Lagos State Fire Service - News Proof



Lagos State Fire Service

4 Dead As Building Collapses In Lagos

PM News - At least four persons are feared dead while five have been rescued after a storey building collapsed in Lekki Phase One in Lagos state, southwest Nigeria on Tuesday morning. Director, Lagos State Fire Service, Rasaq Fadipe, has conf...

Showing posts with label Lagos State Fire Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lagos State Fire Service. Show all posts

4 Dead As Building Collapses In Lagos

PM News - At least four persons are feared dead while five have been rescued after a storey building collapsed in Lekki Phase One in Lagos state, southwest Nigeria on Tuesday morning.

Director, Lagos State Fire Service, Rasaq Fadipe, has confirmed the incident and has also confirmed that five people have been rescued.

He assured that search and rescue for more victims in ongoing.


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