Mr Ibraheem El-Zakyzaky - News Proof

Mr Ibraheem El-Zakyzaky

Extremism: FG Urged To Stop Nigerians Travelling To Study In Iran

Africans studying various higher institutions in Cyprus under the banner of African Students in Cyprus have called on the Nigerian government to stop Nigerian youths traveling to the republic of Iran to study, warning that some of them end up bei...

Shiites: Nigerians in the US Protest, want El- Zakzakky prosecuted

Nigerians living in the US under the banner of the Movement of the People of Nigeria on Monday held a protest against the non-prosecution of IMN Leader, Mr Ibraheem El-Zakyzaky at the United Nations Building and Nigeria House in New York City. ...

Showing posts with label Mr Ibraheem El-Zakyzaky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr Ibraheem El-Zakyzaky. Show all posts

Extremism: FG Urged To Stop Nigerians Travelling To Study In Iran

Extremism: FG Urged To Stop Nigerians Travelling To Study In Iran
Africans studying various higher institutions in Cyprus under the banner of African Students in Cyprus have called on the Nigerian government to stop Nigerian youths traveling to the republic of Iran to study, warning that some of them end up being radicalized.

The students during a march to against terrorism and extremism at the university of Nicosia, Cyprus
said Nigeria faces future security risk if it continues to allow youths travel to countries where they end up being radicalized.

President of the student group, Jeremiah Omadachi who addressed the protest said some youths who travel to Iran under the guise of studying, are also shipped off to other countries such as Yemen and Somlia where the same fate await them.

The students warned the Nigerian authorities and foreign affairs ministry that the threat of radicalization by el Zakzakky's IMN is real and should not be taken for granted if the country, stressing examples of Oguche and Abdul Mutalab's as embarrassment to the country.

He said, "as Africans living here in Cyprus, we have followed events in Nigeria and must confess that we have great concerns about the growing sectarian division there. The names of several sects are coming up in the daily accounts being rendered online but the name of Shiite sect, the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) has remained a constant.

"We are aware through contacts with other communities and nationals here that the cover that IMN and Iran use is to make youths pretend they are travelling to get education.

"The frightening reality however is that young Nigerians that travel to Iran end up being radicalised and indoctrinated into extremism. There has been indications that they are also getting military training provided by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

He said the Nigerian Government and other African leaders must do everything possible to prevent Iran from expanding the Middle East crisis to Africa by using IMN as a front.

According to him, the Islamic Republic must be told in very clear terms that it should sort out its problems with its regional neighbours and not attempt opening a new front in its war of attrition in Nigeria.

He said, "Our continent is too dear to us to keep quiet while Iran stokes the fire of sectarian strife.
We appeal to the Nigerian government to immediately mount an enlightenment campaign that would educate Nigerian youths on the danger of travelling to Iran of all places in the erroneous impression that they will get useful education. They must be told of the reality of the harrowing experiences of those that have made the perilous journey.

"Some of the youths who think they will be getting education as professionals have ended up finding themselves as unwilling recruit into the Iranian terror infrastructure. Some have died in the course of being trained as terrorists while those that managed to return home to Nigeria often discover they have been fashioned into misfits."

Shiites: Nigerians in the US Protest, want El- Zakzakky prosecuted

Shiites: Nigerians in the US Protest, want El- Zakzakky prosecuted
Nigerians living in the US under the banner of the Movement of the People of Nigeria on Monday held a protest against the non-prosecution of IMN Leader, Mr Ibraheem El-Zakyzaky at the United Nations Building and Nigeria House in New York City.

Addressing the protest, Cosmas Collins, the US Cordinator of the group said the Nigerian government is making a mistake by not prosecuting members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) for their acts of violence against the state and against citizens of Nigeria.

He said it is important the world is able to reassure the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria that they have the world's support for nipping the growing terror of IMN in the bud.

According to him, a clear message must be sent to the government that the firmness with which it deals with the IMN threat is a matter global interest as any fallout from delay in dealing with the threat posed by the group will affect the whole world.

The result of several investigations that followed the clash between the IMN members and army last December all want the prosecution of the IMN leader, Mr Ibraheem El-Zakyzaky and all those that supported him in that insurrection.

He said, "We are therefore here to demand that the federal government and the Kaduna state government must do what the reports of NHCR and the Commission of Inquiry have recommended. Even without the prompting of the two reports the government should have done the needful by prosecuting everyone that precipitated that mayhem.

"Failure to prosecute these people, including El-Zakyzaky is making other groups think of coming out because it is now believed that it is fashionable to take on the state without consequences.

"The government must not also omit to consider bringing charges of subversion against members of the group for inviting Iranian intervention in Nigeria's internal affairs. As a prelude to this, the government should investigate the finances of the group and its senior members to see if they have been beneficiary of Iranian sponsorship of terrorism

The protesters urged the Nigerian ambassor to the US convey to the Federal Government of Nigeria that it must treat its protest as a warning and a call to immediately arraign El-Zakyzaky and indeed any other member of his sect indicted in any of the reports on the events of December 2015.

He said, "Where the government fails to show commitment to prosecute El-Zakyzaky and IMN fanatics within reasonable time we shall be constrained to hold more protests in Abuja and even scale up to other cities, particularly in those places where IMN members are holding protests to demand for the release of the man we want to stand trial.

"The indifference to IMN extremism, radicalisation, and militarisation must stop. The world must demand that the Government of Federal Republic of Nigeria acts now. There is nothing like soft or hardline terrorism. Terrorism is terrorism and the world cannot afford for IMN to grow to the level of Boko Haram before demanding that Nigeria takes action.


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