Sasha Obama - News Proof

Sasha Obama

Meet President Obama's Daughter, Sasha Who Just Got Employed At US Restaurant

Photo Source: Daily Mail UK UK Independent - One would assume that being the daughter of a world leader would guarantee you a cut-above-the-average summer job. However, for Sasha Obama she has learned she has to graft like everybody else and ...

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Showing posts with label Sasha Obama. Show all posts

Meet President Obama's Daughter, Sasha Who Just Got Employed At US Restaurant

Meet President Obama's Daughter Who Just Got Employed At US Restaurant
Photo Source: Daily Mail UK
UK Independent - One would assume that being the daughter of a world leader would guarantee you a cut-above-the-average summer job.

However, for Sasha Obama she has learned she has to graft like everybody else and has spent her summer working as a cashier at a seafood restaurant.

The 15-year-old was photographed at Nancy’s restaurant in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts in full uniform behind a cashier by the Boston Herald.

The paper reports the President and First Lady’s youngest daughter has been using her full name Natasha when working four-hour shifts at the restaurant. She is reportedly expected to work until the weekend when her family will join her at Marthas’ Vineyard for their annual holiday.

However, Sasha couldn’t escape all aspects of being the President’s daughter during her shifts and was reportedly accompanied by six secret service officers.

Sasha’s work experience is perhaps less glamorous than elder sister Malia’s summer internship last year when the 18-year-old was spotted alongside Lena Dunham assisting on the set of Girls in New York City. 

Malia has now graduated high school and is due to take a gap year before enrolling at Harvard University in 2017. Sasha remains a pupil at Sidwell Friends in Washington DC.


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