Sunday Adoba - News Proof

Sunday Adoba

BOKO HARAM Released 40 Abducted Chibok Girls To Female Leader

Retired Capt. Sunday Adoba said the military need right equipment to fight insurgents in Sambisa forest. Speaking on on Sunrise Daily on Channels Television, he said that the terrain in Sambisa is not conducive in the raining season....

Showing posts with label Sunday Adoba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday Adoba. Show all posts

BOKO HARAM Released 40 Abducted Chibok Girls To Female Leader

Retired Capt. Sunday Adoba said the military need right equipment to fight insurgents in Sambisa forest.

Speaking on on Sunrise Daily on Channels Television, he said that the terrain in Sambisa is not conducive in the raining season.

Adoba said the ‘Camp Zero’, headquarters of Boko Haram, where the terrorists reside, has not been attacked due to the condition of the forest, airing that the terrorists now reside side Gombalu Dam Axis, close to the gate of Sambisa forest.

He said some of the girls in 'Camp Zero' are been hided in a bunker, stating that those in other camps are now residing under tree,
he said the condition of some girls is the reason the military cannot bomb the environment.

Adoba said the country needs helicopters gun ship, and other sophisticated weapons to fight the insurgents, he restated that the environment cannot be bombarded this time due to the unconducive terrain in Sambisa.

The retired Captain added that the girls are alive, though some are dead, but the remaining are still in good condition, while 40 have been given to Mala Yamari in an environment close to Gombalu Dam.

The military are close to the rescuing the girls, but the condition of the environment prevented them. Raining season is not conducive, he said.

Talking on the number of the terrorists, he said there number has increased in the new location, stating that the military have not contacted him on the locations.

He said he had interaction with the military, the SSS and other intelligent agency, but because intelligence has it that the military has 1001 information at its disposal.

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Vidoe Excerpted From ChannelsTV Youtube


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