Isaac Adewole - News Proof



Isaac Adewole

Angry Buhari SACKS All Doctors Nationwide Over Strike

The Federal Government has ordered immediate sack of striking resident doctors in the country. The Minister of Health, Isaac Adewole, in a circular signed by Amina Shamaki, the permanent secretary of the ministry, directed Chief Medical Direct...

SJS: A New Killer Disease Breaks out In Nigeria

The Minister of Health, Isaac Adewole, has revealed that a new deadly disease known as Stephen Johnson Syndrome (SJS) has surfaced in Nigeria. Already, one person has died from the disease and another being treated at the  National Hospit...

Showing posts with label Isaac Adewole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isaac Adewole. Show all posts

Angry Buhari SACKS All Doctors Nationwide Over Strike

Angry Buhari SACKS All Doctors Nationwide Over Strike
The Federal Government has ordered immediate sack of striking resident doctors in the country.

The Minister of Health, Isaac Adewole, in a circular signed by Amina Shamaki, the permanent secretary of the ministry, directed Chief Medical Directors (CMDs) and medical directors (MDs) of FG tertiary health institutions to fill the vacancies created by resident doctors who have “abandoned” their programme.

Resident doctors in government hospitals had declared indefinite strike on Monday over issue bordering on their entitlements.

The circular reads: “It has come to the notice of the management of the ministry that some resident doctors in your establishment have voluntarily withdrawn from the residency training program by refusing to report for training without authorisation. public service rule, PSR 030402 (e) is relevant.

“This is in spite of the ongoing negotiations on their demands put forward by the representatives of the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) under the auspices of the Nigerian Medical Association.

“In view of this development, you are hereby directed to replace all the doctors that have withdrawn their services, with others from the pool of applicants for the training programs in the various disciplines in order not to create ominous gap in training with attendant disruption of health care delivery in your facility.

“Meanwhile, the ministry is working with the panel on the review of the residency training programme in Nigeria, led by Professor Wole Atoyebi, the registrar of the National Postgraduate Medical College, to fast-track the development of a comprehensive blueprint for postgraduate training of doctors in the country.

“Please, ensure immediate compliance.”

SJS: A New Killer Disease Breaks out In Nigeria

Stephen Johnson Syndrome (SJS)
The Minister of Health, Isaac Adewole, has revealed that a new deadly disease known as Stephen Johnson Syndrome (SJS) has surfaced in Nigeria.

Already, one person has died from the disease and another being treated at the  National Hospital Abuja, the Minister said.

Adewole made the revelation at a press briefing in Abuja on Friday, May 13.

Speaking about the disease, a Senior Consultant Physician/Dermatologist at the National Hospital, Abuja, Dr. Olanrewaju Falodun said that Stephens Johnson Syndrome "is an immune complex mediated hypersensitivity reaction that typically involves the skin and mucous membranes and was first described in 1922 by Albert Stevens and Frank Johnson."

Dr. Olanrewaju Falodun a Senior Consultant Physician/Dermatologist at the National Hospital, Abuja, shed more light on the disease and the cases being handled in his hospital.

“Stephens Johnson Syndrome, is an immune complex mediated hypersensitivity reaction that typically involves the skin and mucous membranes and was first described in 1922 by Albert Stevens and Frank Johnson,” Mr. Falodun said.

SJS is a rare and unpredictable reaction, and is also a minor form of toxic epidermal necrolysis with less than 10 percent body surface area involvement, the consultant said.

“SJS is a rare but serious and potentially life-threatening contagious drug reaction. Incidence of SJS is estimated between 1.1 and 7.1 cases per million per year and is more prevalent in women than men. Incidence in Europe is two per million per year” Mr. Falodun said.

He confirmed that two cases were being treated at the Abuja National Hospital, saying one patient already passed while the other was still undergoing treatment.

He said the incidence was higher in Africa due to extensive use of herbal preparations and the prevalence of HIV.

He listed the symptoms of the SJS disease to include fever, sore throat, running nose, fatigue, general aches and pains, ulcers in mouth, genitals, anal regions as well as conjunctivitis.

The health complications, Mr. Falodun said, are pigmentation problems, skin scarring, scarred genitals, joint pains, lung diseases, obstructive disorders and eye complications, adhesions, ulcers, and blindness.

He however said the cause of the disease remained unknown in a quarter to half of cases but that self-medications appeared to be one of its causes.

He advised Nigerians to avoid misuse of drugs, while individuals with previous drug reactions should always inform healthcare practitioners so that in future they would be able to predict who is at risk of the disease using genetic screening.

Here are ways Mr. Falodun said SJS could be managed by hospitals:
1. Cessation of suspected drugs
2. Hospital Admission: Preferably in burns unit/intensive care
3. Nutritional and Fluid replacement
4. Temperature maintenance
5. Pain relief
6. Mouth-care


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