Sgt. Mark Francis - News Proof



Sgt. Mark Francis

BREAKING: Friday Night Shooting At Washington Mail Leaves 4 Dead

Photo source: Twitter A report just emanating from the CNN suggests that 4 people were killed in a shooting Friday night at a mall in Burlington, Washington, a spokesman for the state patrol tweeted.  Police are searching for at least on...

Showing posts with label Sgt. Mark Francis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sgt. Mark Francis. Show all posts

BREAKING: Friday Night Shooting At Washington Mail Leaves 4 Dead

Friday Night Shooting At Washington Mail Leaves 4 Dead
Photo source: Twitter
A report just emanating from the CNN suggests that 4 people were killed in a shooting Friday night at a mall in Burlington, Washington, a spokesman for the state patrol tweeted. 

Police are searching for at least one shooter, and are sweeping stores in the mall, Sgt. Mark Francis said. 

CNN's report says Burlington is about an hour north of Seattle. 

"Please avoid Cascade Mall area in Burlington," Francis said. " Follow all road closures." 

Francis tweeted that survivors would be transported by bus to a nearby church.

Details soon


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