Moses Odeyemi - News Proof

Moses Odeyemi

Pastor Abandons Wife, Children; Marries Church's Lady-Evangelist

A housewife and mother of four, Kafayat Moses, has asked the Mapo Customary Court in Ibadan, Oyo State to dissolve her 15-year-old marriage to her husband, Moses Odeyemi over abandonment. According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Kafayat i...

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Showing posts with label Moses Odeyemi. Show all posts

Pastor Abandons Wife, Children; Marries Church's Lady-Evangelist

Pastor Abandons Wife, Children, Marries Church's Lady-Evangelist
A housewife and mother of four, Kafayat Moses, has asked the Mapo Customary Court in Ibadan, Oyo State to dissolve her 15-year-old marriage to her husband, Moses Odeyemi over abandonment.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Kafayat informed the court that her husband, though a pastor, had abandoned her for another woman, thereby, denying her all the rights of a wife.

“Things were going on smoothly between us until 2014 when Moses suddenly came to introduce a woman evangelist to me whom he said was a spiritual worker with him.

“Exactly two months after her arrival in our home, our relationship started collapsing.

“I discovered that Moses started leaving home in the company with the woman by 5:00 a.m everyday and will not return until around 11:00 p.m.

“He left me and the children starving.

“Whenever I call and tell him we have nothing to eat, he will take offence and beat me when he comes back home.

“He had earlier asked me to stop the only business that was bringing me money and learn midwifery which I obeyed.

“Ever since I learnt midwifery, no customer has been coming.

“Moses secretly married the woman evangelist somewhere, thereby, exposing me and the four children to hunger, emotional and psychological trauma,” she told the court to grant him custody of their four children.

The respondent was silent on the allegation of abandoning his wife for another woman.

“My lord, Kafayat is a devil in human skin and has been working for the downfall of my church.

“Ever since I got married to her, she has been tearing all members of my church apart as well as my relatives.

“Kafayat doesn’t want my parents and relatives to come close to me;  she also nags a lot,” Moses stated.

The court president, Mr Ademola Odunade, asked Kafayat to produce the four children in court and adjourned the case to May 2, for judgment.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that while Kafayat resides at Olomi area, Moses resides at Muslim area of Ibadan.


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