Tukur Yusufu Buratai - News Proof

Tukur Yusufu Buratai

Buratai: A Conversation With Mandela,‎ By Yemi Ola

In the ancient world of the Greeks, philosopher kings were venerated and revered by the gravity of their wisdom. They had a fascinating foresight and knowledge, which elevated their status beyond ordinary mortals by the sheer veracity of their wi...

CCB Commendation: Buratai’s Innocence Re-echoes

By Philip Agbese Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai Truth cannot be suppressed forever. It frees itself from the chains of dark forces to assert itself unstoppably. It chases away the shadows of falsehood and triumph...

Showing posts with label Tukur Yusufu Buratai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tukur Yusufu Buratai. Show all posts

Buratai: A Conversation With Mandela,‎ By Yemi Ola

Tukur Buratai
In the ancient world of the Greeks, philosopher kings were venerated and revered by the gravity of their wisdom. They had a fascinating foresight and knowledge, which elevated their status beyond ordinary mortals by the sheer veracity of their wittiness.

In modern Africa, Mr. Nelson Mandela, pioneer democratic President of South Africa and the unbendable guru of anti-apartheid struggles in Africa represent these ancient philosopher kings in aura and the timelessness of his prophetic power of wisdom.

Mandela must have had Nigeria’s current Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai in mind years back, when he prophesied that “The world will not respect Africa, until Nigeria earns that respect. The black people of the world need Nigeria to be great as a source of pride and confidence.”

Lt. Gen. Buratai has been anointed by divine forces to serve as the springboard in consummating this prophecy. It is indisputable, like Mandela asserted that with Buratai’s Pan- Africanist inclination, her people have seen the Biblical Moses of their time and a liberator of the continent by his profound statement and pragmatism about Africa’s greatness.

Buratai’s credentials of liberation in the battle against terrorism has been re-echoed in many climes around the world. The recent African Leadership Magazine award conferred on Buratai is yet another fulfillment of this scripture nearer home, as 'Prophet' Nelson Mandela was inspired to divulge years back.

So, whether Nigeria’s foes scream ferociously at Buratai or enemies explode at him with passions of hate, it has never blurred the sight of a conscious world from acknowledging this rare Nigerian and a special gift to Africa. Buratai is always figured out from the midst of shining stars as very unique Nigerian Army General cum African.

Boko Haram Terrorists (BHTs) dread Buratai; the sect’s foreign sponsors/conspirators and internal agents within Nigeria despise him or Nigerian soldiers for vanquishing the reign of terror on the people. But it does not stop Nigerians, Africa and the international community in unabatedly feting an exceptional, enigmatic soldier of modern times.

Lt. Gen. Buratai’s shelf of awards or recognitions again swelled within the week with the award conferred on him by the African Leadership Magazine. The Leadership magazine itself is published by African Leadership (UK) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom.

Its priorities include, exposing the best and the finest aspects of the cultures and traditions of Africa and Africans to the global table of progress and also celebrating the continent’s unbeatable personalities in all disciplines. It delights in narrating the African story from an African perspective and at the same time; proffering sound panaceas to the dozen peculiar challenges of the continent today to stir robust debates and actions.

The medal by African Leadership Magazine to Lt. Gen. Buratai was tagged “Special Recognition Award in Fight Against Terrorism.” The event was held at Sandro Sun Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa and Ghana's immediate past President, Dr. John Dramani Mahama decorated Buratai in absentia, but through a worthy representative, Major Gen. Peter Dauke, the General Officer Commanding 3 Division.

The Thursday’s award to Lt.Gen Buratai is a further confirmation of his imposing positive shadows on Africa and the globe generally. Again, an analysis of the decoration of the Nigerian Army Chief with an award by African Leadership Magazine reveal the very interesting, innovative and focused leadership of the Nigerian Army (NA) by the Borno state-born Army General. Like in preceding awards, Lt.Gen. Buratai emerged topmost from an array of high profile Africans tipped for such recognition.

The panelists deemed the Army boss unsurpassable for the award, not just because of defeating the hitherto dreaded BHTs, but for also professionally repositioning the NA as soldiers who can loudly trumpet the continent’s progressive qualities in militarism. Many may not sense or may underrate the threats the Iranian ISIS’s-backed BHTs posed to the African continent. That the terrorists adopted Nigeria’s platform, Africa’s giant as their launching pad for terrorism is explicable and spurred for strategic reasons.

The evil calculation against African people is that in the event terrorism overwhelms and annexes Nigeria, no country on the continent can summon the courage to face the terrorists or deal with terrorism. Nigeria’s defeat of terrorism is Africa’s symbolic defeat of terrorism, just like the triumph of Nigeria over BHTs is also emblematic of the victory of Africa over the evil of terrorists. Thus far, Buratai has made a loud, Pan-Africanist statement to the world that Africa is capable and has the strength to defeat terrorism within record time.

Lt.Gen. Buratai has remained a pleasant reference point in this struggle because since his appointment as Nigeria’s COAS in July 2015 by President Muhammadu Buhari, he spared nothing to crush Boko Haram insurgents. Indeed, Nigerians are lucky for Buhari to have discovered one of her finest Army Generals in Buratai to crusade and lead the prosecution of the anti-terrorism campaigns and other acts of violent criminality that odiously became the past time of some Nigerians, who are ennobled by foreign allies.

Under Buratai, Nigerian soldiers have not only demonstrated valour in the battlefield against terror, but have shown the capacity and interest to liberate Nigeria nay Africa, without necessarily violating the rules of engagements on such special assignments.

Nigerians began to see a new breed of soldiers because the Army boss introduced numerous internal reforms, which manifested in the showcase of a professional and result-orientated army. Buratai emulated the footprints of President Buhari by instituting transparency, accountability, equity and fairness in the administration of the Nigerian Army.

For the first time in the history of Nigeria, Buratai established the Human Rights Desk at the Army Headquarters (AHQs) in Abuja, which he replicated in various units and commands of the NA to handle inadvertent cases of human rights violations or abuses. He ensured no soldier operated under the mistaken illusion that he could traduce any aspect of the reforms without being punished. Scores of soldiers who have had such complaints lodged against them by members of the public have been summarily disciplined by NA, a novel experience in Nigeria.

Lt.Gen. Buratai’s pan-African disposition is further advertised and greased by his penetrative interests in issues of security in Africa. In the places of foreign assignments he served particularly in Africa, like in the Angola and the Multi-National Joint Task Force (M-NJTF) the Army General distinguished himself as a unique professional soldier.

He ensured excellence wherever he served and perfectly combined soldiering and administrative leadership acumen to impact on the Army. Buratai’s present involvement in the return of durable peace in Nigeria’s ravaged Northeast and the voluntary enlistment of soldiers in the rebuilding efforts in the region are enviable qualities that have singled him out as a leader with a standing ovation at all times.

It explains the smartness with which he trailed Boko Haram insurgents and their veiled agents in Nigeria. He chased terrorists in the battlefield and when they resorted to cyber terrorism, Buratai was clairvoyant to notice the change in tactics by the enemies and switched over immediately. He developed counter-strategies against cyber terrorism against the army and Nigerians which worked effectively and rendered the enemies prostrate. Today, with Buratai on the saddle, terrorists or their agents have lost on all fronts.

Additionally, Buratai has a seamless working relationship with his subordinates and other arms of the military top hierarchy. Hardly do you see in him, the brashness and haughtiness military officers wear as badge everywhere they go. He personally leads soldiers at the battlefields. And in his office at the AHQs Abuja, Buratai plays host to every Nigerian who wishes to have audience with him.

With an infectious inviting mien, the Army General unconsciously disarms his rivals both in military and intellectual engagements. He remains a rare gem, an indefatigable soldier, a Peoples General and hero of all times in near and distant lands.

Many say a prophet is not honoured at home, but Buratai has broken this myth. He has been honoured at home and abroad. Like Mandele said, Africa and indeed, the black people are beginning to earn their respect in the comity of nations because Nigeria is being honoured in Buratai’s positive security exploits. This is Buratai’s sublime conversation with Mandela, the African epitome of freedom and selflessness.
Ola is a former member of the National Assembly and retired academic.

CCB Commendation: Buratai’s Innocence Re-echoes

By Philip Agbese

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai
Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS)
Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai
Truth cannot be suppressed forever. It frees itself from the chains of dark forces to assert itself unstoppably. It chases away the shadows of falsehood and triumph over lies and blackmail in an unrestricted outpouring of its effervescent light.

Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai’s happiness must have been flavoured by this power of truth and innocence. The Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) days back, passed a verdict that exonerated the Army Chief of any illegality in his ownership of properties in Dubai, United Arab Emirate (UAE). This was after the CCB conducted field and other verifications of declared assets of public officers.

Prior to this time, some retrogressive elements in Nigeria almost crucified Buratai for allegedly owing properties in Dubai. They obstinately and noisily claimed, he acquired the property corruptly with public funds.

His accusers vainly struggled to explain that as Director of Procurement at the Army HQ, Buratai diverted the funds meant for the procurement of vehicles and motorcycles for troops in the anti-terrorism war in Nigeria’s Northeast states.

The Army Chief’s wives, Mrs. Aishatu Tukur Buratai and Mrs. Ummul Kalsum Tukur Buratai were also dragged into the matter, as jointly owning the N120 million worth of properties in Dubai, which a reputable Dubai-based property developer, The First Group, (TFG) transacted on behalf of the family.

The anger of his detractors stemmed from the unproven conviction that the properties acquired since 2013 were paid in one full transaction. This was the only strew his antagonists erroneously held to believe it must have been proceeds of sleaze funds while in office.

But in truth, Buratai has held innumerable top command positions in his career in the Army. His accusers claim the Dubai properties were corruptly acquired in 2013, when Buratai was director of procurement at the Defence Headquarters. But records indicate that Buratai was appointed to that position on February 17, 2014. Their claim made no sense to a discerning mind, but they persisted because of their masked paymasters. It was the first lie they blatantly refused to acknowledge. It simply didn’t rhyme.

But displaying a frankness alien to Nigeria’s public office holder of his caliber, Buratai shocked and disarmed his accusers by admitting ownership of the Dubai property. He also disclosed that the family paid instalmentally for the property spanning a number of years.

The COAS was clear that money for the purchase of the properties were his personal savings for years. Another marked departure from the norm of high profile public office holders in Nigeria, Buratai has also been including the Dubai properties in his assets declaration form with the CCB upon its acquisition, which predates his appointment as Director of Procurement, Defence Headquarters and later, COAS.

In addition, TFG firm confirmed a clean and legal transaction with Buratai, indicating compliance with the extant laws of Nigeria and UAE.

In a succinct statement in Abuja, the estate agent averred that, “The First Group’s Nigerian agent, TFG Real Estate, Limited, fully abides by Nigeria’s anti-money laundering regulations. In line with this commitment, TFG Real Estate, Limited regularly files the required reports with the section of the Special Control Unit on Money Laundering (SCUML) division of the EFCC in Abuja.”

These explanations still failed to assuage the feeling of detractors bent on crucifying him. But even an Abuja based legal practitioner and human rights activist, Ugochuk­wu Osuagwu dismissed the allegations as diver­sionary. He was hurt that some Nigerians adjudged Buratai guilty even before investigation based on the bandwagon mentality of celebrating collective sensation.

There were series of proven denials of any impropriety on the Buratai Dubai property saga. But the detractors never gave it a thought. The Nigerian Army HQ did not only accept Buratai’s ownership of the two properties in Dubai, but also explained in floating details how they were lawfully acquired with legitimate earnings.

The Acting Director, Army Public Relations, Sani Usman stated; “It is a fact that the Buratai family have two properties in Dubai that were paid for instalmentally through personal savings three years ago. This, along with other personal assets, have consistently been declared by General Buratai in his Assets Declaration Form as Commander Multinational Joint Task Force and as Chief of Army Staff.”

These efforts at clarity never sufficiently interrogated the campaigners and agents of distraction or blackmail. They doubted Buratai’s claim of declaring the Dubai assets with the CCB. Rather, they upped the campaign against his person and integrity voicing his removal and accusing President Muhammedu Buhari of shielding corrupt appointees.

Fresh activism groups emerged, sponsored petitioners sprouted, even within the army and idle Nigerians suddenly became busy, with loud calls for his sack, resignation and prosecution by the anti-graft agency, the EFCC.

But they could not bury the truth for long or use it to perpetually haunt an innocent soul. Truth has now resurrected to affirm Buratai’s incorruptibility, honesty and unblemished records; a rarity with Nigeria’s high profile personalities.

Just days’ back, the CCB, chairman, Mr. Sam Saba, listed Buratai, as one of the few public officers in Nigeria who have responsibly declared their assets, with no “issues” with their assets declaration requirements. The Army Chief received this dignified commendation alongside other Nigerians, who from the outset believed in President Buhari’s preachments on corruption and adherence to the new character code of “change” in moral and ethical dispositions.

Interestingly, many other high profile public office holders including Ministers of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Service Chiefs and other top Public Officers have issues with the CCB over the assets declaration. But Buratai was not in this clan. He passed the test and his persecutors would now have to reluctantly look elsewhere to exercise their instincts of destruction.

No doubt, Gen. Buratai remains a hero for Nigerians who are genuinely inspired by the noble service of other compatriots for their fatherland. The unwarranted assaults on his person and family, is the usual mudslinging some deviants practice as a trade in accordance with the dictates of their paymasters.

Nevertheless, Buratai should be consoled that a true messiah suffers his fate, in the hands of the same people he has devoted his life and energy to salvage.

Jesus Christ bore this burden when he came to liberate a sinful man from the clutches of the devil. And in spite of his innocence divine mission, He suffered persecution in the court of Pontius Pilate. But today the whole world adores and worships His enduring anointment as a Messiah for his resolute spirit that has saved mankind.

While not necessarily likening him with Jesus Christ, its undeniable that Buratai’s travails share some semblance with the narrative of Christ. Buratai confronted and defeated some beasts garbed as Boko Haram terrorists who held the country to ransom for years. But instead of appreciation, the same people who are now savoring the fruits of his selfless service sharpened arsenals to wickedly pierce his integrity and reputation built over the years, with diversionary accusations about his ownership of properties in Dubai.

That his own constituency, the army was fooled into the game by writing petitions against him is painful enough. Like Jesus Christ was betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, the few soldier-petitioners also betrayed Buratai, but the bulk of the Nigerian Army stand solidly behind him to see to a final annihilation of terrorism in the country. He should therefore not falter at his betrayal, but see his natural exoneration as his special protection by God Almighty to serve his people better.

With the emerging incontrovertible truth about his Dubai properties, Nigerians, particularly, those who orchestrated this campaign of calumny against the Army Chief and his family, should not only retract from their odd ways, but also tender unreserved apologies to the family. To err is human. But to realize your guilt or mistakes and confess is Godly. It has the power to re-invent and cleanse your soul.

But surely, after darkness comes light. As Buratai’s innocence re-echoes at dawn, it should be a soothing balm to all those similarly persecuted.

Agbese is a public affairs analyst and contributed this piece from the United Kingdom.


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