Linda Ikeji Social - News Proof

Linda Ikeji Social

Renown Nigerian Female Blogger, Linda Ikeji Launches Own Social Media Platform, Linda Ikeji Social

The renown female Nigerian blogger, Linda Ikeji has launched a social media platform christened Linda Ikeji Social, with the acronyms LIS.  How I Increase My Blokos Size & Stopped Premature Ejaculation Issues  ...

Showing posts with label Linda Ikeji Social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linda Ikeji Social. Show all posts

Renown Nigerian Female Blogger, Linda Ikeji Launches Own Social Media Platform, Linda Ikeji Social

 Linda Ikeji Social

The renown female Nigerian blogger, Linda Ikeji has launched a social media platform christened Linda Ikeji Social, with the acronyms LIS. 

 According to the blogger, LIS is an idea she has been conceived and began work on six months ago. 

Her words:
 "LIS is basically Facebook meets Linda Ikeji Blog meets! You can connect with friends on LIS, chat, get the latest breaking news, sell your eye witness stories to us and get paid. You can also buy and sell your goods and services from authentic buyers and sellers."
 "LIS is so different from other social networking sites in the world because you can make a lot of money by being one of our LIS affiliates via your business pages. There will also be a lot of giveaways happening on LIS...starting next week! We are giving away N1million."\
 Here her in this video



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