Ted Cruz - News Proof



Ted Cruz

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Showing posts with label Ted Cruz. Show all posts

2016 US Election: Cruz, Kasich Align Against Trump

2016 US Election: Cruz, Kasich Align Against Trump

2016 US Election: Cruz, Kasich Allign Against Trump
Donald Trump
Source: Politico
Ted cruz and John Kasich have reportedly formed an alliance against the leading Republican party co-aspirant Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz will cut campaigning in the Oregon and New Mexico primaries to help John Kasich, while the latter will give Mr Cruz a "clear path" in Indiana.

Mr Trump said his rivals were "totally desperate" and "mathematically dead".

He has a clear lead in delegates but may still fall short of the 1,237 needed to win outright.

If he does not reach the target, the vote will go to a contested convention - where a different nominee may emerge through negotiations among party figures.

Donald Trump currently has 845 delegates, Mr Cruz 559 and Mr Kasich 148

Mr Cruz and Mr Kasich announced their move in near-simultaneous statements.

Mr Cruz's campaign manager, Jeff Roe, said: "Having Donald Trump at the top of the ticket in November would be a sure disaster for Republicans. Not only would Trump get blown out by Hillary Clinton or [Bernie] Sanders, but having him as our nominee would set the party back a generation."

John Weaver, Mr Kasich's strategist, said in a statement released on the Team Kasich site: "Our goal is to have an open convention in Cleveland, where we are confident a candidate capable of uniting the party and winning in November will emerge as the nominee," BBC report says

2016 US Election: Cruz, Kasich Allign Against Trump
Donald Trump
Source: Politico
Ted cruz and John Kasich have reportedly formed an alliance against the leading Republican party co-aspirant Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz will cut campaigning in the Oregon and New Mexico primaries to help John Kasich, while the latter will give Mr Cruz a "clear path" in Indiana.

Mr Trump said his rivals were "totally desperate" and "mathematically dead".

He has a clear lead in delegates but may still fall short of the 1,237 needed to win outright.

If he does not reach the target, the vote will go to a contested convention - where a different nominee may emerge through negotiations among party figures.

Donald Trump currently has 845 delegates, Mr Cruz 559 and Mr Kasich 148

Mr Cruz and Mr Kasich announced their move in near-simultaneous statements.

Mr Cruz's campaign manager, Jeff Roe, said: "Having Donald Trump at the top of the ticket in November would be a sure disaster for Republicans. Not only would Trump get blown out by Hillary Clinton or [Bernie] Sanders, but having him as our nominee would set the party back a generation."

John Weaver, Mr Kasich's strategist, said in a statement released on the Team Kasich site: "Our goal is to have an open convention in Cleveland, where we are confident a candidate capable of uniting the party and winning in November will emerge as the nominee," BBC report says



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