President Muhammad Buhari - News Proof



President Muhammad Buhari

Buhari's Rare Presidential Accolade To Nigerian Armed Forces, By Israel Abiodun

President Muhammadu Buhari Life is sweeter when people or the institutions are accorded recognition or appreciated by others based on merit or excellence. It is more fun and it invokes a justified feeling of haughtiness and fulfillment, when suc...

My Agenda - New Acting Police IG, Ibrahim Idris


Showing posts with label President Muhammad Buhari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Muhammad Buhari. Show all posts

Buhari's Rare Presidential Accolade To Nigerian Armed Forces, By Israel Abiodun

President Muhammadu Buhari
Life is sweeter when people or the institutions are accorded recognition or appreciated by others based on merit or excellence. It is more fun and it invokes a justified feeling of haughtiness and fulfillment, when such accolades to anyone or institution comes from leaders of nations.

Men who lead nations are usually known for an inclination of dissatisfaction with everything, especially the performance of those under their supervisory jurisdiction. To impress them, one has to work extremely hard. It explains their reluctance to dish out praises to people under their supervision. It is a once in a while thing.

President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria is one such leader, extremely hard to impress to the extent of attracting his public acknowledgement on one's performance. Buhari’s global acclaimed integrity and incorruptibility sets benchmarks which makes it very difficult for those working under him to satisfy. People strive very hard, but only end up groaning, instead of a presidential appreciation from Buhari.

But in a rare and natural flow of unrestrained emotions of thankfulness and appreciation, President Buhari bashed the armed forces of Nigeria with praises in his October 1, 2016 Independence Day speech. The President was full of joy and happiness that the Nigerian military, which is just on institution, from the over 500 such bodies in Nigeria have proven to be the conspicuous shadows and narratives of the success story of his administration. His constant lamentations about the judiciary in his quest to rid the country of corruption in Nigeria is worthy of reference.

Those who know the person in President Buhari would easily concede that he is an all-rounder and a personality difficult to gratify, especially in leadership. In his life-time, Buhari has been a minister, former military Head of State, a veteran soldier and now, a civilian president of Nigeria. Experiences from these areas of service to the nation make him prone to such tendencies.

In essence, no experience of leadership demand in Nigeria that is strange to him. He knows when subordinates fail or do not meet expectations in the tasks assigned to them. But in spite of this disposition, Buhari could not uphold his pride on the Nigerian military.

And pouring his songs of praise on the institution, on a day celebrated symbolically, as Nigeria’s day of liberation from the fangs of colonialism, implies Buhari’s deep appreciation of their role in curtailing terrorism or insurrection in different parts of the country.

President Buhari proudly echoed in his Independence Day speech that; “On security, we have made progress. Boko Haram was defeated by last December – only resorting to cowardly attacks on soft targets, killing innocent men, women and children. Nigerians should thank our gallant men of the Armed Forces and Police for rescuing large areas of the country captured by insurgents. Now, residents in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states, as well as several neighbouring states go about their daily business in relative safety. People can go to mosques, churches, market places in reasonable safety.”

Furthermore Buhari said, “Commuters can travel between cities, towns and villages without fear. Credit for this remarkable turn-round should go to our Armed Forces, the Police, various sponsored and private vigilante groups, the local traditional leaders. Security is a top to bottom concern and responsibility.”

While not underrating the collaborative efforts of sister-security agencies in the task of defeating Boko Haram or the resolution of other security challenges, the Nigerian Army under its Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen. Tukur Yusuf Buratai stand tall in the battle against terrorism. Soldiers have made immense and priceless contributions to end terrorism in the country.

They sleep in alien and deadly forests and sometimes, starve for days in ambush for the Boko Haram terrorists. Nigerian army are the security agents who barricade roads in sunshine or rain to conduct stressful checks on vehicles or passengers. They have been to Sambisa forests and other dreadful terrains in their sworn determination to fight the insurgents to a standstill. It is their barracks or military formations that have often been targeted for violent attacks by Boko Haram terrorists on revenge mission.

Troops have lost scores of their members in the service to fatherland. But the success story of the defeat of Boko Haram terrorists anywhere in the country resonates images of the Nigerian soldier under Buratai.

This feat of accomplishments did not come as a co-incidence. The COAS, Gen. Buratai’s skillful leadership and the unflinching desire to conquer all obstacles to deliver on his assignment and covenant with the Nigerian people to end terrorism remains the driving force of the successes.

Gen. Buratia’s operational strategies to surmount the war on terror have been unique. From the structural re-organization of the army to the introduction of motor bikes battalions and field visits to troops and his physical participation in combat operations have midwifed the general success of the war on terror, which has earned Nigeria a respectable status in the comity of nations. Nigeria prides itself now as a nation that has secured the release of over 20, 000 abductees from the camps of Boko Haram terrorists.

Despite the return to normalcy in areas previously gagged by insurgents, Gen. Buratai is convinced that some Nigerians are still under their captivity. And always blazing the trail in the war on terror, the Army Chief announced few days ago, his desire to rescue every Nigerian still held in the captivity of terrorists by launching what he branded “Operation Rescue Final.

Buratai was emphatic that it is the unbending desire of Nigerian soldiers to rescue every victim in Boko Haram gulags. This means, even parents of the Chibok girls have renewed hope that their beloved daughters would one day re-unite with them.

Therefore, when Buhari poured encomiums on the Nigerian Armed Forces in his independence day speech, it came from his heart, unadulterated. His declaration that anywhere he steps his foot in the world today, he is accorded a princely reception unlike in the past gladdens the heart. The President said, “Wherever I go, I have been received with un-accustomed hospitality,” meaning, the Nigerian military has largely contributed to this improved image rating in the comity of nations.

Abiodun writes from Ibadan, Oyo State.

My Agenda - New Acting Police IG, Ibrahim Idris


My Agenda - New Acting Police IG, Ibrahim Idris
It is with great pleasure and sense of responsibility I address you this morning as the new Ag. Inspector General of Police of our beloved great country. 

I want to thank Almighty Allah for this day and want to show my utmost thanks and appreciation to the President, Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Federal Republic of Nigeria, and the Chairman of the Nigeria Police Council, President Muhammad Buhari, GCON, for having the trust and confidence in me and for appointing me to this exalted position. 

I promise not to fail this nation in our quest to make the citizens of this Country safer and also to ensure that our nation remained united and peaceful. I want to use this opportunity to inform you of our policy direction in the management of our Police Force from this day. 

The Nigeria Police Force will henceforth be guided by the international core values of policing with integrity, ensuring that the rule of law prevails in our actions and activities, and to strictly respect diversity, courage, compassion and professionalism. 

The Nigeria Police also would operate within the principles of Democratic Policing which is an institution that is responsive, respresentive and accountable to its citizens at all times.

The Nigeria Police Force will henceforth, have as its main focus, integrity and accountability as its cardinal operational principle in all its actions and will be decisive on any of its personnel that deviate from its core values. 

In order to establish and maintain high standard of behaviour in our official conduct and to eliminate impunity and ensure transparency in the application of the above core values, we will ensure that the following activities will be carried out immediately by this administration: – 

Responsive Police Institution: – It will be against work ethics henceforth for any Police Commander at any Command level to treat complaints with levity, and complaint received from members of the public must be treated within shorted possible time to the satisfaction of the complainant. This is in line with one of the principles of democratic policing which states that a democratic police institution must be responsive to the yearnings of the community. 

Transparency and Accountability in the Management of Police cooperative and Police insurance schemes:- The management of Police Cooperative and insurance schemes which are investments made by the members of the force will henceforth be made more transparent and accountable to the generality of the police personnel, especially the ranks and file who constitute the largest contributors. 

A lot can be achieved in our efforts to enhance the welfare of the police personnel through genuine utilization of these two investments. The accounts of these institutions bodies will be made more transparent and accountable to the entire members of the force, and contributors will have more say in the running of these accounts and on how their investments will be utilized on daily basis. 

Strengthening of the Police X-Squads Units to fight corruption amongst civil servants: – In our effort to give a boost to the current administration’s war on corruption, the Police management will strengthen the police x-squad units in the Police Commands with the deployment of thoroughly vetted, selfless and patriotic officers to tackle corruption and abuse of office within the police organization and amongst the Federal, States and local government levels. 

The personnel deployed to this anti-corruption unit will be supported with incentives to make them more effective in the discharge of their duties. 

Cheap and Affordable Housing for Ranks and File:- This administration will leave no stone unturned to look into the issue of provision of cheap and affordable accommodation for the police ranks and file to own individually. 

Availability of Police Uniforms and accoutrement:- Making uniforms and accoutrement available for members of Ranks and File will be a priority of this administration. Henceforth, appearance of every police officer will be taken seriously. 

Payment of Salaries:- Prompt and timely payment of salaries of serving personnel will a cardinal objective to be vigorously pursued by this administration. I promise that we will ensure that the police are not at disadvantaged


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