would not be complete without urging the Special Board of Inquiry not to be fazed by tantrums from IPOB as it is a known trait of losers. There are other parties that have indicated willingness to appear before the panel and the boycott by IPOB would not in anyway invalidate its outcome as this is a solution finding process and not a popularity contest. Let the board follow best practice in extending invitation to all and sundry by adequately publicizing same and the world can then judge who the abuser is.

Ibekwe writes from Enugu State, Nigeria.

South East Group disowns Amnesty International Report on Nigeria

South East Group disowns Amnesty International Report on Nigeria

South East Group disowns Amnesty International Report on Nigeria
A South East group, the South-East Restoration Group has disowned reports by amnesty international alleging extra judicial killings in the south east by security agents, saying contrary to such claims, the presence of the army has instead rid the region of criminal activities such as kidnapping and armed robbery.

Addressing journalists in Enugu, SERG National Co-rdinator, Charles Mbani said the group took time to review the claims made in the amnesty international report and decided to clarify some of the misconceptions contained in it.

He described as a misconception the idea that the IPOB represents genuine voice of the Igbo people, adding that persons of Igbo ethnicity that are not involved in breaking laws go about their legitimate businesses without hindrance from any agency let alone the Army.

According to him, "the IPOB is just one of the many entities that have emerged to make monetary gains from the agitation for restructuring, with members that in violation for the deep seated Igbo respect for the sanctity of life, have been involved in killing people that they buried in secret mass graves. They have been involved in killing security operatives and throwing some into the river in the name of holding protests.

He said, "the industrious Igbo sons and daughters can recount how much money they have lost to act of vandalism by this group that Amnesty International is trying to make a case for. Its members imposed forced closure of businesses whenever they hold protests. Those that have made the mistake of defying the forced closures have learnt the hard way not to attempt it again as hoodlums belonging to the group ransacked and looted shops that open for business while they are holding protests.

"This forced participation in insurrectionist activities speaks volume of the violation of the rights to choice, association, expression and doing business in south-east Nigeria under the dictatorship of IPOB thugs. They snuff life out of anyone that disagree with them and the kidnap for ransom gangs in the region do not operate without the knowledge of the group. The situation got so bad that Igbo sons and daughters dread visiting home during festive holidays.

"It took the intervention of the Nigerian Army, with the launch of its Operation Python Dance late 2016, for us to have respite from criminals. Amnesty International may wish to note that when that operation was launched there was outcry that it was targeted at IPOB. Possibly true to the fear expressed, the operation completely curbed incidents of kidnap for ransom and violent robberies that usually spiked towards Yuletide. From records, Operation Python Dance is responsible for the crime free 2016 Christmas that people in the south east enjoyed for the first time and across the region."

Mbani said if Amnesty International is keen about singling out the Igbo race for intervention and support, it should wade into the situation in South Africa where government backed xenophobes are killing and maiming the Nigerians, predominantly Igbo, and destroying their businesses.

He also said people of the south east feel insulted that Amnesty International can lump the agitation for fiscal federalism by Igbo ethnic nationals in the same sections with terrorists entities like Boko Haram and IMN in their report.

He said, "Our interpretation is that it has by that report declared persons of Igbo ancestry as terrorists. It is a foray into a political minefield that the organization is not equipped to cope with. We strongly expect that Amnesty International will in the coming hours apologize for this slight on the hardworking and peace loving Igbo people of Nigeria."

He said equally obnoxious is the insinuation that IPOB represent genuine voice of the Igbo.

He said for the avoidance of doubt, when IPOB does compile names of those allegedly killed or disappeared they always turn out to be phony names that are not linked to known family members in spite of the Igbo close knit extended family system.

He said, "There have been instances when members of the group circulated old pictures that were photoshopped to corroborate false claims. In more extreme cases they circulated gory pictures from other parts of Nigeria or countries entirely to justify claims they were being killed by the military.
South East Group disowns Amnesty International Report on Nigeria
A South East group, the South-East Restoration Group has disowned reports by amnesty international alleging extra judicial killings in the south east by security agents, saying contrary to such claims, the presence of the army has instead rid the region of criminal activities such as kidnapping and armed robbery.

Addressing journalists in Enugu, SERG National Co-rdinator, Charles Mbani said the group took time to review the claims made in the amnesty international report and decided to clarify some of the misconceptions contained in it.

He described as a misconception the idea that the IPOB represents genuine voice of the Igbo people, adding that persons of Igbo ethnicity that are not involved in breaking laws go about their legitimate businesses without hindrance from any agency let alone the Army.

According to him, "the IPOB is just one of the many entities that have emerged to make monetary gains from the agitation for restructuring, with members that in violation for the deep seated Igbo respect for the sanctity of life, have been involved in killing people that they buried in secret mass graves. They have been involved in killing security operatives and throwing some into the river in the name of holding protests.

He said, "the industrious Igbo sons and daughters can recount how much money they have lost to act of vandalism by this group that Amnesty International is trying to make a case for. Its members imposed forced closure of businesses whenever they hold protests. Those that have made the mistake of defying the forced closures have learnt the hard way not to attempt it again as hoodlums belonging to the group ransacked and looted shops that open for business while they are holding protests.

"This forced participation in insurrectionist activities speaks volume of the violation of the rights to choice, association, expression and doing business in south-east Nigeria under the dictatorship of IPOB thugs. They snuff life out of anyone that disagree with them and the kidnap for ransom gangs in the region do not operate without the knowledge of the group. The situation got so bad that Igbo sons and daughters dread visiting home during festive holidays.

"It took the intervention of the Nigerian Army, with the launch of its Operation Python Dance late 2016, for us to have respite from criminals. Amnesty International may wish to note that when that operation was launched there was outcry that it was targeted at IPOB. Possibly true to the fear expressed, the operation completely curbed incidents of kidnap for ransom and violent robberies that usually spiked towards Yuletide. From records, Operation Python Dance is responsible for the crime free 2016 Christmas that people in the south east enjoyed for the first time and across the region."

Mbani said if Amnesty International is keen about singling out the Igbo race for intervention and support, it should wade into the situation in South Africa where government backed xenophobes are killing and maiming the Nigerians, predominantly Igbo, and destroying their businesses.

He also said people of the south east feel insulted that Amnesty International can lump the agitation for fiscal federalism by Igbo ethnic nationals in the same sections with terrorists entities like Boko Haram and IMN in their report.

He said, "Our interpretation is that it has by that report declared persons of Igbo ancestry as terrorists. It is a foray into a political minefield that the organization is not equipped to cope with. We strongly expect that Amnesty International will in the coming hours apologize for this slight on the hardworking and peace loving Igbo people of Nigeria."

He said equally obnoxious is the insinuation that IPOB represent genuine voice of the Igbo.

He said for the avoidance of doubt, when IPOB does compile names of those allegedly killed or disappeared they always turn out to be phony names that are not linked to known family members in spite of the Igbo close knit extended family system.

He said, "There have been instances when members of the group circulated old pictures that were photoshopped to corroborate false claims. In more extreme cases they circulated gory pictures from other parts of Nigeria or countries entirely to justify claims they were being killed by the military.

Kanu's BIAFRA Group Is LEGAL - Justice Nyako Rules .. Reveals Why She Struck Out 6 Charges Against The 'Jewish-Nigerian'

Kanu's BIAFRA Group Is LEGAL - Justice Nyako Rules .. Reveals Why She Struck Out 6 Charges Against The 'Jewish-Nigerian'

Nnamdi Kanu
Justice Binta Nyako of Abuja Federal High Court has ruled yesterday that the Indigenous People of BIAFRA, IPOB champion by Nnamdi Kanu is a leorganizationtion

The Judge also struck-out six of the 11-count criminal charge the Federal Government preferred against the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and three other pro-Biafra agitators. 

The Judge, in a ruling delivered by Justice Binta Nyako, also said the fact that IPOB was not an organisation registered in Nigeria did not make it an illegal society. “It may be true that IPOB is not registered in Nigeria, but does that make it an illegal organisation?”, the judge queried. 

Justice Nyako held that the Federal Government failed to prove that IPOB, allegedly managed by Kanu and his co-defendants — Chidiebere Onwudiwe, Benjamin Madubugwu and David Nwawuisi, is an unlawful society.

Justice Nyako said the six charges she struck out were not supported by the proof of evidence the prosecution adduced against the defendants, adding that none of the six charges established a prima-facie criminal case against the defendants. 

Whereas the court branded some of the terminated charges as “hollow” and “scanty”, it however sustained five other charges against the defendants. 

For instance, the court noted that the Federal Government failed to produce any evidence to support allegation in count nine of the charge that the 2nd defendant, Onwudiwe, as National Coordinator of IPOB and the 4th defendant, Nwawuisi, who was serving as MTN Field Maintenance Engineer in Enugu State, conspired to install Radio Biafra transmitters on MTN masts sited at Ogui Road near St. Michael Church, Enugu, having agreed for the payment and receipt of N150, 000. 

So also was the allegation that Onwudiwe committed an act preparatory to an act of terrorism by carrying out research for the purpose of identifying and gathering improvised explosive devices, IEDs, making materials to be used against the Nigerian security operatives carrying out their lawful duties. 

According to Justice Nyako, the Federal Government ought to have charged Onwudiwe before a Magistrate Court over his alleged intention to commit an act of terrorism. 

She said the government did not establish any ingredient of crime in its allegation that Kanu had between March and April 2015, imported into Nigeria, a radio transmitter known as TRAM 50L and kept it in a container that was left in custody of the 3rd defendant, Madubugwu, at Ubuluisiuzor in Ihiala LGA of Anambra State.

Source: Vanguard Newspaper

Nnamdi Kanu
Justice Binta Nyako of Abuja Federal High Court has ruled yesterday that the Indigenous People of BIAFRA, IPOB champion by Nnamdi Kanu is a leorganizationtion

The Judge also struck-out six of the 11-count criminal charge the Federal Government preferred against the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and three other pro-Biafra agitators. 

The Judge, in a ruling delivered by Justice Binta Nyako, also said the fact that IPOB was not an organisation registered in Nigeria did not make it an illegal society. “It may be true that IPOB is not registered in Nigeria, but does that make it an illegal organisation?”, the judge queried. 

Justice Nyako held that the Federal Government failed to prove that IPOB, allegedly managed by Kanu and his co-defendants — Chidiebere Onwudiwe, Benjamin Madubugwu and David Nwawuisi, is an unlawful society.

Justice Nyako said the six charges she struck out were not supported by the proof of evidence the prosecution adduced against the defendants, adding that none of the six charges established a prima-facie criminal case against the defendants. 

Whereas the court branded some of the terminated charges as “hollow” and “scanty”, it however sustained five other charges against the defendants. 

For instance, the court noted that the Federal Government failed to produce any evidence to support allegation in count nine of the charge that the 2nd defendant, Onwudiwe, as National Coordinator of IPOB and the 4th defendant, Nwawuisi, who was serving as MTN Field Maintenance Engineer in Enugu State, conspired to install Radio Biafra transmitters on MTN masts sited at Ogui Road near St. Michael Church, Enugu, having agreed for the payment and receipt of N150, 000. 

So also was the allegation that Onwudiwe committed an act preparatory to an act of terrorism by carrying out research for the purpose of identifying and gathering improvised explosive devices, IEDs, making materials to be used against the Nigerian security operatives carrying out their lawful duties. 

According to Justice Nyako, the Federal Government ought to have charged Onwudiwe before a Magistrate Court over his alleged intention to commit an act of terrorism. 

She said the government did not establish any ingredient of crime in its allegation that Kanu had between March and April 2015, imported into Nigeria, a radio transmitter known as TRAM 50L and kept it in a container that was left in custody of the 3rd defendant, Madubugwu, at Ubuluisiuzor in Ihiala LGA of Anambra State.

Source: Vanguard Newspaper

See Photo Of IPOB Members Storm Federal High Court in Jewish Attires To Witness Kanu’s Trial

See Photo Of IPOB Members Storm Federal High Court in Jewish Attires To Witness Kanu’s Trial

 Photo Of IPOB Members Storm Federal High Court in Jewish Attires To Witness Kanu’s Trial
Members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, this morning gathered at the Federal High Court Abuja, on Jewish attires to witness the court case of their leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Recall that early last month, some Jewish scientists stormed Nnewi, Anambra State and conducted Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA, test on interested citizens of Igbo origin to determine the Jewish relationship with Igbo tribe.

Kanu, who has been held by the Federal Government and its security agencies since October 15, 2015 over treason and felony charges, will continue his defense today.

Last week, the pro-Biafra group issued fresh warning that any politician who had a hand in the persecution of their leader will die. 

Also just yesterday, a former Governor of the Central Bank, CBN, ‎Chukwuma Soludo, added his voice to those demanding the “immediate” release of the incarcerated leader of IPOB. 

 Photo Of IPOB Members Storm Federal High Court in Jewish Attires To Witness Kanu’s Trial

 Photo Of IPOB Members Storm Federal High Court in Jewish Attires To Witness Kanu’s Trial
Members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, this morning gathered at the Federal High Court Abuja, on Jewish attires to witness the court case of their leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Recall that early last month, some Jewish scientists stormed Nnewi, Anambra State and conducted Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA, test on interested citizens of Igbo origin to determine the Jewish relationship with Igbo tribe.

Kanu, who has been held by the Federal Government and its security agencies since October 15, 2015 over treason and felony charges, will continue his defense today.

Last week, the pro-Biafra group issued fresh warning that any politician who had a hand in the persecution of their leader will die. 

Also just yesterday, a former Governor of the Central Bank, CBN, ‎Chukwuma Soludo, added his voice to those demanding the “immediate” release of the incarcerated leader of IPOB. 

 Photo Of IPOB Members Storm Federal High Court in Jewish Attires To Witness Kanu’s Trial

BREAKING: 11 Feared DEAD As IPOB's Trump Solidarity Rally Turns BLOODY In Port Harcourt

BREAKING: 11 Feared DEAD As IPOB's Trump Solidarity Rally Turns BLOODY In Port Harcourt

11 Feared DEAD As IPOB's Trump Solidarity Rally Turns BLOODY In Port Harcourt
Some eleven people are reportedly feared deas as the solidarity rally by the indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, for new US President, Donald Trump in Port-Harcourt, Rivers State has turned violent.

According to Daily Posy, Media and Publicity ‎secretary of IPOB, Mr. Emma Powerful  alleged that no fewer than 11 members of the pro-Biafra group have been shot dead by security operatives.

“They have attacked our people; 11 have been confirmed dead, many others have bullet wounds”, he claimed in the statement.

He alleged that the attack was carried out by the police, the army and the Department of State Services.

The IPOB spokesman had earlier in a statement he issued on Friday morning, raised the alarm over what he called, ‎”the barbaric plans by the Nigeria security agencies against the recent TRUMP solidarity rally in Igweocha Port-Harcourt River state today, 20th January 2017.”

“The Nigeria security agencies, especially the DSS have perfected plans to share some weapons/guns to unscrupulous elements in the society to join the peaceful solidarity rally for TRUMP today in order to create problem within the crowd.

“IPOB is a peaceful organization that have no guns or weapons but Nigeria government and her security agencies especially the DSS have shared destructive objects to kill people in Igweocha River state today.

“‎We are calling on international community, men and women of good conscience around the world to note this because IPOB is peaceful and if anything happens, Nigeria government led by Muhammadu Buhari and the security agencies, especially the DSS should be held responsible,” he had claimed.

Details shortly…
11 Feared DEAD As IPOB's Trump Solidarity Rally Turns BLOODY In Port Harcourt
Some eleven people are reportedly feared deas as the solidarity rally by the indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, for new US President, Donald Trump in Port-Harcourt, Rivers State has turned violent.

According to Daily Posy, Media and Publicity ‎secretary of IPOB, Mr. Emma Powerful  alleged that no fewer than 11 members of the pro-Biafra group have been shot dead by security operatives.

“They have attacked our people; 11 have been confirmed dead, many others have bullet wounds”, he claimed in the statement.

He alleged that the attack was carried out by the police, the army and the Department of State Services.

The IPOB spokesman had earlier in a statement he issued on Friday morning, raised the alarm over what he called, ‎”the barbaric plans by the Nigeria security agencies against the recent TRUMP solidarity rally in Igweocha Port-Harcourt River state today, 20th January 2017.”

“The Nigeria security agencies, especially the DSS have perfected plans to share some weapons/guns to unscrupulous elements in the society to join the peaceful solidarity rally for TRUMP today in order to create problem within the crowd.

“IPOB is a peaceful organization that have no guns or weapons but Nigeria government and her security agencies especially the DSS have shared destructive objects to kill people in Igweocha River state today.

“‎We are calling on international community, men and women of good conscience around the world to note this because IPOB is peaceful and if anything happens, Nigeria government led by Muhammadu Buhari and the security agencies, especially the DSS should be held responsible,” he had claimed.

Details shortly…

BIAFRA Secessionists, IPOB Holds Trump Solidarity Rally In Nigeria

BIAFRA Secessionists, IPOB Holds Trump Solidarity Rally In Nigeria

IPOB Trump Biafra rally
The Nigeria's secessionist, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has called on  Biafrans and other family members all over West Africa to join in a peaceful solidarity rally for President-elect of the United States of America (USA), Donald Trump.

The rally is scheduled for  Friday, January 20, at Igweocha, Port-Harcourt, River State, Daily Sun reports

The group said the solidarity rally will be in support of Trump’s swearing-in as the 45th US president and for the release of its leader, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and others detained illegally in all the Department of States Services (DSS) cells and prisons across Nigeria.

A statement by the Media and Publicity Secretary of IPOB, Mr. Emma Powerful said the rally will also be for Biafrans, friends of Biafra and lovers of freedom world wide.

“This peaceful rally for Trump in Igweocha on Friday,  will feature display of pictures of our able leader, Mazi Kanu, those detained illegally with him and pictures of president Donald Trump.

“As usual, IPOB will maintain strict discipline of non-violence and non-engagement with army and police.

“However, we must reiterate that should soldiers fire at peaceful protesters, heaven will fall.

“The non-violent position of our great movement will be revoked with immediate effect.

“Our only interest is to exercise our right to peaceful protest and lawful assembly as recognised in the law.

“(Rivers) Governor Nyesom Wike is hereby reminded of his responsibility to protect the lives of those on peaceful rally.

“He should not allow himself to be used.

“We have not forgiven him for his past actions, so, he must be careful not to allow a breakdown of law and order or  any provocative behaviour by the army.

“Peaceful rallies and marches are recognised in law all over the world, so, we can’t stop exercising this because of intimidation and brutality.
“IPOB appreciates the wise counsel and support of our friends.

“Freedom is not negotiable because right to self-determination is inalienable,” said Powerful.
IPOB Trump Biafra rally
The Nigeria's secessionist, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has called on  Biafrans and other family members all over West Africa to join in a peaceful solidarity rally for President-elect of the United States of America (USA), Donald Trump.

The rally is scheduled for  Friday, January 20, at Igweocha, Port-Harcourt, River State, Daily Sun reports

The group said the solidarity rally will be in support of Trump’s swearing-in as the 45th US president and for the release of its leader, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and others detained illegally in all the Department of States Services (DSS) cells and prisons across Nigeria.

A statement by the Media and Publicity Secretary of IPOB, Mr. Emma Powerful said the rally will also be for Biafrans, friends of Biafra and lovers of freedom world wide.

“This peaceful rally for Trump in Igweocha on Friday,  will feature display of pictures of our able leader, Mazi Kanu, those detained illegally with him and pictures of president Donald Trump.

“As usual, IPOB will maintain strict discipline of non-violence and non-engagement with army and police.

“However, we must reiterate that should soldiers fire at peaceful protesters, heaven will fall.

“The non-violent position of our great movement will be revoked with immediate effect.

“Our only interest is to exercise our right to peaceful protest and lawful assembly as recognised in the law.

“(Rivers) Governor Nyesom Wike is hereby reminded of his responsibility to protect the lives of those on peaceful rally.

“He should not allow himself to be used.

“We have not forgiven him for his past actions, so, he must be careful not to allow a breakdown of law and order or  any provocative behaviour by the army.

“Peaceful rallies and marches are recognised in law all over the world, so, we can’t stop exercising this because of intimidation and brutality.
“IPOB appreciates the wise counsel and support of our friends.

“Freedom is not negotiable because right to self-determination is inalienable,” said Powerful.

IPOB Threats: Jittery Buhari, Ministers 'Run' For Dire Lives From Southeast Summits

IPOB Threats: Jittery Buhari, Ministers 'Run' For Dire Lives From Southeast Summits

IPOB Threats: Jittery Buhari, Ministers 'Run' For Dire Lives From Southeast Summits
Punch Newspaper - President Muhammadu Buhari, on Thursday, stayed away from the maiden South-East Economic and Security Summit in Enugu, about 48 hours after some pro-Biafra agitators warned him not to set foot on Igbo land.

Buhari was to be the chief guest of honour at the summit, which held in the Enugu State Government House, according to the programme of the event.

Although the President was expected at the event — as suggested by several speakers who spoke during the programme, he neither showed up nor was he represented.

Also, ministers from the South-East, who were slated to make presentations at the event, all stayed away.

A pro-Biafran group, the Indigenous People of Biafra, had, in the build-up to the summit, issued a statement, warning Buhari to stay away from the South-East — in his own interest.

IPOB, whose leader, Nnamdi Kanu, is being held by the Federal Government, accused Buhari of “persecution”, and threatened “a breakdown of law and order” should the President attend the summit.

Although no mention of the IPOB warning was made throughout the opening session of the summit, Buhari’s absence was a major talking point as several speakers expressed surprise at the development.

Present at the ceremony, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, in a presentation on “Sustainable development: Zero hunger,” said the South-East could become the food basket of the country if the various states collaborated to develop agriculture.

He also canvassed cooperation among the governors in the region on other developmental issues.

Obasanjo said, “We have a challenge of youth unrest which is understandable because these are young people who have education without employment, and skills without production. So, you should expect some agitation from them.

“We cannot leave these children. We must take responsibility.”

Chairman of the South-East Security and Economic Summit, Prof. Barth Nnaji, who is a former minister of power, observed in his opening remarks, “We have not seen the President.”

In his address, Nnaji thanked the Enugu State Government for undertaking to sponsor some aspects of the President’s visit.

Also, at the beginning of his address, the chairman of the event, a former Commonwealth Secretary General, Chief Emeka Anyaoku, drew attention to Buhari’s absence.

“I was going to start by saluting the representative of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria but I have not been told of such a person,” the retired diplomat said.

Anyaoku went further to express regrets that Buhari was not present at the event.

Rounding off his address with a call for the restructuring of the country, he said, “I had hoped that Mr. President would be here to hear me.

“Like Cato, the Roman senator who always ended his speeches by calling for the destruction of Carthage until his call was heeded, I will restate my assertion that if the Nigerian federation is restructured to have less federating units, this country will achieve greater stability and faster pace of development, and there will no longer be a need for the Federal Government to bailout many of the non-viable 36 states.”

Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, observed that the programme printed by the organisers of the summit did not include his photograph and also did not list him among those to speak at the event.

Ekweremadu also spoke on the need to restructure the country, stressing that the current system was not working.

In separate presentations, the governors of Enugu, Abia and Ebonyi states, and the Deputy Governor of Anambra State, drew attention to challenges and opportunities in their various areas.

They also spoke of the need to work together to develop the South-East.

Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha, did not attend the summit, and was also not represented.

Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, urged the Federal Government to address the various challenges besetting the South-East, including the bad state of federal roads, the menace posed by herdsmen and the need to upgrade the runway and other infrastructure at the Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu.

Former Vice-President Alex Ekwueme was among the dignitaries at the summit.
IPOB Threats: Jittery Buhari, Ministers 'Run' For Dire Lives From Southeast Summits
Punch Newspaper - President Muhammadu Buhari, on Thursday, stayed away from the maiden South-East Economic and Security Summit in Enugu, about 48 hours after some pro-Biafra agitators warned him not to set foot on Igbo land.

Buhari was to be the chief guest of honour at the summit, which held in the Enugu State Government House, according to the programme of the event.

Although the President was expected at the event — as suggested by several speakers who spoke during the programme, he neither showed up nor was he represented.

Also, ministers from the South-East, who were slated to make presentations at the event, all stayed away.

A pro-Biafran group, the Indigenous People of Biafra, had, in the build-up to the summit, issued a statement, warning Buhari to stay away from the South-East — in his own interest.

IPOB, whose leader, Nnamdi Kanu, is being held by the Federal Government, accused Buhari of “persecution”, and threatened “a breakdown of law and order” should the President attend the summit.

Although no mention of the IPOB warning was made throughout the opening session of the summit, Buhari’s absence was a major talking point as several speakers expressed surprise at the development.

Present at the ceremony, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, in a presentation on “Sustainable development: Zero hunger,” said the South-East could become the food basket of the country if the various states collaborated to develop agriculture.

He also canvassed cooperation among the governors in the region on other developmental issues.

Obasanjo said, “We have a challenge of youth unrest which is understandable because these are young people who have education without employment, and skills without production. So, you should expect some agitation from them.

“We cannot leave these children. We must take responsibility.”

Chairman of the South-East Security and Economic Summit, Prof. Barth Nnaji, who is a former minister of power, observed in his opening remarks, “We have not seen the President.”

In his address, Nnaji thanked the Enugu State Government for undertaking to sponsor some aspects of the President’s visit.

Also, at the beginning of his address, the chairman of the event, a former Commonwealth Secretary General, Chief Emeka Anyaoku, drew attention to Buhari’s absence.

“I was going to start by saluting the representative of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria but I have not been told of such a person,” the retired diplomat said.

Anyaoku went further to express regrets that Buhari was not present at the event.

Rounding off his address with a call for the restructuring of the country, he said, “I had hoped that Mr. President would be here to hear me.

“Like Cato, the Roman senator who always ended his speeches by calling for the destruction of Carthage until his call was heeded, I will restate my assertion that if the Nigerian federation is restructured to have less federating units, this country will achieve greater stability and faster pace of development, and there will no longer be a need for the Federal Government to bailout many of the non-viable 36 states.”

Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, observed that the programme printed by the organisers of the summit did not include his photograph and also did not list him among those to speak at the event.

Ekweremadu also spoke on the need to restructure the country, stressing that the current system was not working.

In separate presentations, the governors of Enugu, Abia and Ebonyi states, and the Deputy Governor of Anambra State, drew attention to challenges and opportunities in their various areas.

They also spoke of the need to work together to develop the South-East.

Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha, did not attend the summit, and was also not represented.

Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, urged the Federal Government to address the various challenges besetting the South-East, including the bad state of federal roads, the menace posed by herdsmen and the need to upgrade the runway and other infrastructure at the Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu.

Former Vice-President Alex Ekwueme was among the dignitaries at the summit.

Another Curious Amnesty Int’l’s Selective Justice in Nigeria, By Gabriel Onoja

Another Curious Amnesty Int’l’s Selective Justice in Nigeria, By Gabriel Onoja

Another Curious Amnesty Int’l’s Selective Justice in Nigeria,  By Gabriel Onoja
The destructive hypocrisy of Amnesty International (AI) is no longer hidden to Nigerians. Not long ago, Nigerians rose in unanimous condemnations of weird reports of the organization which reeled out malicious statistics of human rights abuses or crimes against humanity in Nigeria.

It’s like AI has no any other job to do elsewhere in the world than in Nigeria. When AI is not accusing the Nigerian military of crimes against humanity in the prosecution of Boko Haram insurgency and other terrorists’ acts in the Niger Delta, it faces the Nigerian Police alleging phantom acts of brutality in detention cells.

The anger of Nigerians against AI has been expressed more bitingly by the coalition of Civil Society Organizations in the country. It at various times described such reports not only as untrue, but as cooked lies which indirectly exposes AI’s sympathies for outlaws, who have launched unrestrained and unprovoked war to destabilize the Nigerian state .

Specifically, AI’s engagement with Nigeria, especially in monitoring Nigeria military’s engagements with militants in the Niger Delta is perceived more as nocturnal spying on Nigeria for their international agents and sponsors of terror groups in the country. Despite this suspicion, AI has refused to disguise itself with the portrait of a neutral, credible and dignified human rights watch body.

An African proverb says, “Only the person who wears the shoe that knows where it pitches.” Nigeria is facing sickening insecurity challenges, where citizens have developed an inexplicable passion for all manner of violence and crimes against their own fraternity.

The unusual deployment of the Nigerian military to different parts of the country is expression of the country’s last resort in quelling these meaningless internal insurrections.

And the aggressors fight battles of this nature with different strategies. There is the ample use of sophisticated conventional weapons and also, the resort of the aggressors to voodoo or charms to remain protected. Very often, these aggressors abuse the human rights of their victims through cruel deaths, mutilation and undignified/inhuman detentions. But curiously now as ever before, AI has never reported such abuses emanating from the caves of the terrorists, militants or violent secession campaigners.

The Nigerian soldiers burst of two militants shrines in Cross River last week, where at least 23 human skulls, human parts and decomposing bodies were found is incontestable evidence of the intensity of the problem. It expresses everything, but more than anything else, the extent terrorists gangs, which the AI rush to protect like prized jewels, also abuse the sanctity of lives of other Nigerians who fall prey to their traps.

Officially breaking the news, Acting Commander of Operation Delta Safe (ODS) in Southern Cross River State, Brig. Gen. Kelvin Aligbe revealed that the raid on Ikot Ene Idem, Abakpa and Ikang Inam communities in Bakassi and Akpabuyo LGAs of the state, led to the discovery of these human parts in just four militants shrines/camps.

In the Bayelsa incident, Coordinator, Joint Media Campaign Centre, Lt. Col. Olaolu Daudu, reported that troops of Sector 2, ODS in the State acting on intelligence reports trailed and arrested the 44 members of the proscribed Nnamdi Kanu’s Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) secession campaigners’ at Lakeview Club on Mabinton Estate.

There is a striking link of the separate incidents in the two states. The arrested IPOB members were allegedly plotting to establish its Bayelsa wing. And tentative investigations unveiled these IPOB members as agents and spies of Bakassi Strike Force Militants, at a time the raid of only four militants camps had that quantum of human skulls and body parts.

It is indication of the devilish affinity of IPOB with militants who are terrorizing the Niger Delta. It means IPOB is not after any secession dream as played in public domain, but purely a criminal gang of economic saboteurs, which AI wants the Nigerian Government to treat with kid gloves.

It is curious that AI has remained silent since the horrific discovery of the cruel murder and mutilation of human beings by militant groups in the Niger Delta, which it delights in protecting and defending their human rights each time they engage Nigerian soldiers in gun battle. Is AI’ blind to justice when crimes against humanity are perpetrated by terrorists and militants on victims in the Nigerian state?

The recent incident has further exposed the hidden agenda of AI’s mission in Nigeria. Justice ought to fair and equitable to all persons and groups without disparity. When justice is selective as Amnesty International is inclined and overtly portraying in the Nigerian instance now, it creates more problems than imagined.

In the warped sense of AI, only the Nigerian government and its security agents are capable of committing acts of human rights violations. But similar crimes against humanity by organized criminal gangs in Nigeria is overlooked as nothing serious by AI, thus revealing its hidden, destructive motive, which emboldens the criminal gangs.

The posture of AI on the Cross River incident has sparked fresh concerns over the roles AI is playing in worsening insecurity in Nigeria.

Nigerians and a civil Society group, Advocates of Social Justice for All (ASJA), has frowned at the silence of AI over the discovery of the human skulls and human parts in militants’ shrines in Cross River state, an unmistakable crime against humanity .

ASJA Executive Director, Mr. Patriot Andrew James was apt in calling on the Government of Nigeria and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to fully investigate incident and punish the culprits and their sponsors.

The Group intoned, “It is unfortunate and very disturbing that people have misinterpreted the Human Rights charter of association and freedom of worship to take the lives of other innocent citizens while some international human rights organizations maintain an undignified silence.”

This is the plea of Nigerians. President Muhammedu Buhari should ensure he unmasks the brains behind such barbaric acts, including their foreign allies, as AI’s selective justice seems to suggest in order arraign to them before the ICC for prosecution.

Onoja is National Cordinator, Coalition Against Terrorism and Extremism and writes from Abuja.

Another Curious Amnesty Int’l’s Selective Justice in Nigeria,  By Gabriel Onoja
The destructive hypocrisy of Amnesty International (AI) is no longer hidden to Nigerians. Not long ago, Nigerians rose in unanimous condemnations of weird reports of the organization which reeled out malicious statistics of human rights abuses or crimes against humanity in Nigeria.

It’s like AI has no any other job to do elsewhere in the world than in Nigeria. When AI is not accusing the Nigerian military of crimes against humanity in the prosecution of Boko Haram insurgency and other terrorists’ acts in the Niger Delta, it faces the Nigerian Police alleging phantom acts of brutality in detention cells.

The anger of Nigerians against AI has been expressed more bitingly by the coalition of Civil Society Organizations in the country. It at various times described such reports not only as untrue, but as cooked lies which indirectly exposes AI’s sympathies for outlaws, who have launched unrestrained and unprovoked war to destabilize the Nigerian state .

Specifically, AI’s engagement with Nigeria, especially in monitoring Nigeria military’s engagements with militants in the Niger Delta is perceived more as nocturnal spying on Nigeria for their international agents and sponsors of terror groups in the country. Despite this suspicion, AI has refused to disguise itself with the portrait of a neutral, credible and dignified human rights watch body.

An African proverb says, “Only the person who wears the shoe that knows where it pitches.” Nigeria is facing sickening insecurity challenges, where citizens have developed an inexplicable passion for all manner of violence and crimes against their own fraternity.

The unusual deployment of the Nigerian military to different parts of the country is expression of the country’s last resort in quelling these meaningless internal insurrections.

And the aggressors fight battles of this nature with different strategies. There is the ample use of sophisticated conventional weapons and also, the resort of the aggressors to voodoo or charms to remain protected. Very often, these aggressors abuse the human rights of their victims through cruel deaths, mutilation and undignified/inhuman detentions. But curiously now as ever before, AI has never reported such abuses emanating from the caves of the terrorists, militants or violent secession campaigners.

The Nigerian soldiers burst of two militants shrines in Cross River last week, where at least 23 human skulls, human parts and decomposing bodies were found is incontestable evidence of the intensity of the problem. It expresses everything, but more than anything else, the extent terrorists gangs, which the AI rush to protect like prized jewels, also abuse the sanctity of lives of other Nigerians who fall prey to their traps.

Officially breaking the news, Acting Commander of Operation Delta Safe (ODS) in Southern Cross River State, Brig. Gen. Kelvin Aligbe revealed that the raid on Ikot Ene Idem, Abakpa and Ikang Inam communities in Bakassi and Akpabuyo LGAs of the state, led to the discovery of these human parts in just four militants shrines/camps.

In the Bayelsa incident, Coordinator, Joint Media Campaign Centre, Lt. Col. Olaolu Daudu, reported that troops of Sector 2, ODS in the State acting on intelligence reports trailed and arrested the 44 members of the proscribed Nnamdi Kanu’s Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) secession campaigners’ at Lakeview Club on Mabinton Estate.

There is a striking link of the separate incidents in the two states. The arrested IPOB members were allegedly plotting to establish its Bayelsa wing. And tentative investigations unveiled these IPOB members as agents and spies of Bakassi Strike Force Militants, at a time the raid of only four militants camps had that quantum of human skulls and body parts.

It is indication of the devilish affinity of IPOB with militants who are terrorizing the Niger Delta. It means IPOB is not after any secession dream as played in public domain, but purely a criminal gang of economic saboteurs, which AI wants the Nigerian Government to treat with kid gloves.

It is curious that AI has remained silent since the horrific discovery of the cruel murder and mutilation of human beings by militant groups in the Niger Delta, which it delights in protecting and defending their human rights each time they engage Nigerian soldiers in gun battle. Is AI’ blind to justice when crimes against humanity are perpetrated by terrorists and militants on victims in the Nigerian state?

The recent incident has further exposed the hidden agenda of AI’s mission in Nigeria. Justice ought to fair and equitable to all persons and groups without disparity. When justice is selective as Amnesty International is inclined and overtly portraying in the Nigerian instance now, it creates more problems than imagined.

In the warped sense of AI, only the Nigerian government and its security agents are capable of committing acts of human rights violations. But similar crimes against humanity by organized criminal gangs in Nigeria is overlooked as nothing serious by AI, thus revealing its hidden, destructive motive, which emboldens the criminal gangs.

The posture of AI on the Cross River incident has sparked fresh concerns over the roles AI is playing in worsening insecurity in Nigeria.

Nigerians and a civil Society group, Advocates of Social Justice for All (ASJA), has frowned at the silence of AI over the discovery of the human skulls and human parts in militants’ shrines in Cross River state, an unmistakable crime against humanity .

ASJA Executive Director, Mr. Patriot Andrew James was apt in calling on the Government of Nigeria and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to fully investigate incident and punish the culprits and their sponsors.

The Group intoned, “It is unfortunate and very disturbing that people have misinterpreted the Human Rights charter of association and freedom of worship to take the lives of other innocent citizens while some international human rights organizations maintain an undignified silence.”

This is the plea of Nigerians. President Muhammedu Buhari should ensure he unmasks the brains behind such barbaric acts, including their foreign allies, as AI’s selective justice seems to suggest in order arraign to them before the ICC for prosecution.

Onoja is National Cordinator, Coalition Against Terrorism and Extremism and writes from Abuja.

BIAFRA: Another Judge Withdraws Self from Nnamdi Kanu's Case

BIAFRA: Another Judge Withdraws Self from Nnamdi Kanu's Case

BIAFRA: Another Judge Withdraws Self from Nnamdi Kanu's Case
The trial judge of detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nanmdi Kanu, Justice John Tsoho on Monday withdrew from the ongoing case.

Tsoho announced his withdrawal from the trial at the Federal High Court, Abuja, while reacting to an application by Kanu’s lawyer, Chuks Mouma, who accused him of bias in the handling of the matter.

He said Kanu’s case file has been returned to the Chief Justice of the Court, Ibrahim Auta for reassignment.

Mouma, had accused the court of acting in line with the suggestion of President Muhammadu Buhari that the incarcerated IPOB leader will not be released under any circumstance.

According to Mouma, the court should hands off the proceedings in line with a petition written to the National Judicial Council, NJC, to protest the judges handling of Kanu’s trial.

“We are only asking the court to hands off; my client has lost confidence in this court.

“I understand that there is a letter to NJC, though I haven’t seen it and the CJ has replied saying that the matter will be investigated.

“I would urge you that you transfer the matter; I would suggest that it be sent back to the CJ,” he said.

Reacting to Mouma’s submission, Justice Tsoho said, “I have no interest in trying your matter and I will return it to the CJ, but I will condemn the attitude of that counsel. I do not care if you take your case to another planet.

“This case is hereby transferred to the CJ.”

Kanu who is currently standing trial before Justice Tsoho for charges bordering on treasonable felony had faulted the judge over his handling of his case.
BIAFRA: Another Judge Withdraws Self from Nnamdi Kanu's Case
The trial judge of detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nanmdi Kanu, Justice John Tsoho on Monday withdrew from the ongoing case.

Tsoho announced his withdrawal from the trial at the Federal High Court, Abuja, while reacting to an application by Kanu’s lawyer, Chuks Mouma, who accused him of bias in the handling of the matter.

He said Kanu’s case file has been returned to the Chief Justice of the Court, Ibrahim Auta for reassignment.

Mouma, had accused the court of acting in line with the suggestion of President Muhammadu Buhari that the incarcerated IPOB leader will not be released under any circumstance.

According to Mouma, the court should hands off the proceedings in line with a petition written to the National Judicial Council, NJC, to protest the judges handling of Kanu’s trial.

“We are only asking the court to hands off; my client has lost confidence in this court.

“I understand that there is a letter to NJC, though I haven’t seen it and the CJ has replied saying that the matter will be investigated.

“I would urge you that you transfer the matter; I would suggest that it be sent back to the CJ,” he said.

Reacting to Mouma’s submission, Justice Tsoho said, “I have no interest in trying your matter and I will return it to the CJ, but I will condemn the attitude of that counsel. I do not care if you take your case to another planet.

“This case is hereby transferred to the CJ.”

Kanu who is currently standing trial before Justice Tsoho for charges bordering on treasonable felony had faulted the judge over his handling of his case.

‘I'll 'BOMB' Nigeria Completely Out Of Existence’ - Nnamdi Kanu Issues Fresh Threat

‘I'll 'BOMB' Nigeria Completely Out Of Existence’ - Nnamdi Kanu Issues Fresh Threat

‘I'll 'BOMB' Nigeria Completely Out Of Exixitence’ - Nnamdi Kanu Issues Fresh Threat
Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, the incarcerated leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, (IPOB) has threatened to destroy Nigeria completely not with explosives, but with truth.

A statement from Comrade Emma Powerful, IPOB spokesman, revealed that Kanu has decided to bomb Nigeria out of existence by dispensing stack truths about Nigeria to the whole world.

The statement stated that Nigeria is a contraption done by the former British colonialists which is no longer working, hence the quest of the Biafrans to opt out of the incompatible marriage – the 1914 Amalgamation.

The statement reads thus: “The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Prophet Nnamdi Kanu, did not say he will bomb Nigeria but to destroy the existence of Nigeria with truth before the eyes of everybody.

“Shout it from roof top, let the birds of heaven sing it, send out Biafran town-criers with horn speakers and please inform it to Nigerians, that Biafrans must go for good as the one set to cremate Nigeria has finally come to be reality.

“The Director of Radio Biafra and the humble servant of the blessed people of Biafra, Kanu has released a word that is sending shivers down the spines of the Nigerian Lords. The British trained revolutionary and political scientist of international repute, recently said that his hatred for Nigeria can only be described as pathological; borne out of the cruelty mankind has inflicted on his people through the contraption called Nigeria.

“Prophet Kanu, who was born in the thick of the genocidal war waged against his Biafran people, affirmed that the contraption referred to as Nigeria only exists today because the white Europeans said so, insisting that it was not created by God the natural way all nations on earth came into existence.”

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‘I'll 'BOMB' Nigeria Completely Out Of Exixitence’ - Nnamdi Kanu Issues Fresh Threat
Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, the incarcerated leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, (IPOB) has threatened to destroy Nigeria completely not with explosives, but with truth.

A statement from Comrade Emma Powerful, IPOB spokesman, revealed that Kanu has decided to bomb Nigeria out of existence by dispensing stack truths about Nigeria to the whole world.

The statement stated that Nigeria is a contraption done by the former British colonialists which is no longer working, hence the quest of the Biafrans to opt out of the incompatible marriage – the 1914 Amalgamation.

The statement reads thus: “The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Prophet Nnamdi Kanu, did not say he will bomb Nigeria but to destroy the existence of Nigeria with truth before the eyes of everybody.

“Shout it from roof top, let the birds of heaven sing it, send out Biafran town-criers with horn speakers and please inform it to Nigerians, that Biafrans must go for good as the one set to cremate Nigeria has finally come to be reality.

“The Director of Radio Biafra and the humble servant of the blessed people of Biafra, Kanu has released a word that is sending shivers down the spines of the Nigerian Lords. The British trained revolutionary and political scientist of international repute, recently said that his hatred for Nigeria can only be described as pathological; borne out of the cruelty mankind has inflicted on his people through the contraption called Nigeria.

“Prophet Kanu, who was born in the thick of the genocidal war waged against his Biafran people, affirmed that the contraption referred to as Nigeria only exists today because the white Europeans said so, insisting that it was not created by God the natural way all nations on earth came into existence.”

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BIAFRA: 3rd IPOB Group Springs Up, Sacks Sacks Nnamdi Kanu, Other Group

BIAFRA: 3rd IPOB Group Springs Up, Sacks Sacks Nnamdi Kanu, Other Group

BIAFRA: 3rd IPOB Group Springs Up, Sacks Sacks Nnamdi Kanu, Other Group
The crisis rocking the Indigenous people of Biafra, IPOB, on Thursday, took a new twist with the emergence of a third faction claiming to be the authentic group representing the organization.

The new group, which parades itself as the Reformed Indigenous People of Biafra; RE-IPOB, disclosed that it has sacked the IPOB led by the detained Director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu and the new faction; The Rebranded Indigenous People of Biafra, TRIPOB, which have Chima Philip Effiong Osuji, as its spokesman, stressing that both groups no longer have the right to speak for Biafra.

In a statement by its spokesman, Ikemba Biafra, the group who promised to disclose their leader on Monday 29th August, 2016, advised all pro-Biafran agitators to remain peaceful and warned security agents to stop molesting Biafran activists.

According to the statement, “Both IPOB and TRIPOB have been sacked; they should no longer speak for the Biafran people. They are the same outfit and have nothing to offer Biafra. We warn that if Nnamdi Kanu , IPOB and the so-called TRIPOB continue their antics , RE-IPOB will be forced to make public the sponsors of the two groups. RE-IPOB will not accede to the burning of the Biafran flag as the sacked TRIPOB planned. The Biafran flag is sacred to Biafrans.”

The statement, however, added that RE-IPOB is open to dialogue if the Nigerian government is sincere in ending the protracted agitations for an independent state of Biafra, and warned that the group will not tolerate any insincerity from the government.

BIAFRA: 3rd IPOB Group Springs Up, Sacks Sacks Nnamdi Kanu, Other Group
The crisis rocking the Indigenous people of Biafra, IPOB, on Thursday, took a new twist with the emergence of a third faction claiming to be the authentic group representing the organization.

The new group, which parades itself as the Reformed Indigenous People of Biafra; RE-IPOB, disclosed that it has sacked the IPOB led by the detained Director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu and the new faction; The Rebranded Indigenous People of Biafra, TRIPOB, which have Chima Philip Effiong Osuji, as its spokesman, stressing that both groups no longer have the right to speak for Biafra.

In a statement by its spokesman, Ikemba Biafra, the group who promised to disclose their leader on Monday 29th August, 2016, advised all pro-Biafran agitators to remain peaceful and warned security agents to stop molesting Biafran activists.

According to the statement, “Both IPOB and TRIPOB have been sacked; they should no longer speak for the Biafran people. They are the same outfit and have nothing to offer Biafra. We warn that if Nnamdi Kanu , IPOB and the so-called TRIPOB continue their antics , RE-IPOB will be forced to make public the sponsors of the two groups. RE-IPOB will not accede to the burning of the Biafran flag as the sacked TRIPOB planned. The Biafran flag is sacred to Biafrans.”

The statement, however, added that RE-IPOB is open to dialogue if the Nigerian government is sincere in ending the protracted agitations for an independent state of Biafra, and warned that the group will not tolerate any insincerity from the government.

BIAFRA Secessionist Group, IPOB Breaks, TRIOPOB Emerges Against Kanu's

BIAFRA Secessionist Group, IPOB Breaks, TRIOPOB Emerges Against Kanu's

BIAFRA Secessionist Group, IPOB Breaks, TRIOPOB Emerges Against Kanu's
Some aggrieved members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, have broken away from the separatist group under the leadership of incarcerated Nnamdi Kanu.

Spokesman of the splinter group identified as The Re-branded Indigenous People of Biafra, TRIOPOB, Chima Phillip Effiong Osuji, explained that the new faction was formed due to the alleged “rigid” and negative position of IPOB under Kanu.

Osuji in a statement, said the decision to break away from the Kanu-led group was taken at an emergency meeting convened by some “disaffected members of IPOB on Monday, August 22, 2016 in Aba, Abia state.

“It was resolved that due to the rigid and fatalistic position of the Nnamdi Kanu- led IPOB, several of us with like minds shall breakaway and form The Rebranded Indigenous People of Biafra, TRIPOB,” he stated.

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BIAFRA Secessionist Group, IPOB Breaks, TRIOPOB Emerges Against Kanu's
Some aggrieved members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, have broken away from the separatist group under the leadership of incarcerated Nnamdi Kanu.

Spokesman of the splinter group identified as The Re-branded Indigenous People of Biafra, TRIOPOB, Chima Phillip Effiong Osuji, explained that the new faction was formed due to the alleged “rigid” and negative position of IPOB under Kanu.

Osuji in a statement, said the decision to break away from the Kanu-led group was taken at an emergency meeting convened by some “disaffected members of IPOB on Monday, August 22, 2016 in Aba, Abia state.

“It was resolved that due to the rigid and fatalistic position of the Nnamdi Kanu- led IPOB, several of us with like minds shall breakaway and form The Rebranded Indigenous People of Biafra, TRIPOB,” he stated.

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At Last, Buhari Frees All Detained IPOB Biafra Agitator

At Last, Buhari Frees All Detained IPOB Biafra Agitator

There was wild jubilation in the commercial town of Onitsha on Thursday after the federal government, through the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, released all members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, who have been in detention.
They were earlier arrested by various security agencies in Aba, Abia state, during their prayer rally in February.

A statement issued to newsmen Thursday in Onitsha, by IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful confirmed that their members had been released.

He said all IPOB members worldwide under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the Director of Radio Biafra were commending the Attorney-General of the Federation, AGF and all those who had common sense to understand that all those arrested in Aba must be released.

Powerful described the freedom of their members as a good omen for the birth of Biafra.

How I Increase My Blokos Size & Stopped Premature Ejaculation Issues That Scattered My Relationship For 2years.. Click HERE for Details

There was wild jubilation in the commercial town of Onitsha on Thursday after the federal government, through the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, released all members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, who have been in detention.
They were earlier arrested by various security agencies in Aba, Abia state, during their prayer rally in February.

A statement issued to newsmen Thursday in Onitsha, by IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful confirmed that their members had been released.

He said all IPOB members worldwide under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the Director of Radio Biafra were commending the Attorney-General of the Federation, AGF and all those who had common sense to understand that all those arrested in Aba must be released.

Powerful described the freedom of their members as a good omen for the birth of Biafra.

How I Increase My Blokos Size & Stopped Premature Ejaculation Issues That Scattered My Relationship For 2years.. Click HERE for Details

THE UNTOLD SECRET: Why Obasanjo Cheaply Ceded Bakassi To Cameroun

THE UNTOLD SECRET: Why Obasanjo Cheaply Ceded Bakassi To Cameroun

THE UNTOLD: Why Obasanjo Cheaply Ceded Bakassi To Cemeroun
Several years after Nigeria ceded the oil-rich Bakassi peninsula to Cameroun during the regime of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, allegations have emerged that the former president did so base on some ulterior motives, former Governor, Obong Victor Attah has claimed.

Attah in an interview with Ripple Nigeria laid the blame for Nigeria’s loss of the oil rich Bakassi peninsula, squarely on former President Olusegun Obasanjo.

He said, for ulterior motives, Obasanjo ignored his advice and paper presentations that could have prevented the negative judgement the country got at the International Court of Justice, ICC, The Hague.

The Ex-Governor of Akwa-Ibom State lamented how the former president ignored and shut him out because he did not want Bakassi oil wells to come to Akwa Ibom State.

He said, “The determination, was to keep Obong Victor Attah out because if we succeeded, Akwa Ibom would want to claim the oil wells. This is because Obasanjo had determined to give them to Cross River State. They kept me out and refused to take any of the documents. They however went to The Hague and fumbled”.

The former governor was reacting to questions on the recent demand by another militant group in the Niger Delta, the Bakassi Strike Force, aka Esighi Group, asking the Federal Government to reclaim Bakassi, if it wants it to lay down its arms.

According to Obong Attah, Nigeria misdirected itself badly on the issue of Bakassi, even as he insisted that there was nothing he did not do to ensure Bakassi was saved.

“There was nothing I did not do to save the situation. Even if we lack ancient history, we should remember the villages were fishing villages, where people go to for fishing and come back after the fishing season. That place was called Apabana and is now Bakassi. All the villages were named after existing towns and most of them were in Akwa Ibom and not even in Cross River State.

“I tried my best and it came out in a paper I presented to show that those people had their roots and Bishopric in Eket before it moved to Oron. They owed everything to Nigeria. You must also remember that at that time, Western Cameroon was part of Nigeria. I also tried to remind everybody concerned that the Certificate of Occupancy for the military barrack in Bakassi was signed by a military governor in Akwa Ibom.”

The former Governor, who said he was not claiming that his papers would have won the case for Nigeria, however said it would have helped the country make a better case at The Hague, which he noted could have changed the outcome.

He added that the situation led to Cross River State losing all the oil wells despite the fact that some oil wells were left for the state in his proposal.

Speaking on whether the demand of the Bakassi Strike Force was feasible, Obong Attah said: “We have a situation here where a decision had been taken by the ICC and honestly, I am not a lawyer to know if anything can be done. I will only advice that if through good legal advice and through political negotiation, we discover that reclaiming it is not feasible, we should just gnash our teeth and bury it because we cannot go to war and reclaim it.

Speaking on the renewed agitation for restructuring and fiscal federalism, Attah said that though he would readily not want to use the word restructuring because it has been severally misused, he insisted that fiscal federalism is an idea whose time has come.

He also frowned at the decision of President Muhammadu Buhari not to implement the report of the 2014 National Conference, saying the report holds the key to reducing the current agitations in the country by half.

Obong Attah said: “I feel sad that President Muhammadu Buhari, who is doing very well, should insist that he was not going to look at the report of the 2014 National Conference. He needs to look at it because there are aspects of the report that, if he can implement, will automatically take care of the demands by groups such as IPOB, MASSOB, Niger Delta Avengers, Joint Liberation Council and all others. Everything will calm down. We have all these agitations because of feelings of injustice and feelings of being cheated.”

Credite: Ripples Nigeria

THE UNTOLD: Why Obasanjo Cheaply Ceded Bakassi To Cemeroun
Several years after Nigeria ceded the oil-rich Bakassi peninsula to Cameroun during the regime of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, allegations have emerged that the former president did so base on some ulterior motives, former Governor, Obong Victor Attah has claimed.

Attah in an interview with Ripple Nigeria laid the blame for Nigeria’s loss of the oil rich Bakassi peninsula, squarely on former President Olusegun Obasanjo.

He said, for ulterior motives, Obasanjo ignored his advice and paper presentations that could have prevented the negative judgement the country got at the International Court of Justice, ICC, The Hague.

The Ex-Governor of Akwa-Ibom State lamented how the former president ignored and shut him out because he did not want Bakassi oil wells to come to Akwa Ibom State.

He said, “The determination, was to keep Obong Victor Attah out because if we succeeded, Akwa Ibom would want to claim the oil wells. This is because Obasanjo had determined to give them to Cross River State. They kept me out and refused to take any of the documents. They however went to The Hague and fumbled”.

The former governor was reacting to questions on the recent demand by another militant group in the Niger Delta, the Bakassi Strike Force, aka Esighi Group, asking the Federal Government to reclaim Bakassi, if it wants it to lay down its arms.

According to Obong Attah, Nigeria misdirected itself badly on the issue of Bakassi, even as he insisted that there was nothing he did not do to ensure Bakassi was saved.

“There was nothing I did not do to save the situation. Even if we lack ancient history, we should remember the villages were fishing villages, where people go to for fishing and come back after the fishing season. That place was called Apabana and is now Bakassi. All the villages were named after existing towns and most of them were in Akwa Ibom and not even in Cross River State.

“I tried my best and it came out in a paper I presented to show that those people had their roots and Bishopric in Eket before it moved to Oron. They owed everything to Nigeria. You must also remember that at that time, Western Cameroon was part of Nigeria. I also tried to remind everybody concerned that the Certificate of Occupancy for the military barrack in Bakassi was signed by a military governor in Akwa Ibom.”

The former Governor, who said he was not claiming that his papers would have won the case for Nigeria, however said it would have helped the country make a better case at The Hague, which he noted could have changed the outcome.

He added that the situation led to Cross River State losing all the oil wells despite the fact that some oil wells were left for the state in his proposal.

Speaking on whether the demand of the Bakassi Strike Force was feasible, Obong Attah said: “We have a situation here where a decision had been taken by the ICC and honestly, I am not a lawyer to know if anything can be done. I will only advice that if through good legal advice and through political negotiation, we discover that reclaiming it is not feasible, we should just gnash our teeth and bury it because we cannot go to war and reclaim it.

Speaking on the renewed agitation for restructuring and fiscal federalism, Attah said that though he would readily not want to use the word restructuring because it has been severally misused, he insisted that fiscal federalism is an idea whose time has come.

He also frowned at the decision of President Muhammadu Buhari not to implement the report of the 2014 National Conference, saying the report holds the key to reducing the current agitations in the country by half.

Obong Attah said: “I feel sad that President Muhammadu Buhari, who is doing very well, should insist that he was not going to look at the report of the 2014 National Conference. He needs to look at it because there are aspects of the report that, if he can implement, will automatically take care of the demands by groups such as IPOB, MASSOB, Niger Delta Avengers, Joint Liberation Council and all others. Everything will calm down. We have all these agitations because of feelings of injustice and feelings of being cheated.”

Credite: Ripples Nigeria

N'Delta Avengers' Identity Unraveled; "They're NOT Nigerians" - Jonathan's Close Ally Reveals

N'Delta Avengers' Identity Unraveled; "They're NOT Nigerians" - Jonathan's Close Ally Reveals

niger delta avengers
The Identity of the notorious Niger Delta Avengers, the militants specialises in bombings of oil facilities in the Niger Delta region has begun to unearth.

A prominent female activist from the Niger Delta, Ankio Briggs, on Sunday condemned the Niger Delta Avengers for attacking oil and gas pipelines and installations in the region, the News Agency of Nigeria reports.

Ms. Briggs, a close ally of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, said the avengers were from Somalia and not Nigeria.

The avengers have claimed responsibility for recent attacks on oil and power installations in the Niger Delta. The attacks have reduced almost by half Nigeria’s oil production and caused darkness across the country by destroying pipelines that supply gas to power stations.

Ms. Briggs spoke in Enugu at the 17th Annual Convention of the Igbo Youth Movement, IYM, with the theme `Nigeria, still in pursuit of true fiscal federalism’.

She also condemned the recent murder by an irate mob of a woman, Bridget Agbamihe, in Kano for blasphemy as well as herdsmen attacks in Nimbo, Enugu State and other parts of the country.

Also speaking at the event, Alex Ekwueme, Second Republic Vice-President, and a former Minister of Information, Jerry Gana called for true federalism and devolution of powers to the states.

They said that restructuring and resource control by regions was a panacea to end acts of uprising across the country.

The former vice-president, who chaired the event, said that the British colonialists had earlier divided the country to enable each region control and manage its resources without interference.

“The British colonial masters divided the country in such a way that every region will operate within its constitution,” he said.

The guest speaker and former Information Minister, Jerry Gana, said that the key solution to Nigeria’s problem was through true federalism and devolution of powers to states.

“True fiscal federalism is the only form of association that will allow peace and stability in the country and each region should be allowed to manage its resources the way they want it,” Mr. Gana said.

He noted that the formula for allocating revenue made the Federal Government to get richer while the states operated like beggars.

“States should be allowed to manage its resources to enable them govern their people the way they want and allocate some percentage to the Federal Government.

“Government should not be far from the people and the federating unit should be made strong to meet the needs of the people,” he said.

Mr. Gana recommended continuous dialogue and the implementation of the resolutions of national confab by the government as the only means the recent agitation and other national demand could be handled.

A Yoruba leader, Ayo Adebanjo, said that the various acts of political instability in the country were because the constitution under which the country was governed was not good for heterogeneous country like Nigeria.

“To put a stop at the various uprising in the country such as Niger Delta Avengers, MASSOB, IPOB etc, our constitution needs to be changed to allow for restructuring of the country under true federalism.

Earlier, the founder of IYM, Elliot Uko, said that the event was to honour prominent Nigerians who had contributed to the growth and development of the country.

He said Igbo youth were committed to building a stronger Nigeria and to reduce the tension in the region, adding that true federalism would help the country to grow and prosper.

The highlight of the event was presentation of awards to Messrs. Gana, Adebayo, detained Biafra secessionist leader, Nnamdi Kanu, and Ms. Briggs.
The event was also attended by former governors of Anambra, Chukwuemeka Ezeife and Peter Obi, and students from tertiary institutions in the South-East.

niger delta avengers
The Identity of the notorious Niger Delta Avengers, the militants specialises in bombings of oil facilities in the Niger Delta region has begun to unearth.

A prominent female activist from the Niger Delta, Ankio Briggs, on Sunday condemned the Niger Delta Avengers for attacking oil and gas pipelines and installations in the region, the News Agency of Nigeria reports.

Ms. Briggs, a close ally of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, said the avengers were from Somalia and not Nigeria.

The avengers have claimed responsibility for recent attacks on oil and power installations in the Niger Delta. The attacks have reduced almost by half Nigeria’s oil production and caused darkness across the country by destroying pipelines that supply gas to power stations.

Ms. Briggs spoke in Enugu at the 17th Annual Convention of the Igbo Youth Movement, IYM, with the theme `Nigeria, still in pursuit of true fiscal federalism’.

She also condemned the recent murder by an irate mob of a woman, Bridget Agbamihe, in Kano for blasphemy as well as herdsmen attacks in Nimbo, Enugu State and other parts of the country.

Also speaking at the event, Alex Ekwueme, Second Republic Vice-President, and a former Minister of Information, Jerry Gana called for true federalism and devolution of powers to the states.

They said that restructuring and resource control by regions was a panacea to end acts of uprising across the country.

The former vice-president, who chaired the event, said that the British colonialists had earlier divided the country to enable each region control and manage its resources without interference.

“The British colonial masters divided the country in such a way that every region will operate within its constitution,” he said.

The guest speaker and former Information Minister, Jerry Gana, said that the key solution to Nigeria’s problem was through true federalism and devolution of powers to states.

“True fiscal federalism is the only form of association that will allow peace and stability in the country and each region should be allowed to manage its resources the way they want it,” Mr. Gana said.

He noted that the formula for allocating revenue made the Federal Government to get richer while the states operated like beggars.

“States should be allowed to manage its resources to enable them govern their people the way they want and allocate some percentage to the Federal Government.

“Government should not be far from the people and the federating unit should be made strong to meet the needs of the people,” he said.

Mr. Gana recommended continuous dialogue and the implementation of the resolutions of national confab by the government as the only means the recent agitation and other national demand could be handled.

A Yoruba leader, Ayo Adebanjo, said that the various acts of political instability in the country were because the constitution under which the country was governed was not good for heterogeneous country like Nigeria.

“To put a stop at the various uprising in the country such as Niger Delta Avengers, MASSOB, IPOB etc, our constitution needs to be changed to allow for restructuring of the country under true federalism.

Earlier, the founder of IYM, Elliot Uko, said that the event was to honour prominent Nigerians who had contributed to the growth and development of the country.

He said Igbo youth were committed to building a stronger Nigeria and to reduce the tension in the region, adding that true federalism would help the country to grow and prosper.

The highlight of the event was presentation of awards to Messrs. Gana, Adebayo, detained Biafra secessionist leader, Nnamdi Kanu, and Ms. Briggs.
The event was also attended by former governors of Anambra, Chukwuemeka Ezeife and Peter Obi, and students from tertiary institutions in the South-East.


IPOB Turning Ethnic Terrorist Group, Killed, Buried 5 Hausa-Fulani, 50 Others In Abia - DSS

IPOB Turning Ethnic Terrorist Group, Killed, Buried 5 Hausa-Fulani, 50 Others In Abia - DSS

Nigerian Secret Police, the DSS
A shocking revelation by Nigerian Secret Police, the DSS suggests that the Indigenous People of Biafra, a secessionist group  turning to ethnic terrorist group.

The DSS in a press release on Saturday, titled; DSS Official Statement on Al-Barnawi and IPOB and excerpted from PRNigeeria said; "It is pertinent therefore to alert the general public that IPOB, is gradually showing its true divisive colour and objectives, while steadily embarking on gruesome actions in a bid to ignite ethnic terrorism and mistrust amongst non-indigenes in the South-East region and other parts of the country."

"Following this act, tension is currently rife among communal stakeholders in the State with possibilities of spillover to other parts of country."

...7. The Service has uncovered the heinous role played by members of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), in the abduction/kidnap of five Hausa-Fulani residents, namely Mohammed GAINAKO, Ibrahim MOHAMMED, Idris YAKUBU, and Isa Mohammed RAGO at Isuikwuato LGA in Abia State. 

8. The abducted men were later discovered at the Umuanyi forest, Abia State, where they were suspected to have been killed by their abductors and buried in shallow graves, amidst fifty (50) other shallow graves of unidentified persons. Arrest and investigation conducted so far, revealed that elements within the IPOB, carried out this dastardly action. 

9. It is pertinent therefore to alert the general public that IPOB, is gradually showing its true divisive colour and objectives, while steadily embarking on gruesome actions in a bid to ignite ethnic terrorism and mistrust amongst non-indigenes in the South-East region and other parts of the country. Following this act, tension is currently rife among communal stakeholders in the State with possibilities of spillover to other parts of country. 

10. Against the foregoing, the Service will not hesitate to act decisively within its statutory mandate to ensure that the sponsors and perpetrators of this action are apprehended and prosecuted for their crime. Accordingly, law-abiding citizens are enjoined to go about their civil duties and businesses freely, as efforts are being intensified by security agencies to maintain law and order in the State and across the Federation.

Nigerian Secret Police, the DSS
A shocking revelation by Nigerian Secret Police, the DSS suggests that the Indigenous People of Biafra, a secessionist group  turning to ethnic terrorist group.

The DSS in a press release on Saturday, titled; DSS Official Statement on Al-Barnawi and IPOB and excerpted from PRNigeeria said; "It is pertinent therefore to alert the general public that IPOB, is gradually showing its true divisive colour and objectives, while steadily embarking on gruesome actions in a bid to ignite ethnic terrorism and mistrust amongst non-indigenes in the South-East region and other parts of the country."

"Following this act, tension is currently rife among communal stakeholders in the State with possibilities of spillover to other parts of country."

...7. The Service has uncovered the heinous role played by members of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), in the abduction/kidnap of five Hausa-Fulani residents, namely Mohammed GAINAKO, Ibrahim MOHAMMED, Idris YAKUBU, and Isa Mohammed RAGO at Isuikwuato LGA in Abia State. 

8. The abducted men were later discovered at the Umuanyi forest, Abia State, where they were suspected to have been killed by their abductors and buried in shallow graves, amidst fifty (50) other shallow graves of unidentified persons. Arrest and investigation conducted so far, revealed that elements within the IPOB, carried out this dastardly action. 

9. It is pertinent therefore to alert the general public that IPOB, is gradually showing its true divisive colour and objectives, while steadily embarking on gruesome actions in a bid to ignite ethnic terrorism and mistrust amongst non-indigenes in the South-East region and other parts of the country. Following this act, tension is currently rife among communal stakeholders in the State with possibilities of spillover to other parts of country. 

10. Against the foregoing, the Service will not hesitate to act decisively within its statutory mandate to ensure that the sponsors and perpetrators of this action are apprehended and prosecuted for their crime. Accordingly, law-abiding citizens are enjoined to go about their civil duties and businesses freely, as efforts are being intensified by security agencies to maintain law and order in the State and across the Federation.

Radio Biafra Hits Airwaves Again Despite Kanu's Incarceration; We're UNSTOPPABLE - IPOB Boasts

Radio Biafra Hits Airwaves Again Despite Kanu's Incarceration; We're UNSTOPPABLE - IPOB Boasts

Radio Biafra Hits Airwaves Again
Nnamdi Kanu
The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) yesterday said Radio Biafra has come back on shortwave after the Federal Government blocked the airwaves last year following the arrest of its Director, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu by the Department of State Security (DSS) at Lagos Airport.

A statement by IPOB Media and Publicity Secretary, Mr. Emma Powerful said the short waves and satellites covers all the Southeast geopolitical zone, Lagos, Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Delta, Bayelsa, Cross River, London and could be reached through applications, phones etc.

“Right now, we are back on shortwave after Nigerian government spent millions of dollars’ taxpayers money trying to stop Radio Biafra. All Biafrans and friends of Biafra can now go to 11600 khz at 25 meter band to cherish the gospel of truth, Broadcasting time is 8:00pm London time, 9:00pm Biafra land time. We are unstoppable because Chukwuka Okike Abiama (Almighty God) is on our side.”

It stated that Akwa-Ibom is now on CHK 102.1 fm Covering Ikot Ekene, Uruan, Oron, Uyo, Insiriatai, Ibiono, Nundo, Abak, Idioro, Akwa-Ibom Dakka, Yamal-402 DTH Platform: Frequency 11045MHz Pol: Vertical Symbol Rate: 40MSym, DVB-S, QPSK, 2/3 FEC, Service ID: 5.

The group also stated that Radio Biafra is now back on satellite, ‘Yamil 20/C band 55° E, freq 11045V 40000 this same satellite houses prophetic TV, CW TV, Loveworld Sat, Glow TV, Racing int yml. If you are already on this sat or, if you are already receiving the above channels all you have to do is to presstv/radiobutton on your remote and scroll down to see Radio Biafra.ate’.

“Lagos is on CHK 89.1, Enugu is back on CHK 105.1 and it’s Environ, You can Listen via any of the following listening post: For those living in Igweocha/PH axis, Isoko, Urhobo, Asaba, Nkwerre, Nwangele, Ikeduru, Mbaise, Ideato, Ntigha Ngwa, Owerri, Etiti, Mbano, Okigwe, Orlu, Nnewi, Ozubulu, Oraifite, Ihiala, Asaba, Ibusa, Okpanam, Ogwuashi-Uku, Isele- Uku, Igbanke, Onitsha-Ugbo, Ubulu-Uku, Agbor, Warri, Benin, Aba, Onitsha, Umuahia, Awkuzu, Nkpor, Okija, Oba, Ogbaru, Awka and its environ, kindly tune in to 102.1 Biafra FM.”
Radio Biafra Hits Airwaves Again
Nnamdi Kanu
The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) yesterday said Radio Biafra has come back on shortwave after the Federal Government blocked the airwaves last year following the arrest of its Director, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu by the Department of State Security (DSS) at Lagos Airport.

A statement by IPOB Media and Publicity Secretary, Mr. Emma Powerful said the short waves and satellites covers all the Southeast geopolitical zone, Lagos, Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Delta, Bayelsa, Cross River, London and could be reached through applications, phones etc.

“Right now, we are back on shortwave after Nigerian government spent millions of dollars’ taxpayers money trying to stop Radio Biafra. All Biafrans and friends of Biafra can now go to 11600 khz at 25 meter band to cherish the gospel of truth, Broadcasting time is 8:00pm London time, 9:00pm Biafra land time. We are unstoppable because Chukwuka Okike Abiama (Almighty God) is on our side.”

It stated that Akwa-Ibom is now on CHK 102.1 fm Covering Ikot Ekene, Uruan, Oron, Uyo, Insiriatai, Ibiono, Nundo, Abak, Idioro, Akwa-Ibom Dakka, Yamal-402 DTH Platform: Frequency 11045MHz Pol: Vertical Symbol Rate: 40MSym, DVB-S, QPSK, 2/3 FEC, Service ID: 5.

The group also stated that Radio Biafra is now back on satellite, ‘Yamil 20/C band 55° E, freq 11045V 40000 this same satellite houses prophetic TV, CW TV, Loveworld Sat, Glow TV, Racing int yml. If you are already on this sat or, if you are already receiving the above channels all you have to do is to presstv/radiobutton on your remote and scroll down to see Radio Biafra.ate’.

“Lagos is on CHK 89.1, Enugu is back on CHK 105.1 and it’s Environ, You can Listen via any of the following listening post: For those living in Igweocha/PH axis, Isoko, Urhobo, Asaba, Nkwerre, Nwangele, Ikeduru, Mbaise, Ideato, Ntigha Ngwa, Owerri, Etiti, Mbano, Okigwe, Orlu, Nnewi, Ozubulu, Oraifite, Ihiala, Asaba, Ibusa, Okpanam, Ogwuashi-Uku, Isele- Uku, Igbanke, Onitsha-Ugbo, Ubulu-Uku, Agbor, Warri, Benin, Aba, Onitsha, Umuahia, Awkuzu, Nkpor, Okija, Oba, Ogbaru, Awka and its environ, kindly tune in to 102.1 Biafra FM.”



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