Tukur Buratai - News Proof



Tukur Buratai

Buratai: Soft, Humane Side of A General

By: Nkechi Odoma It was the world acclaimed 5th century Chinese military strategist and tactician, Sun Tzu who centuries back hinted lucidly about the many secrets of success in a war. He wittingly scolded the world thus; “All men can see thes...

At Last, Good Tidings From Northeast Nigeria, By: Uche John Madu

To many ears in Nigeria, it initially sounded like a jingle on radio or television sets in homes. To many souls, it was just mere propaganda. To opposing politicians, it was another gimmick by the Nigerian Army of President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB)...

Buratai and the Politico Man of the Year Award, By AA Adebayor

Soldiering is one of the hardest professions in the world. I say this because, having tested its good and bitter sides, I stand to appreciate my colleagues for the sacrifices they make in the course of service to the nation. But I have come to...

Boko Haram: Time To Win The Peace, By Abubakar Abubakar

There is a moment that is gathering momentum that I totally subscribe to wholesale. It is the concept of winning the peace in Nigeria's northeast following the sacking of Boko Haram terrorists from Sambisa Forest. The terrorists' half a decade of...

BREAKING: Police Arrests Premium Times Publisher, Dapo Olorunyomi Over Character Assassination Of CoAS, Buratai

 Premium Times' Publisher, Mr Dapo Olorunyomi The Publisher of Online Newspaper, Premium Times, Mr Dapo Olorunyomi, as well as the judiciary correspondent of the paper Evelyn Okakwu were on Thursday arrested by police officers over all...

Nigerian Army and Premium Times' Patriotism Contest, By Philip Agbese

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” ― Alexander Pope Even when we had always known that half knowledge is dangerous, nothing proves it better than the present scenario of the patriotism context between the Nigerian Army and Premium Time...

EXCLUSIVE: Secret Shake-up In Nigerian Army, 11 Generals, Other Top Officers Affected

Premium Times's Exclusive - The Nigerian Army has either appointed or redeployed no fewer than 14 officers to different military units across the country. The exercise, approved by the Chief of Army Staff, Tukur Buratai, on January 9, 2017, af...

Demystification of Sambisa Forest and Nigerians’ Pride In Buratai, By Okanga Agila

No lexicon can appropriately reflect the mood in Nigeria at the moment. But the gale of jubilation and torrents of accolades from all and sundry have explained the ecstasy more vividly than anything else. Nigerians are so elated because eventu...

Army Converts Captured Sambisa Forest To Military Training Ground

The Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Tukur Buratai has disclosed that Sambisa Forest, which was recently recovered from insurgents, will now serve as training centre for the army. He said already, he had directed that the Nigerian Army small arms c...

Showing posts with label Tukur Buratai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tukur Buratai. Show all posts

Buratai: Soft, Humane Side of A General

It was the world acclaimed 5th century Chinese military strategist and tactician, Sun Tzu who centuries back hinted lucidly about the many secrets of success in a war. He wittingly scolded the world thus; “All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.”

The art of war is no easy task. War has multifarious angles of prosecution. It is fought in the battlefield; in the office, on the intelligence plank and on the welfare front. Indeed, it is a wide range of sensitive engagements, which are observed religiously before victory hovers in the air. A novice in war who neglects any of the aspects is imperiled by his own insensitivity.

But very often and to the ordinary eyes, what is conspicuous about success in war is the sophistry of the sound of marching boots, guns and other lethal weapons deployed. But it’s far beyond these peripheral calculations, as revealed by war strategist, Tzu.

Understandably, hardly do people get to know that before the salient aspects, there are a dozen hidden, but very sensitive strategies in war, which ensures and fortifies the potency of victory outside the force of artillery. Commanders of war are saddled with this herculean task. And until these disparate aspects to a war are conscientiously adopted, the best soldiers, with the best weaponry may fall prostrate before the enemy.

This has been the delicate assignment Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lt. General Tukur Yusufu Buratai has handled splendidly, upon his appointment to lead the anti-terrorism campaigns in Nigeria. And for the nearly two years, Buratai has held sway and many do not know that the victory he has earned against terrorism in Nigeria is a consequence of a painstaking invocation and application of the different nuances of warfare. Today, Buratai is celebrated and cherished, but none gives a thought to how he prepared himself and his troops to serve Nigerians this precious victory.

Therefore, when a man attains the height of greatness, it must have been efforts tied to exemplary and dedicated leadership. To manage human beings and particularly, subordinates to get them give you the result you expect is no easy task. To apply scarce resources prudently to get the desired results is almost an impossible task, especially in a country like Nigeria. But Buratai has proven that he is an excellent manager of men and resources, through his infectious self-discipline, diligence, uprightness, wisdom and focus.

Lt. Gen. Buratai is in many ways indescribable. But no one is in doubt about his uniqueness as an army officer. His breed is rare; his brand scarce. Verily, army officers are dreaded, feared and even avoided like a plaque. But Buratai is a different stuff. In spite of his high office and the paraphernalia which clads him, you hardly see the traditional brutish or savagious soldier in his countenance and actions.
He is most times soft and more civic than some civilians. Always amiable, charming and fascinating to both colleagues and civilians. He walks into a public hospital in Abuja and conducts his personal medical check-up and no aura of importance clads him. Hardly do other patients around notice him as Buratai, Nigeria’s COAS.

This diplomacy open doors for him, where others who are his direct opposite may not be favoured this much even with the force of guns. It has been the secret of the army boss’ streaks of successes in his military career and the resounding success he has recorded in the anti-terrorism campaigns, an assignment, many Army officers less endowed with his mien failed to register any impact.
So, with this disposition, soldiers in the battlefield, who revolted against their bosses, suddenly found a friend in Buratai; those who had no courage to fight the Boko Haram insurgency war became courageous; troops that bade retreat at the warfront, became brave warriors of the war, who imbued themselves with a passion of life or death, until victory is secured.

It is the character and leadership content of Buratai. He places others first before himself. A couple of days ago, and despite the economic recession, the army chief paid the entitlements of 197 families of fallen heroes under the Life Assurance policy of the Nigerian Army. This is a rarity. Buratai is adored as a leader who does not pretend about the welfare of soldiers. He knows a psychologically balanced soldier goes to war with his whole heart and soul.

The premium Buratai attaches to the welfare of soldiers is disarming. In less than two years and with meagre resources, the Army Chief has undertaken the repairs of several dilapidated Army Barracks across the country to give soldiers a befitting residential and office accommodation. He turned the eyesore status of the barracks to shinning sights. Since he became the COAS, the salaries and allowances of soldiers, whether in the battlefront or officers undertaking official duties in the offices or other assignments are not just paid monthly, but promptly.
The Army boss promised that any soldier who fought the insurgency war will retire into his personal house as a mark of government’s appreciation of their sacrifices. And he has initiated action on this laudable housing scheme.

What’s more? Buratai pays exceptional attention to families of soldiers on battlefield or special assignments. Any problem affecting them becomes Buratai personal problem and he won’t relent until a solution is applied to the satisfaction of the families.

Buratai’s empowerment of wives of soldiers though the cattle ranching initiative adds to his profile in welfarism. Already some military officers have been sent to Argentina to learn cattle rearing and plans are in top gear to set up cattle ranches in all the divisions and brigades to give wives of soldiers economic stability.

Thus, it became easy for soldiers to pledge their unalloyed loyalty to Buratai unpretentiously because he interacts with them more like a father with his children, than a boss lording it over subordinates. In the battlefield, Buratai trudge the swamps, the deserts and forests with his troops. He feels their pains and joys. At festive periods, the Army Chief leaves his cosy office in Abuja to celebrate with his troops on the battlefield. Whether it is Sallah, Christmas or New Year celebrations, Buratai abandons his family and heads to the fields to celebrate it with troops. Thus, soldiers see in the Army Chief a man who richly deserves their confidence and loyalty, which they have extended abundantly.

Therefore, Buratai’s belief and adoption of the philosophy of the military strategist and tactician, Sun Tzu in his leadership of the Nigerian Army has paid him and Nigeria handsomely. Sun Tzu believes that “The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.” 

Buratai has neatly ploughed his graph and made several concealed calculations in his temple and implemented them before leading his troops to war. Thus fortified, Buratai went to the insurgency war with troops that had no emotional or psychology trauma; he presided over soldiers who willingly gave him loyalty and extended patriotism to their country; he was in the midst of soldiers who perceived him more as a father and felt infinitely protected under his bosom. So, when they blew the trumpet of war and raged towards terrorists, it was determination lubricated by fatherly love and care. And terrorists might and pride was reduced to ashes by soldiers.

Therefore, Buratai’s humaneness and affection is worthy of emulation by everyone who aspires to get positive results from his leadership of people. No matter where you are appointed to lead or your profession, you need the humane disposition of Lt. General Buratai to get the job done. Flaunting haughty bossy shadows, as others delight in doing is injurious and rather destroys, than build.

Odoma is a Columnist at the Nigerian Online Newspapers and contributed this piece from Abuja.

At Last, Good Tidings From Northeast Nigeria, By: Uche John Madu

Buhari and Tukur Buratai
To many ears in Nigeria, it initially sounded like a jingle on radio or television sets in homes. To many souls, it was just mere propaganda. To opposing politicians, it was another gimmick by the Nigerian Army of President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB) to downplay reality and shore-up its public image.

And to foreign sponsors of Boko Haram Terrorists (BHTs) it was more of a joke allowed to linger and hover above their shadows for long. To insurgents’ local sympathizers and agents, the battle must not be over this soon and so the terrorists must be seen to regroup to cause more atrocities.

So, these agents deployed all manner of tricks including shielding of fleeing terrorists, but the most visible of the antics being the last resort to cyber terrorism against the Nigerian Army and the Nigerian people, lovers of peace and harmonious existence. But the Army countered them and has continued to follow their fresh trends in cyber terrorism.

These overt and covert agents of darkness vowed to prove to the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai that it is not yet liberation hour in the anti-terror campaigns. The few BHTs agents distressed by the reality of the defeat of terrorism in Nigeria became publicists for remnants of Boko Haram insurgents; protectors and benefactors to this satanic sect.

Much more, to a dozen other skeptics, no one has the sanity to claim the years of turmoil, reckless bloodletting, pains and sorrows in the Northeast region would have ended within a short time as officially pronounced by the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) and Nigerian Military authorities, which received the seldom hearty applause from the international community, including the venerated United Nations (UN).

But now the narrative has changed. There are glaring and ominous signs emerging from Nigeria’s Northeast inhabitants, who were in the burning furnace on the restoration of peace in the region. They are not only appreciating the energy and sacrifices the Nigerian troops have devoted to ending terrorism in their communities within the shortest possible time in world history, but are willing to take their destiny into their hands to chart a new course of life.

They have concurred with the FGN and the Nigerian Army, the return of peace to the region previously manacled by insurgency. They have chorused to Nigerians in loud voices that the anti-terrorism campaigns of the Nigerian Army in the region has yielded the fruits of peace, which they have gleefully plucked and ready to preserve till the end of time.

Cheerily, all the stakeholders in the Northeast, which cut across all strata of leadership in the region have unanimously resolved and endorsed a symbolic advertisement and denunciation of any support or sympathy to fleeing terrorists henceforth. They have indicated in their posturing, a kind inclination to forgive and forget their kinsmen who have wronged them and Nigeria by launching an unjustifiable internecine war against the region.

Thus, prodded into action, which the organizations namely, the North East Coalition Against Terrorism and the Karthoum Peace Foundation collaborated and staged the first ever peace solidarity rally in Maiduguri, Borno state at the famous Ramat Stadium in February to celebrate the return of peace to the Northeast region.

This joy is exploded by the practical evidence and proof of the peoples acceptance of the restoration of peace in that part of the country, railroaded by the current administration of PMB in eradicating Boko Haram insurgency within a time space.

For the first time, the people of Northeast are recording their firsts in the anti-terrorism campaigns. The time-line of events in the region shows that it is the first time major and indispensable stakeholders in the region would collectively and publicly profess to the restoration of peace in the region; It is the first time all constituents states in the Northeast region would converge for this reason and massively agree that BHT started in Borno and the entrenchment of peace must also begin from the state, which breathe life into Boko Haramism.

In addition, it is also the first time, Northeasterners are agreeing that though states were plunged into the same dilemma or suffered the same fate, but Borno is unsurpassed in the quantum of destructions in all ramifications. It is lastly, the first time, everybody in the region, with mutual consensus has wholeheartedly accepted and associated themselves with a laudable peace initiative, which has made other parts of Nigerian similarly plagued green with envy.'

There is nothing that gladdens the heart when feted by the people you sacrifice your life to salvage. The public acceptability of the return of peace in the Northeast and the vow of all stakeholders, pleading to be part and parcel of implanting a durable, unshakable and unbreakable peace in the land of their forebears needs no further consultation and divination (as other Nigerians would prefer to know) to decode that the purposeful and result-oriented Nigerian army spearheaded by Lt. Gen Tukur Yusufu Buratai are heroes and heroines of the Nigerian nation-state.

That Nigerian troops defiantly decimated the once dreaded sect of devils incarnate or the Jezebels in their midst, the agents within and outside was not loud enough. But its loudest proclamation is the people shouting on rooftops in appreciation of what the administration of PMB has done to embalm them with peace and tranquility in a once dreadfully explosive region, as further confirmation of President Buhari’s no-nonsense stance on the security of lives and property of Nigerians, anywhere in the country.

Borno state Governor Kashim Shettima has etched his name in gold on security in the league of Governors in Nigeria. His quite, painstaking, co-operative and supportive efforts of security agents is loudly decoded in the success of the anti-terrorism campaigns in the region. No assurance to the people can be greater than his superintending over the rebuilding process and his overwhelming embrace or encouragement of the peace process in the region in the post- military intervention era in order to fully domesticate durable peace.

With an executive order of persona non-grata, Shettima has ensured fled or fleeing terrorists within his domain and the Northeast generally no longer enjoy the respite of hospitality in any form. He has conscripted traditional rulers in his domain as the sentinels of the new focus of the anti-terrorism war and other governors within the region should emulate same to stretch the gamut of peace.

Governor Shettima has minced no words in declaring his state as no longer a haven for terrorists and by extension, the Northeast, through various internal mechanisms in collaboration with stakeholders. Shettima has just one word for fleeing terrorists; “Please, surrender now to the Nigerian troops and be granted amnesty or we have resolved to collectively rise against you as strangers in our fold.”

It means since the people of the Northeast and Borno state in particular, are ambling towards lasting peace in the region, even renegades who initially conscripted into the toleration of fleeing Boko Haram terrorists have declared them enemies of the people who must be tracked down.

Shettima’s courage and resoluteness should serve as a challenge to other Governors in Nigeria, whose enclaves are equally afflicted by these violent insurrections. If such Governors resolve to do just half of the work Shettima has done in his domain, Nigeria shall be a freer, more peaceful and habitable country for all the citizenry. It is a clarion call to Governors of other states in Nigeria to emulate Shettima’s rewarding peaceful initiatives in their respective states.

But to ice Governor Shettima’s cake, he must not forget that the durable peace he is working relentlessly to achieve must be backed-up by state-oriented youth empowerment schemes vis-à-vis campaigns for the re-absorption and sound education of the youth, which he has already undertaken. It is a plausible mark of bold leadership in times of crisis and difficulties.

The prayers of all afflicted peoples, the world over is that may this misfortune of terrorism never cross the path of humanity again. And this is precisely, the message Nigerians of all hues, led by Governor Shettima have beseeched God in prayers and unto Him, terrorists no more have space in Borno, the Northeast and Nigeria, as a nation. This is the good tidings, this day, from Borno and Nigeria’s northeast.

Madu writes from the Good Governance Institute, Lagos

Buratai and the Politico Man of the Year Award, By AA Adebayor

Tukur Buratai
Soldiering is one of the hardest professions in the world. I say this because, having tested its good and bitter sides, I stand to appreciate my colleagues for the sacrifices they make in the course of service to the nation.

But I have come to realize that sometimes our Nigerian experience posts different results for the wrong reasons. After the Nigerian civil war, the only time the Nigerian military has been stretched is the Boko Haram insurgency in the Northeast. That Nigerian troops have been able to subdue the rampaging and devilish instincts of the sect members on Nigerians to enthrone peace is not only inspiring, but fulfilling.

I was however taken aback, the deliberate campaigns of calumny and mudslinging a few months ago by a few detractors and by implication, the enemies of Nigeria, against the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai.

To these retrogressives and dark minds on the African continent domiciled in Nigeria, Buratai is better confined to the dustbin of ignominy. But fate works differently. It is the neutral umpire that recognizes hard work, determination, resilience, doggedness and selflessness. It endures like the Biblical prophecy of end times.

I discovered that these evil-minded characters in Nigeria, thrive better when society is in chaos or anarchy. So, Buratai’s brutal confrontation of insurgents and his unbreakable resolve to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Nigeria against Boko Haram Terrorists, offended these few enemies of progress. They hate the peace soldiers have enthroned in the country, much as they are resentful to Buratai, his foot soldiers and the Nigerian Army.

These felons contrived series of plots against the personality and leadership of the Nigerian Army to the extent of seeking to distract the Army Chief from his professional duties of protecting the geographical space of Nigeria against enemies of the nation. They have vainly sought to diminish and frustrate his service to fatherland in order to impose their idiosyncratic flair of violence and destruction of Nigeria.

But the Army Chief who is not given to trivialities, ignored all their misguided notions against him and surged ahead. So, the unperturbed Buratai has proved all his adversaries wrong, by excelling on every professional outing and exhibiting uncommon leadership qualities that stream applauses even from foes.

I admire his courage. As a strong breed from Northern Nigeria, Gen. Buratai is defamed, castigated, persecuted and even insulted; yet his spirit remains unbroken and resolute, waxing stronger against enemies of his fatherland. He is an embodiment of flawless character and excellence.
In Buratai, Nigerians have truly testified that a gold fish has no hiding place. And in spite of devilish plots of a few, majority of Nigerians have come to fete Gen. Buratai as a rare army officer, a messiah to the people once chained by terrorism and one Nigerian who is extremely passionate about peace and unity of Nigeria.

My heart was gladdened when the Editorial Board of a reputable and influential publication, The Politico Magazine, like many other organizations, fished out Buratai from the mesh of personalities in Nigeria, who made the list of finalists to fete him with an award, as The Politico Man of The Year 2016.

For me, the ceremony itself, timing and the substance in the honouree has ignited a special sense of patriotism, loyalty, commitment, appreciation and the unyielding spirit of excellence in national, regional, continental and global assignments personified in one man - Lt. Gen. Buratai.

I was disarmed by the disclosure by The Politico Magazine’s Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, Mustapha Shehu during his speech at the presentation of the award in Abuja that on the online polls on various social media platforms organized by the Editorial Board, Nigerians massively voted Gen. Buratai ahead of other equally prominent Nigerians and nominees. Buratai towered above personalities like Lagos state Governor Akinwunmi Ambode; Fomer Defence Minister, Gen. T.Y Danjuma (rtd), the DSS D-G, Mallam Lawal Daura, America’s President Donald Trump and Dr. Sale Abba.

Shehu spoke my mind when he said; ”that General Buratai is deserving of this award is not in dispute. Even his arch enemies, leaders of the Boko Haram, cannot, but concur with us, if in their sober moments, they tarry a while and review their brutal misadventure. For, they had heard from the General, in a loud and clear voice. And I believe they will continue to hear from him.”

And truly, an elated Buratai could not conceal his appreciation of the magazine for exposing to him how much Nigerians love and appreciate him and by extension the Nigerian Army saying, ‘the Nigerian army and the media are partners in peace and development of the country.”
As it is customary with him, Buratai does not forget that his efforts would have piled into insignificance if devoid of the blessings of President Muhammedu Buhari (PMB). The President provided the needed logistic and financial support to the Nigerian Army in their quest to protect the country’s sovereignty against internal and external aggressions.

But I asked myself why Nigerians have not ceased feting Gen. Buratai, as recently done by The Politico Magazine. After a deep reflection I came to the pleasant realization that Nigerians are coming to terms with the burden of soldiers on the battlefield and the sacrifices they make for millions of country men and women to live in peace and harmony. And Gen. Buratai is the epitome of these sacrifices.

I make haste to say the era of Lt. Gen. Buratai and the Nigerian Army has conferred an aura of respect for soldiers. Boko Haram terrorism remained the single most challenging menace on Nigerians until PMB came on board and after a thorough search appointed Gen. Buratai who is familiar with wars and the trenches to lead soldiers in the battle against counter-terrorism.

Buratai inherited troops who were in the battlefront, but with an extremely dampened morale. I know it is not an easy task to revive soldiers under such psychological conditions in war and reposition them to bring out the ultimate best, but Buratai seamlessly accomplished it.

I was thrilled to no end when the Army Chief effectively blended all the disparate aspects of anti-terrorism warfare and obtained the targeted results. He was personally on the battlefield with troops and led counter-offensives against insurgents; he identified and tackled the political arm of BHTs and the sponsors/agents who spiraled into cyberspace with awful propaganda against the Army in favour of terrorists. He placed premium on issues of human rights violations by troops and recorded a near zero incident of human rights abuses by troops on such special assignments.

Buratai ensured he rewarded excellence by troops, paid their entitlements promptly and made welfare of families of troops in the battlefront a top priority and it gave soldiers comfort, courage and zeal to go the extra-mile to achieve results. The stylish invasion and demolition of the once dreaded Sambisa forest and the consequent dislodgements of terrorists are rare exploits in military adventure, only capable and experienced officers like Buratai would anchor.

His surveillances and clean-up operations in the Northeast against remnants of terrorists are strategic theories that military science alone cannot accord you the wisdom. It required extra thinking, planning and execution. But Buratai proved his mettle excellently.

His current campaigns inspiring all stakeholders in the Northeast to sustain the peace, detailing the measures they should adopt, are exceptional leadership dexterity only gifted officers of his caliber would have an insight. I am compelled by these rare feats to describe Lt.Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai, as an all-rounder military officer.

And when Nigerians again voted him, The Politico Magazine’s Man of the Year 2016, I nodded with a feeling of satisfaction that we are beginning to appreciate the rare gifts in Buratai and his sacrifices’ to protect the territorial boundaries and sovereignty of Nigeria.

And like Oliver Twist, if I may add, a man of Gen Buratai's stature truly deserves more of such awards in appreciation of his service to the nation. Having once served in the Army myself, I am convinced that no amount of honour or award is too much for a man of General Buratai's standing in a nation he has donated his life and comfort to serve meritoriously. He is an Army General that Nigerians will cherish for a long time. May God Almighty continue to protect and preserve Lt.Gen. Buratai and his family as well as the Nigerian soldiers.

Adebayor is a security consultant and contributed this piece from Lagos.

Boko Haram: Time To Win The Peace, By Abubakar Abubakar

Boko Haram: Time To Win The Peace, By Abubakar Abubakar
There is a moment that is gathering momentum that I totally subscribe to wholesale. It is the concept of winning the peace in Nigeria's northeast following the sacking of Boko Haram terrorists from Sambisa Forest. The terrorists' half a decade of madness left behind devastation beyond what those living in the areas have ever witnessed in their living memory. 

In the wake of the Nigerian Army capturing Sambisa Forest, the last stand of the terror sect, which is effectively winning the anti-terror war, people begin to talk about winning the peace in that region and by extension the country. 

There are also those that are talking about how it is impossible to defeat terrorists. When given the chance to further articulate their assertion, it turns out that they are fixated on dealing with terrorism using models that have been tried without success elsewhere. These groups of people fail to reckon with the unique approach adopted by the Nigerian Army, under Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai as Chief of Army Staff (COAS). 

Whatever the arguments that these sets of people want to come up with, it is better to be innovative in dealing with the challenges of terrorism, which has its peculiarities in Nigeria. If the Army captures or kills the last of the terrorists and we decide to remain in mental shackles then terrorism would remain a problem. This is what makes it imperative that we begin to think as stakeholders about how to come in and make impact now that the Army has done the larger part of the work. 

This is what makes the idea of winning the peace an attractive one that we must pursue to a logical conclusion if the ravages of Boko Haram terrorism must be put behind us especially for the younger ones, who must face the rest of their lives without carrying around too much of the scars of what they have been through. 

The task of winning the peace and stamping out the last vestige of Boko Haram lies on the people and their leaders in the region, particularly in Borno state where the terrorists' scourge is worst. They must consequently acknowledge that the task ahead for them is to win the peace if only for their people. 

A good starting point is for northeast political stakeholders to prevail on the factional Boko Haram leaders, Abubakar Shekau and Abu Musab al-Barnawi as well as their fleeing commanders and fighters to surrender now. The additional leverage offered by the intensified global onslaught on their major franchises in the middle east should be brought to bear since security experts have predicted that it is weakening – so Shekau and al-Barnawi should be made to realize that no help would come to their decimated numbers from the previous sources. 

A second approach is to cut off all uncanny support for those connected to Boko Haram in any capacity – fighters, strategists, financiers, pursers, propagandists, recruiters, sympathizers and just anyone whose association with the terror sect helped to make it deadly. What recent events revealed is that people unwittingly keep Boko Haram in place because of filial considerations that means people protect the group's members whom they first see as being family before being terrorists. But cutting off support for such errant family or clan members may help them see the folly of their association while depriving the terrorists the resources needed for regrouping. 

Once people can talk their relations into jettisoning the terrorists' ideology it should help isolate Shekau and al-Barnawi and further pressure them into giving up on any thoughts of regrouping. That should heighten the likelihood of them either submitting for processing and reintegration or they will look for other places to ply their evil wares but definitely not in Nigeria. 

Winning the peace further entails dispensing of the less than desirable behavior and sentiments that provided the fertile soil for terrorism to take root. Stakeholders in that geopolitical zone must accept the reality that any gain from exploiting Boko Haram as a tool for any purpose would be short term while the backlash would be even more devastating now that the terrorists have had the taste of defeat. 

Those in position of trust have roles to play. At the height of the insurgency, poverty was widely blamed for providing Boko Haram with tens of thousands impoverished youths as a pool to recruit from. The pressure on the economy from several factors has making poverty a more pressing issue than ever. The political class must therefore for once apply funds for what they are meant for so that by tackling poverty they starve terrorists of recruits. 

We must also dispense of the culture of political correctness that makes it possible for people to preach extremist views without fear of repercussion. Clerics that teach hate should be sanctioned and that works only when "powerful people" in government are not providing cover for such Boko Haram recruiters.

Even coming up with fresh ideas on how to finish off the remnant of Boko Haram will contribute to winning the peace. It is something that stakeholders in the northeast cannot afford to leave for others to do for them. Boko Haram was a national plague but the horrors of its destructive days were felt most in that particular region for which the stakeholders were blamed either for not doing enough when it mattered or for being part of the problem for petty reasons. This is what makes it imperative that stakeholders drive the process of winning the peace while repudiating any form of backing to Boko Haram and other Nigerians will pitch in their support.

It is therefore inimical to the collective interest to seek political, religious or even economic capital by supporting Boko Haram to regroup. That would not be winning the peace. If the capture of Sambisa Forest can be likened to cutting off the head of the serpent now is the time to incinerate its carcass just to be doubly sure it will not play any hydra trick on all of us.

ABUBAKAR is Chairman, Planning Committee of North EAST Mega Rally for Peace, Writes from Damaturu.

BREAKING: Police Arrests Premium Times Publisher, Dapo Olorunyomi Over Character Assassination Of CoAS, Buratai

Dapo Olorunyomi
 Premium Times' Publisher, Mr Dapo Olorunyomi
The Publisher of Online Newspaper, Premium Times, Mr Dapo Olorunyomi, as well as the judiciary correspondent of the paper Evelyn Okakwu were on Thursday arrested by police officers over allegations of defamation of character and libellous story published against the Chief Of Army Staff (COAS) Lt Gen TY Buratai.

The Police, it was gathered acted on a warrant of arrest issued against the Newspaper by a Wuse 2 Magistrate Court Thursday evening as to enable the police carry out a thorough investigation into the matter.

The arrest is coming on the heels of a petition written by Osuagwu Ugochukwu Esq, attorney to Lt Gen TY Buratai, to the FCT police commissioner, decrying a "false and malicious story" written by Premium Times against his client and the refusal of the Newspaper to retract the story

Our reporter gathered that the Court order for the arrest was issued at the FCT Chief Magistrate Court Wuse Zone 2, Abuja earlier Thursday afternoon.

It would also be recalled that the Nigerian Army had also written to Premium Times, urging the Newspaper to withdraw a report where it Lt Gen Buratai is being investigated by Code of Conduct Bureau, a story which was later confirmed to be false but the media outfit refused to do so.
In the petition, Buratai's attorney had complained that the PREMIUM TIMES informed the public that his Client, Lt Gen Buratai is being investigated by Code of Conduct Bureau.

According to him, this story received wide publication and readership, adding that it created bad image for his Client and caused Military men on the field to get worried about their Boss even when the said story was false and fabricated.
Read full text of petition:
January 18 2017


Dear SIR


We are Solicitors to LT.GEN. T.Y.BURATAI, CHIEF OF ARMY STAFF and write you as per his instructions.

By a December 12 2016 publication by PREMIUMTIMES penned by EVELYN OKAKWU with the title "Bureau to investigate Army Chief Buratai for alleged false asset declaration" the PREMIUM TIMES informed the public that Our Client is being investigated by Code of Conduct Bureau. This story received wide publication and readership. In fact it created bad image for Our Client and caused Military men on the field to get worried about their Boss even when the said story was false and fabricated.

It may interest you to know that the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) had since absolved the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Buratai of any infraction of the laws over the declaration of Dubai Flat.

The CCB through a letter dated July 11, 2016 with Reference CCB/HQ/671/G/1/6 and signed by Mrs. Ijeanuli Arinze Ofor on behalf of the CCB chairman emphatically stated that LT.Gen.T.Y.BURATAI never contravened the CCB Act.

Also by a letter dated 29TH SEPTEMBER, 2016 signed by the Chairman of CCB LT.Gen.T.Y.Buratai and Fourteen other public officers had submitted themselves for verification of assets and were found to be clean. The CCB thus ended investigation on assets of these officers and that of LT.Gen.T.Y.Buratai on September 29 2016 and issued them certificates of completion.
This Firm had on December 13 2016 reached out to the management of CCB and they have denied ever contradicting themselves on the assets issue of Our Client and that they stand on their September 29 2016 letter.

Sir, it is clear that the PREMIUM TIMES publication of December 12 2016 was done to incite the public against Our Client, tarnish his reputation and subject him to public ridicule. This is a case of injurious Falsehood and Criminal Defamation.

We urge you to invoke the relevant sections of the PENAL CODE to apprehend the said EVELYN OKAKWU and MANAGEMENT OF PREMIUMTIMES SERVICES LTD with a view to prosecuting them before the Abuja Courts.
Awaiting your kind prompt action Sir.

Principal Attorney and Human Rights ADVOCATE

Nigerian Army and Premium Times' Patriotism Contest, By Philip Agbese

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” ― Alexander Pope

Tukur Buratai
Even when we had always known that half knowledge is dangerous, nothing proves it better than the present scenario of the patriotism context between the Nigerian Army and Premium Times, an online newspaper. The Nigerian Army had written to the newspaper to threaten legal action if it does not meet its demand to retract libelous publications against the Army Chief, Lt TY Buratai and the Army. The newspaper recently upped series of publications that the army perceived as not only targeting it and its leadership but also deployed in support of Boko Haram terrorists given the timing of the news stories. 

Premium Times replied with a salvo from its counsel asking the army to withdraw its accusations, which it described as threat to its staff or face legal action after seven days. It went on to lay claim to being more patriotic than the army, which it accused of infractions spanning back as far as the 1967 civil war. 

Naturally, the faceoff has attracted a lot of public opinion and the side that gets more sympathy is not a subject of guesswork. Esprit de corps came in to play and in no time some media organizations that do not want to lose on the action reproduced Premium Times' response and the movement to defeat logic picked pace. 

This development is the tragedy of our time, whereby the media that has the responsibility of promoting national cohesion has been drawn into the murky fray of the behind the scene wranglings in the quest to defeat terrorism. While openly taking sides is bad enough for the publication, what is even more dangerous is the false premises upon which it is basing its action because of the half knowledge that is propelling its current campaign; Premium Times would like its numerous readers to believe that it is a champion of the freedom of expression as applicable in other climes. 

But what Nigerians need to fully appreciate is that the folks running Premium Times have deep ties with Americans and other western interests. It is therefore natural for Premium Times to want to hold institutions and leaders to account using the American cum western benchmarks, afterall it is what promotes the growth of democratic system worldwide or so do these folks think based on the knowledge uploaded into their brains by foreign partners and donors. But this is half knowledge. The other half of the knowledge, hidden in plain sight, is that the media in these other countries place national interest above all else. 

For instance, as far back as 2003 the Bush administration ordered the Pentagon to prevent any news coverage of the bodies of US troops being sent home from Iraq and that ban was not to be lifted until 2009 under Barack Obama. In the years that the ban subsisted no US media went on the kind of bender that Premium Times engaged in with the Nigerian Army. This is the same country whose media always cite technical problems each time their aircrafts are downed in enemy territory as a way of supporting their troops and not give morale to the opposing sides. Because of its half knowledge however, Premium Times has taken on a Messiah Complex and wrongly expects that it should be praised as the crusader for freedom in Nigeria while on the contrary it exists solely to sustain the western brainwash that would keep Nigerians colonized in perpetuity. 

The professionals at Premium Times also failed, because of their half knowledge, to offer instances in which any of their foreign collaborators were able to hobnob with al-Qaeda and ISIS on the scale they report for Boko Haram without consequences. 

The Army's allegations against the publication appeared far fetched but its response through the letter has clearly dismissed any doubt that it has an agenda. If the name "Nigerian Army" were redacted in that letter one could easily think Premium Times was referring to an army made up of foreigners – an army of occupation – and not one enlisted into by fellow Nigerians who give up luxury and comfort to fight terrorists. 

It is claiming to be patriotic even with the overwhelming evidence that its “exclusive” stories severally sold Nigeria's armed forces to terrorists. It did not addressed this in the letter just as it omitted to mention that other organizations had in the past accused it of using its correspondents as spokespersons for Boko Haram since Abu Qaqa and Abubakar Shekau lost their voices owing to the decimation of the terror group. Premium Times however found it necessary to insult our collective sensibilities by expressing fears that its writers could be found guilty and executed based on the Army’s allegations. To those who bothered to read between the lines such fears gave the hint that the army's accusations are spot on. 

This makes it nauseating that Premium Times continue to equate itself with the selfless services rendered to Nigeria by the real journalists of the days gone past. They continue to hype past experiences of seasoned journalists as if these persons have any iota of resemblance with the newspaper's actual current modus operandi that has done much to abuse the pen profession. They talk about fighting for democracy yet can only pay attention to pushing contents that are paid for even if by terrorists' affiliates; hiding such under the wrap of "advertorial" does little to lessen the inherent abuses. They want to measure themselves with troops from among the 300,000 armed forces who keep sleepless nights in the thickness of Sambisa Forest to keep the remaining 80 million Nigerians safe in their various homes.

Maybe Premium Times' brand of professionalism has taken its staff and management away from the reality of terrorism before the coming of a professional and seasoned military leader and war strategist like Lt. Gen TY Buratai who turned the table against Boko Haramists and their newest client. 

Col. Ali and many others paid the supreme price yet the Nigerian Army or their families never went to town to make noise about being the guardian of our democracy. Premium Times has attributed everything about the media to themselves as if it's few years of teething existence is enough to emasculate all fine gentlemen and women who have made their marks in this professional calling and still believe in the current leadership of the Nigerian Army. 

The Nigerian Army is however not without blame. It accorded Premium Times too much recognition and expected its neocon agents to be amenable to logical reasoning. Instead of its letter giving notice of intention to sue it should have simply served the necessary court documents after it must have instituted legal action, which would have saved the rest of us this circus show that the newspaper is putting up. 

If those to whom it matters must thus know, there is no need for patriotism context as the military and the decent section of the media have their roles to play in ensuring that Nigeria comes out of the current challenges stronger. 

While Premium Times struggles to justify the largess from its foreign partners that are interested in Nigeria's destabilization, Nigerians should find direction in the words of the Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki, whose message for the this year's Armed Forces Remembrance Day best summed up the issue: “Nobody would have imagined where we would have been if our military do not rise to the occasion every time that we face threats of internal and external aggression. These men continue to face the fire to ensure that the people of the North-eastern part of the country are not subjected to the unreasonable dictates of Boko Haram insurgents. 

"It is for these reasons that on occasions like this when we remember our heroes past, all men and women of the Nigerian Armed Forces who laid down their lives during the first and second world wars, the Civil War, the various internal disturbances like the Boko Haram, the entire country should unite to appreciate our military and pray for safety as well as victory for the men still at the battle fronts," he concluded.

Agbese writes from the United Kingdom.

EXCLUSIVE: Secret Shake-up In Nigerian Army, 11 Generals, Other Top Officers Affected

Tukur Buratai,
Premium Times's Exclusive - The Nigerian Army has either appointed or redeployed no fewer than 14 officers to different military units across the country.

The exercise, approved by the Chief of Army Staff, Tukur Buratai, on January 9, 2017, affected six major generals, five brigadier generals, two captains and one major, documents exclusively obtained by this newspaper showed.

It came a month after Mr. Buratai promoted 227 Army personnel, including a son of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Adeboye, who was made a colonel.

The first in the list of redeployed officials is M.H. Garba, a Major General, who was moved from Army Headquarters’ Department of Military Secretary to the Army Corps of Artillery.

Mr. Garba, whose redeployment takes effect from January 16, 2016, also received the Chief of Army Staff Commendation Award, the memo showed.

Next on the list is K.I. Abdulkarim, also a Major General, who was transferred from Nigerian Army 6 Division Headquarters to the Defence Headquarters with effect from January 12, 2017.

Major Generals O.U. Obono was moved from Nigerian Army Corps of Artillery Headquarters to the Defence Headquarters from January 12, 2017; and E.O. Udoh, from Defence Headquarters to the Nigerian Army 6 Division Headquarters from January 12, 2017.

Major General I.O. Rabio was moved from Nigerian Army School of Signals to Army Headquarters Department of Military Secretary from January 16, 2017.

Finally, Major General E.G. Whyte has been redeployed from Defence Headquarters to Nigerian Army School of Signals as the new commandant beginning January 12, 2017.

For the rank of brigadier general, the following officials were affected in the latest posting exercise.

I.A. Adegboye was transferred from Defence Headquarters to 82 Division Garrison as commandant with effect from January 12, 2017.

The appointment of S.O. Olabanji as the commandant of Nigerian Army Amphibious Training School will take effect from January 12, 2017. He was transferred from Nigerian Army 3 Brigade Headquarters.

O.T. Akinjobi was moved from 82 Division Garrison to 3 Brigade Headquarters as the new commandant with effect from January 12, 2017.
A. E. Attu was redeployed from the National Defence College to 9 Brigade as the new commandant with effect from January 12, 2017.

S. Mohammed has been transferred from 9 Brigade to Defence Headquarters as the Deputy Director of Land System from January 12, 2017.

From January 12, 2017, Captain A.M. Dankabo will remain in the Chief of Army Staff’s office as L.O.; while Captain I.N. Garba will move from the Chief of Army Staff’s office to the Nigerian Defence Academy as an instructor, also from January 12, 2017.

Effective January 7, 2017, Major H.I. Mbe was appointed as the ADC to the Chief of Army Staff.

Demystification of Sambisa Forest and Nigerians’ Pride In Buratai, By Okanga Agila

No lexicon can appropriately reflect the mood in Nigeria at the moment. But the gale of jubilation and torrents of accolades from all and sundry have explained the ecstasy more vividly than anything else.

Nigerians are so elated because eventually, the Nigerian Army has completed its mission of obliterating terrorists, by its final seizure of the dreaded Sambisa forest which until recently was the haven of Boko Haram Terrorists, in Borno state, Northeast, Nigeria. To every Nigerian, this victory is the rarest and the most cherished gift ever presented to them for Christmas and New Year.

Nigerian troops in the commanding frenzy of the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusuf Buratai finally humbled the remnants of Boko Haram Terrorists (BHTs), with a fatal blow and last onslaught, by the conquest of the hitherto dreaded Sambisa forest.

Sambisa forest is reportedly a mountainous region of Gwoza, on the fringes of the Cameroonian border. Nature has erected it on a large swathe of land unarguably bigger than some states in Nigeria. And it is reputed as a notorious hideout for terrorists, who have tormented Nigerians for years.

Sambisa is a forest that provides retreating terrorists with the protective shield, each time they strike. And in this inaccessible sanctuary, insurgents gather impetus to organize and launch fresh attacks on targets.  And at the peak of terrorism in Nigeria,  Sambisa remained  seemingly, an impenetrable fortress  for Boko Haram insurgents. And until its final capture, Sambisa forest still served as harbor for remnants of terrorists, soldiers forced into receding, as they congregated in it to plot occasional attacks on soft targets.       

But on December 22, 2016, after days of co-ordinated ground assaults by troops of the Operation Rescue Final (ORF) which is a brain child of Operation of Lafiya Dole demystified Sambisa forest. Nigerian troops also captured the camp zero cave, which housed commanders inside the Sambisa forest, in a sensational, unbeatable and vicious military assault on the terrorists’ tent.

When Nigerian troops, assailed the Sambisa forest, the terrorists opened fire on the troops, who gallantly repelled. When it became obvious to the terrorists that they could no longer sustain the “joke”, they had started, Nigerian troops, descended hard on the outlaws, who were eventually subdued by the superior fire power of Nigerian soldiers.

Some accounts of the operation reportedly said nearly 5,000 troops were deployed for the military expedition in Sambisa forest. And troops cordoned and assailed the forest from various axis, trapping the terrorists in their dungeons’.

Thus, the last victory of the Nigerian Army over BHTs marks the completion of the circle of cleansing of Nigeria of all traces of terrorists. It again pungently relive memories of the promise the COAS, Lt.Gen. Buratai made to Nigerians when President Muhammedu Buhari (PMB) appointed him to lead the Nigerian Army and the anti-terrorism campaigns in the Northeast and the rest of Nigeria. PMB’s brief to him was simple; to end the menace of terrorists in Nigeria. 

By this order, Buratai, a shrewd Army General was apparently prodded by his Commander-In-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces to tramp his familiar path. He instantly covenanted and   firmly assured Nigerians on July 14, 2015 of ending the menace of   Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria by end of December of the same year. Nigerians had heard such fruitless promises in the past; so many cynics took his words for granted, hence, “once beaten, twice shy.”

But stepping out on this national assignment, Buratai blended his words with action, by applying his ingeniousness in military warfare to battle terrorists. And by December 2015, Boko Haram terrorists were not only decimated, but “technically” defeated in partial   fulfillment of his promise.  

Nigerians suddenly noticed that terrorists could no longer freely unleash their lethal weapons in bombing motor parks, shopping malls, mosques, churches,   schools, hospitals, banks, markets and offices in Abuja, the Northeast and other parts of the North.  Terrorists’ attempts to penetrate parts of Southern Nigeria were also foiled.  

More respite berthed in Nigeria when the terrorists were decapitated against striking choice targets and holding communities hostage for hours, killing, burning and abducting innocent Nigerians. They could no longer annex Nigerian territories and declare these areas Boko Haram “Islamic Caliphate.” Rather, Nigerian soldiers reclaimed the nearly 20 LGAs and communities in the Northeast, severed from Nigeria and held hostage by the terrorists.

The case of the abducted Chibok schools girls was peculiarly empathetic because of their innocence and it attracted greater attention;  but it never crossed the minds of many Nigerians  that  Boko Haram had taken hostage of over 25, 000  Nigerians they held in captivity, within and outside the shores of Nigeria before mid-2015.

Gen. Buratai led the Nigerian Army to rescue over 20, 000 of these abductees’ months back at different intervals and locations. And even with the launch of ORF, army authorities have disclosed the rescue of another 1,800 Nigerians from Boko Haram manacles.  And since the Chibok schoolgirls could not be found in the punctured Sambisa forest and in line with the focus of ORF, Buratai has charged Nigerian troops to ensure the remaining Chibok girls are also freed.  The Nigerian Army also massively received Boko Haram terrorists who voluntarily surrendered and denounced the satanic sect.

It is also worthwhile to pontificate that the remnants of the insurgents got to a pitiable level of helplessness, as they struggled frantically to even survive; some faced internal rebellion within their families, which kicked against abandonment to hunger, threats of soldiers and continuous excommunication from the sane society.

And the residues of terrorists receded farther into the hinterland and finally   into Sambisa forest, erroneously thinking it was their safest haven.  

Having effectively curtailed terrorists’ isolated attacks on soft targets, Gen. Buratai eventually launched the ORF under the Operation Lafiya Dole military command Center in Maiduguri, headed by Maj.Gen. Lucky Irabor, the Theatre Commander. So, December 22, 2016 was terrorists’ final doomsday, as they met their waterloo in the hands of Nigerian soldiers.

At the birth of ORF, the Army chief again promised Nigerians that its sole mission and mandate was to flush out remnants of terrorists and rescue every Nigerian still held in captivity. This promise too has reached its full moon, with the fall few days ago, of the dreaded Sambisa forest, with soldiers’ harvest of Boko Haram terrorists in droves.  Gen. Irabor   broke the cheering news about the final freedom of Nigeria from terrorists a few days ago.

Evidently, it was a Christmas and of course the New Year gift that has ever pleased President Buhari  in his entire life, like the final victory on terrorists’ as he jubilantly said: “I am delighted at, and most proud of the gallant troops of the Nigerian Army, on receipt of the long-awaited and most gratifying news of the final crushing of Boko Haram terrorists in their last enclave in Sambisa forest."
"I want to use this opportunity to commend the determination, courage and resilience of troops of Operation Lafiya Dole at finally entering and crushing the remnants of the Boko Haram insurgents at Camp Zero, which is located deep within the heart of Sambisa forest.”

The development has sparked pervasive jubilations across Nigeria, defiling religion, political party affiliation or any creed. The excitement about the defeat of terrorists as symbolized by the collapse of the Sambisa forest has turned hitherto staunch critics of the PMB administration to believers in his leadership, as they heap accolades on his government and the Nigerian military.

Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, an ardent critic of the insurgency war under Buhari and a man who believes, without him as President of Nigeria, Boko Haram would remain a national festering sore, spontaneously made a u-turn, erupting in joy and praises. An elaborate public statement credited to him said the army has actualized its promise to defeat terrorists. Atiku succinctly confessed that the outstanding victory against terrorists is a consequence of committed and focused leadership of PMB and the military Commanders at the battlefront among others.

Even the opposition PDP neutralized its anti-Buhari sentiments, as the party regaled in the feeling of the triumph of Nigeria over Boko Haram terrorists.  The party’s national publicity Secretary,  Prince Dayo Adeyeye,  said, “We also congratulate the President (Buhari) for his dogged pursuit of the war against insurgency.”

As the euphoria of celebrations of the victory against terrorists intensifies in the months ahead, Nigerians would continue to adore and cherish President Buhari;  the COAS, Lt.Gen. Buratai; other Service and Security Chiefs; battlefield theatre commanders, and indeed, the gallant men and officers of the Nigerian military for this wonderful dogged fight which has led to the Actualisation of the gigantic feat. 

Buratai symbolizes this crucial springboard of freedom from terrorism and Nigerians are proud of him, Nigeria and its leader. And like the Holy Book says, the Army Chief is indeed a “Son, in whom we are well pleased,” as the pillar of the pride of Nigeria.

Okanga writes from Agila, Benue State.

Army Converts Captured Sambisa Forest To Military Training Ground

Army Converts Captured Sambisa Forest To Military Training Ground
The Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Tukur Buratai has disclosed that Sambisa Forest, which was recently recovered from insurgents, will now serve as training centre for the army.

He said already, he had directed that the Nigerian Army small arms championship for 2017 should hold in the forest.

This is just as former military president, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida has hailed the successful recovery of Sambisa Forest by the Nigeria Military, saying it has further confirmed his confidence that President Muhammadu Buhari will crush Boko Haram.

Speaking at a camp fire ceremony with troops of 145 Battalion Damasak, Borno State, to mark Christmas celebration, Buratai said: “We are opening up roads in Sambisa Forest to site a base. It is going to be one of our training centres in the country as well as ground for testing acquired equipment before putting them into operation. A similar thing will be established at Alagarno, the former acclaimed spiritual base of Boko Haram before their defeat there.

“ We want to thank you, officers and soldiers of the Nigerian Army, especially the theatre commander, Operation Lafiya Dole, the GOCs and all the soldiers fighting insurgency in Borno and Northeast for bringing Boko Haram terrorists to their knees. My gratitude also goes to the officers and soldiers of the Nigerian Air Force and Nigerian Navy whose collaboration has made the work fruitful.”

Earlier, the Chief of Army Staff reopened the Maiduguri-Gubio-Kareto-Damasak and Maiduguri-Monguno-Baga highways for commercial activities, following the emerging peace in Borno, with a strong warning to the personnel and members of National Union of Road Transport workers and National Union of Road Transport Employees to desist from any sort of extortion on the highways.

The two major highways, which are transit routes for trade between Nigeria, Chad and Niger Republic, particularly in the areas of smoked fish, hide and skin, cattle, gum Arabic, rice and beans, among others, were closed two years ago by the military because of Boko Haram activities.

Buratai charged troops to ensure that the highways are not only free from accidents, but also free from insurgents.

“This is a great day as the occasion is dedicated to members of Road Transport workers and Employers whose activities were crippled by Boko Haram.

“But I must warn everyone assigned on this road not to indulge in any form of extortion from the road users as anyone caught will be dealt with,” he warned.

Borno state governor, Kashim Shettima, who witnessed the reopening of the roads, described this year’s Christmas as the best since his election as governor, because of the remarkable events in his life and that of Borno

“Since I was elected as governor of Borno state, this is the best Christmas I have ever witnessed. It is in this Christmas that the Nigerian Army established their supremacy against Boko Haram in Sambisa. It is in this 2016 that many communities were liberated from Boko Haram. It is in this same year that the 21 Chibok girls were rescued at once by the military. It is Borno and Nigeria’s year of Victory,” the governor stated.

In a statement in Minna, Niger State, yesterday, Babangida said he was highly delighted with the news of the successful operations of “Our gallant military personnel in the Sambisa Forest.”

He lauded the courage and determination of President Buhari, army chiefs and other security personnel for their sacrifices for the liberation of Sambisa Forest and adjoining abodes of Boko Haram.

The former president reiterated that the crushing of Boko Haram in Sambisa Forest has reaffimed his position that “President Muhammed Buhari and the military are capable of crushing any challenge of territorial integrity of Nigeria.”

“May I rejoice with the government and Nigerians on the successful dislodging of Boko Haram from their base in Sambisa. With the successful takeover of the Sambisa Forest, l hope that very soon, the remaining Chibok girls will be located and reunited with their families,” he added.

Babangida also paid tributes to all fallen heroes for paying the supreme sacrifice in their efforts of keeping the nation from aggression.

According to him, “the labour of our heroes past shall never been in vain.”

He further urged the military to unveil a new strategy of further defeating pockets of insurgents/terrorists, armed bandits and cattle rustlers all over the country.

Meanwhile, the federal government has congratulated the gallant troops of the Nigerian military for finally seizing the Sambisa Forest from the dreaded Boko Haram terrorists and securing the North-east, paving the way for the re-opening of two strategic roads in Borno state.

Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, in a statement, appealed to Nigerians to continue to support the troops as they clear the remnants of the terrorists who are now on the run.

He also called for increased vigilance among Nigerians, as Boko Haram escapees seek to integrate themselves into communities far and near, saying eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

‘’We urge Nigerians to keep our gallant and victorious troops in their prayers, and to also imbibe the mantra of ‘if you see something, say something’ as a way of ensuring that no escaped terrorist is able to wreak havoc in their communities. It is also important to know that now that they have been dispossessed of their fortress, the Boko Haram escapees will intensify their cowardly attacks on vulnerable targets if only to maintain an illusion of terror. But there should be no panic because the worst is over,’’ Alhaji Mohammed said.

While commending the military for the re-opening of the Maiduguri-Gubio-Damasak road and the Maiduguri-Mungono-Baga road, he hailed Governor Shettima for his unwavering support for the military and his administration’s determination to quickly restore normalcy across the state.

The Minister said it was in recognition and celebration of the great feat performed by the military that he decided to lead over 30 Nigerian and international journalists to join the minister of defence, Brigadier Gen Mansur Dan Ali (retd), the service chiefs and the Governor of Borno state, at the opening of the two strategic roads.

Alhaji Mohammed said overall, the leadership provided by President Buhari provided the much-needed impetus for the military’s victory in the North-east, and urged Nigerians to continue to give their unalloyed support to the president in his untiring efforts to restore peace and security across the country and also revamp the economy.


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