Professor Femi Williams - News Proof

Professor Femi Williams

UK Medical Professor Reveals Buhari's Actual Nature of Ailment, Reveals Shocking Cause ...The President Too Confirmed On Return

A medical expert, Professor Femi Williams, categorically said yesterday that President Muhammadu Buhari, was anaemic. This, the certified physician in Anatomic Pathology from London and Ireland, told The Nation in an interview, could only have...

At Last, UK Medical Professor REVEALS The Nature Of Buhari SICKNESS

A fresh perspective is evolving on the health status of President Muhammadu Buhari who is currently on medical vacation in the United Kingdom. Professor Femi Williams, a certified physician in Anatomic pathology from London and Ireland, has us...

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Showing posts with label Professor Femi Williams. Show all posts

UK Medical Professor Reveals Buhari's Actual Nature of Ailment, Reveals Shocking Cause ...The President Too Confirmed On Return

Professor Femi Williams,
A medical expert, Professor Femi Williams, categorically said yesterday that President Muhammadu Buhari, was anaemic.

This, the certified physician in Anatomic Pathology from London and Ireland, told The Nation in an interview, could only have been responsible for the blood transfusion which the president got during his medical vacation in the United Kingdom.

Buhari admitted on his return home on Friday that he had transfusion in London.

“We now have a pretty good idea of diagnosis, which is now comprehensive or good enough to say that the diagnosis of President Buhari’s illness is anaemia,” Williams said.

“You cannot be transfused if you don’t have anaemia,” he explained.

He had, in a previous diagnosis based on the president’s photograph published in the newspapers, ruled out anaemia.

He also said that the anaemia could have been triggered by self –medication.

(See interview).

Buhari at a meeting with Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, members of the federal executive council and governors shortly on his arrival in Abuja spoke on self-medication.

He called it “one of our terrible things.”

“We have to trust our doctors more and trust ourselves more because over there they only take drugs when it is absolutely necessary. They don’t just swallow everything,” he said.

In a separate analysis of the president’s health status yesterday, Professor Williams said it is imperative to know the possible causes of the anaemia.

He listed these as anaemia caused by self medication, anaemia associated with cancer or anaemia due to blood loss from  self medication that “may affect the stomach and intestines as in aspirin toxicity.”

His words: “the negative clinical findings on the president that was published in The Nation on Feb 26, 2017 has been confirmed by the disclosure that the President was transfused with whole blood.

“In a previous photo of his hands prior to transfusion his nail beds were very pale indicative of clinical anaemia. The subsequent photograph of his hands that was analyzed showed that he was no longer clinically anaemic.

“The clinical history given by Mr. President that for the past 18 months he had been lethargic and feeling tired prior to his vacation is consistent with tiredness due to anaemia.

“Regaining his strength after transfusions that facilitated his return home suggests that the anaemia had been corrected successfully.

“There is therefore a preliminary diagnosis of anaemia meaning insufficient blood in the circulation.

“When this happens many organs including the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and lungs are starved of oxygen that is carried by blood to all parts of the body for efficient functioning of the person. “Sudden loss of blood as in road traffic accidents could be fatal. In this case the anaemia has been insidious and gradual over time.”

Continuing, Prof Williams said: “The question that arises in the absence of information, which is understandable, is the cause of the anaemia.

“The only information that can be gleaned from the Presidents history on arrival is his admonition against self medication. By so doing is he giving us some more relevant information that he had been told in London?

“This is the first time that a President advises that all citizens should trust their doctors and refrain from self medication. Is it possible that his anaemia is drug induced or drug related and that investigations in London revealed this?  We do not know. If this is true common pain relieving drugs like Panadol may cause kidney damage and give rise to anaemia for which he received transfusions.

“Alternatively certain drugs also cause liver damage and anaemia but this is unlikely in his case since he was not jaundiced.”

But he also admitted that “there are so many other causes of anaemia that cannot be dealt with here.”

“Of relevance to our last observation is the possibility that this may be anaemia related to some type of cancer that must be ruled out. Looking at the photos on arrival there is one suspicious positive finding and that his loss of muscle mass on the face in the area of the zygomatic arch below the ears.

“This is either due to some cancer somewhere or due to aging.”

He said that the little  snippets of information from the President’s history and disclosure on his health status may help millions of Nigerians damaging their vital organs from unbridled ingestion of over the counter (OTC) pain relieving and other drugs.”

He urged adequate publicity on the adverse effects of self medication and described the President’s view on the issue as a big public service to the health sector.

“Assuming this is the correct scenario the nation owes the president a debt of gratitude and if this is not correct the president has done a great service by highlighting the adverse events and dangers of self medication that is so rampant in the nation,” he said.

It is not surprising that end stage renal disease is relatively common in the country and these patients require dialysis.

But he also pointed out that the President has a constitutional right to privacy regarding his medical records and diagnosis of any ailment just like any other citizen in the world.

“Protection of privacy is an extremely important feature in a democracy,” he said, adding: “however we, the people, have elected the President and are paying his salary and upkeep.

“We are therefore entitled to be concerned and to know that he has a sound mind in a sound body to govern us appropriately and effectively.

“There is really no need for secrecy because we are all mortals destined for the departure lounge en route to the other side called Heaven.

“The unfortunate aspect of the Nigerian life and society is that any health challenge can be exploited for political reasons, and may be used and abused by aspirants to high office. This is an unhealthy trend that must be discouraged in our national polity.”

Buhari at a meeting with members of his cabinet and state governors shortly on his return home on Friday said he could not recollect being this ill in his 74 years on earth.

He had originally planned to be away for 18 days but ended up spending 36 days more, undergoing tests, receiving treatment and resting.

“I couldn’t recall being so sick since I was a young man, including the military with its ups and downs,” Buhari said.

He did not reveal the ailment he was treated for, but confirmed that he got blood transfusion during the vacation.

He hinted that he would be returning abroad in a few weeks for further medical attention.

“I couldn’t recall when last I had blood transfusion; I couldn’t recall honestly I can say in my 70 years. I couldn’t remember this drug that Nigerians take so much, very common.

“I think one of our terrible things is self drug administration. We have to trust our doctors more and trust ourselves more because over there they only take drugs when it is absolutely necessary. They don’t just swallow everything.”

At Last, UK Medical Professor REVEALS The Nature Of Buhari SICKNESS

UK Medical Professor REVEALS The Nature Of Buhari SICKNESS
A fresh perspective is evolving on the health status of President Muhammadu Buhari who is currently on medical vacation in the United Kingdom.

Professor Femi Williams, a certified physician in Anatomic pathology from London and Ireland, has used a recent published photograph of the President to arrive at a preliminary clinical diagnosis of what may have gone wrong with Buhari’s health.

He ruled out dehydration, anaemia and jaundice but called for a further investigation on the history of Buhari’s ear infection with a view to determining the true state of his health.

Details of his ailment remain a secret leaving room for speculations in many quarters.

However, Professor Williams in a statement, ‘Clinical diagnosis of President Buhari’s requests for medical vacation’ he said Nigerians have a “constitutional right to know the health of our President.’

“It is a moral prerogative to be concerned about our President’s health. The physical and mental well being of most Presidents in the world are usually not shrouded in secrecy because details of  the health of current and past Presidents in the developed world are published in the public domain.

“Speculations about the health of some of our leaders should not be subject to benign or malignant analyses by medically qualified and non- medically qualified pundits.”

Prof. Williams who said he used a recent photograph of the President to arrive at a preliminary clinical diagnosis threw some light on the photograph “that may allay the fears of all the concerned citizens of this nation and in the Diaspora.”

His words:  “As a board certified physician in internal medicine and a board certified physician in Anatomic pathology from London and Ireland I hereby venture to throw some light on this invaluable photograph that may allay the fears of all the concerned citizens of this nation and in the Diaspora.

“My negative findings, based on this single photograph are as follows:

* The president is not dehydrated

* The president is not clinically anaemic

* The President is not clinically jaundiced

* For his age, there are no wrinkles on his forehead indicative of good preservation and nutrition and

* The national costume does not permit a superficial assessment of whether he has lost weight or not.

“My positive findings based on this single snapshot are as follows:

* The photograph shows some degree of clubbing of the fingers

* the photo shows a small nodule on the lateral aspect of two fingers and one of these bumps has a hyper pigmented  rim  suggestive of an infective etiology (cause) in the recent past

*there is mild reduplication of skin over the knuckles ( not enough for elastosis).

*there are multiple transverse opacities on the nails particularly of the left hand suggestive of an infection? Viral or other infections.”

Continuing, Prof. Williams said: “The summary of these positive findings suggest that if the clubbing of the fingers are not congenital, the President may have a disease associated with finger clubbing, some of which are not serious and some of which are serious and cannot be speculated upon. The most serious of these is cancer somewhere.

“One relevant question to ask is whether the President smoked cigarettes at some point in his life. Furthermore the multiple opacities in the nails suggest some infective pathologies at different times as these opacities appear layered in disposition.

“The little bump on the finger with a hyper pigmented rim is benign and suggests a previous infection or even an insect bite. In my opinion, there may be no cause for alarm if the finger clubbing is something he was born with. If not there may be cause for alarm if the underlying cause is a serious disease and there are many to consider.

“The significance of his past history of an ear infection is worthy of further investigation as head and neck cancers may masquerade in a number of ways.

“It will be in the best interest of all concerned for more information to be released as extended requests for sick leave make the prognosis to be suspect.

“For those who may wish to be more enlightened on finger clubbing there are several references on the Internet and text books of medicine.

“I may be wrong as this synopsis is based on a newspaper snapshot which is presumed to be of recent vintage. In that case this is not meant to mislead the public but to fill a huge void in the absence of reliable information.”

Professor Femi Williams
Professor Femi Williams
Femi Williams is an eminent professor of medicine. He graduated from Trinity College, University of Dublin in 1961.

He obtained arts and medical degrees with post graduate medical education and Fellowships in Internal Medicine and Pathology at Queens University and Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Ireland.

He also got Board Certification in Internal Medicine and Pathology UK and Ireland.

He held faculty positions at Dublin University in Pathology and later at Ibadan University Nigeria.

Williams was Professor and Chair of Pathology, University of Ibadan and University College Hospital Ibadan as well as

Foundation Dean and Chief Medical Director, College of Medicine, University of Calabar.

He is a visiting Professor Universities of Minnesota, Howard, Vanderbilt, New Jersey, Hopkins Cleveland Clinic as well as Executive Secretary, Science Technical Research Commission, (STRC) African Union, Addis Ababa.

The pathologist is also chairman, Committee on Solar Energy for Africa and chairman of Board Africa Union Center for Soil Science, Harare, Zimbabwe.

He is Scholar-in-Residence National Cancer Institute, Fogarty International Center, Bethesda, Maryland.

Williams is founder and Director, African Cancer Center, Lagos and fellow African Academy of Science

He is author of over 100 peer reviewed publications in medical journals and seven monographs/books.

He has several national and international awards to his credit.

Excerpted From The Nation Newspaper


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